-gravitational waves-


*as of ‘16 SEPTEMBER 2023’*


*simulation of the collision of 2 ‘black holes’*

*in addition to forming ‘deep gravity wells’ and coalescing into a single larger ‘black hole’, ‘gravitational waves’ will propagate outwards as the ‘black holes’ spin past each other*


(the equivalent of the ‘photon’ in ‘electro-magnetic waves’)


*‘gravitational waves’ are ripples in the curvature of ‘spacetime’ that propagate as ‘waves’, generated in certain ‘gravitational interactions’ and travelling outward from their source*


(predicted in 1916 by ‘albert einstein’ on the basis of his theory of general relativity, gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation, a form of radiant energy similar to ‘electromagnetic radiation’)

(gravitational waves cannot exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, since ‘newtonian theory’ postulates that physical interactions propagate at ‘infinite speed’)

(‘gravitational-wave astronomy’ is an emerging branch of observational astronomy which aims to use gravitational waves to collect observational data about objects such as neutron stars and black holes, events such as supernovae, and processes including those of the early universe shortly after the ‘big bang’)

(various ‘gravitational-wave observatories’ (aka ‘detectors’) are ‘under construction’ or in ‘operation’, such as ‘advanced LIGO’ which began observations in ‘september 2015’)

(potential sources of detectable gravitational waves include binary star systems composed of (‘white dwarfs’ / ‘neutron stars’ / ‘black holes’*


*on ‘11 february 2016’, the ‘LIGO scientific collaboration’ + ‘virgo collaboration’ teams announced that they had made the first observation of ‘gravitational waves’, originating from a pair of merging black holes using the ‘advanced LIGO detectors’*








👈👈👈☜*“QUANTUM GRAVITY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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