guillermo velez


(born 6 july 1992)
(yea right!)

(princeton high school)

(spanish form of “william”)

(met him @ lewis library)
(november 2015)

(friend of daniel mayes)



  • JoGa Bot

    so you’re not posing as anonymous any longer?

    that was corny man

  • Guillermo Velez
    3/1, 7:06pm

    Guillermo Velez


    ur corny

    gl with trying to track my ip adress cuz clearly im not home

  • JoGa Bot
    3/1, 7:09pm

    JoGa Bot

    Good comeback

    Guillermo is Spanish for William

  • Guillermo Velez
    3/1, 7:09pm

(threw rocks at me with daniel while i was busking @ princeton garden theater)


(he ran away when i caught him)

(then he and daniel followed me)

(i told him i was going to report him to the police and get his parents deported)

(daniel: “you don’t know his address!”)
(at witherspoon plaza)

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