-james 2-*the apostle*

son of ‘Alphaeus’ (Ἰάκωβος, Iakōbos in Greek; 

Hebrew: יעקב בן חלפי‎‎ Ya’akov ben Halfay)


-‘James 2’ was one of the ’12 Apostles’ of ‘Jesus’, appearing under this name in all 3of the ‘Synoptic Gospels’ lists of the ‘apostles’-


(he is often identified with James the Less (Greek Iakōbos ho mikros, Ἰάκωβος ὁ μίκρος Mark 15:40) and commonly known by that name in church tradition)

(he is also labelled “the minor”, “the little”, “the lesser”, or “the younger”, according to translation)

(he is distinct from ‘James’, son of ‘Zebedee’ and in some interpretations also from ‘James’, brother of ‘Jesus’ (‘James the Just’)

(he appears only 4 times in the ‘New Testament’, each time in a list of the ’12 apostles’)








👈👈👈☜*THE 12 APOSTLES* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “famous james” (the dead) | *JoGa Jungle*
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