
(hebrew: קָרְבָּן‎ qorbān)

(also corban)


*in ‘judaism’, the qorban is any of a variety of ‘sacrificial offerings’ described + commanded in the ‘torah’*


(the most common usages are animal sacrifice (zevah זֶבַח), peace offering and olah “holocaust”)

(a qorban was a ‘kosher’ animal sacrifice (such as a ‘bull’ / ‘sheep’ / ‘goat’ / ‘deer’ / ‘dove’ (???)) that underwent shechita (‘jewish ritual slaughter’))

“a ‘dove’???”

(parallel this modern-day outrage with ‘brooke baldwin’ vs ‘clay travis’ and her reaction to ‘1st amendment’ / ‘boobs’)

(sacrifices could also consist of ‘grain’ / ‘meal’ / ‘wine’ / ‘incense’)

(‘offerings’ were often ‘cooked’ and most of it eaten by the ‘offerer’, with parts given to the ‘kohen priests’ and small parts burned on the ‘altar’ of the ‘temple in jerusalem’)

“what were they seeking to accomplish with these absolutely barbaric rituals?”

(only in special cases were all of the ‘offering’ given only to ‘god’, such as the case of the ‘scapegoat’)

(the ‘hebrew bible’ says that ‘god’ commanded the ‘israelites’ to offer ‘offerings’ and ‘sacrifices’ on various ‘altars’)

(the ‘sacrifices’ were only to be offered by the hands of the ‘kohenim’)

(before building the ‘temple’ in ‘jerusalem’, when the ‘israelites’ were in the ‘desert’, ‘sacrifices’ were offered only in the ‘tabernacle’)

(after building ‘solomon’s temple’, ‘sacrifices’ were allowed only there)

(after the ‘temple’ was destroyed, ‘sacrifices’ was resumed when the ‘2nd temple’ was built until it was also destroyed in ’70 CE’)

(after the destruction of the ‘2nd temple’, ‘sacrifices’ were ‘prohibited’ because there was no longer a ‘temple’ (the only place allowed by halakha for ‘sacrifices’)

(‘offering’ of ‘sacrifices’ was briefly reinstated during the ‘jewish–roman wars’ of the ‘2nd century CE’ and was continued in certain communities thereafter)


*sidenote* –>

(do wars often result in ‘blending’ of warring parties to create a ‘hybrid culture’?)

(as in the “roman catholics” resulting from the ‘jewish-roman wars”)


(when ‘sacrifices’ were offered in ‘ancient times’ they were offered as a fulfillment of the ‘613 commandments’ (!!!))


(since there is no longer a ‘temple’ (or ‘priests’), modern religious jews instead pray or offer tzedakah as a form of ‘charity’)

“what happened to all the ‘priests’?”

(the ‘practice’ and ‘nature’ of ‘sacrifices’ in ‘judaism’ are based on the ‘613 commandments’, ‘theology’, and halakha)

(according to the ‘jewish perception’, the ‘coming of the messiah’ will not remove the requirement to keep the ‘613 commandments’)

(most ‘orthodox jews’ believe that ‘animal sacrifice’ will be resumed once the ‘third temple’ is built, others believe that ‘prayer’ and ‘tzedakah’ will suffice)

(why hasn’t the ‘third’ (and final?) temple been built yet?)

(what will it take?)


(we’ve already moved the ‘american’ / ‘israeli’ embassy from ‘tel aviv’ to ‘jerusalem’)






👈👈👈☜*“JEWISH LAW”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥