"the telenovela diaries"

*22 APRIL 2015*

(‘john the baptist’ and i hit up the ‘ivy inn’)

bought myself a few PBRs…

the karaoke man wasn’t there that night but there was a laptop with some karaoke songs…

they didn’t have “she’s a woman” so i sang “hard to handle”…

chatted with a young married couple from brooklyn…

then we headed home at close…

a jappy princeton anthropology student named “luz grace terranova” approached me at the ivy inn bar…

she friended me on fb + liked the music page…

and gave me her #…

i suppose i fucked it up when john and i turned around after leaving the parking lot and asking them if they wanted to get high…

(she defriended me and deliked the music page after i met her)
(the very next day)
(this pissed me off)
(her excuse: “i’ve had bad encounters with ‘random people’ on fb”)


(the irony of an alleged ‘anthropology’ student using words like “random” and “weird” to describe the behavior of her fellow ‘humans’)


*20 JANUARY 2016*

(saw her getting on bike outside ‘CVS store’ on ‘nassau street’)

(i had just gotten off the ‘606 bus’)

(after downing 2 bottles of ‘tuss’)
(on a weeknight)
(she didn’t recognize me)

(i told her i had run into her several times in princeton)
(asked her if she had ever dyed her hair blonde)
(she said “no”)
(but gave me a beautiful little smile)

(then i saw her peddling down nassau street)
(she gave me a cute wave again)

i facebook messaged her the next day:

loose grace! you are a true adventuress! jumping over hoops of fire and pedaling through princeton traffic!

check out the fb page when you get a chance…facebook.com/jogalive2020…we’ve finally got some money behind the movement…

(no response)
(of course)

(and i can’t fb friend her)






👈👈👈☜*“TELENOVELA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥