"lucy"*emma's dog*


(and we walked ‘lucy’ around the ‘block’)

(she still growls at me)

“lucy” is emma’s 3-year-old shitsu bitch (named for “lucifer”).  

sensing that i’d be a competition for emma’s affection, she growled at me upon first sight.  

even though i attempted to befriend her by holding her @ eye level and staring lovingly into her eyes…

emma had “her dog” groomed today (the dog seemed more emma’s than the rest of the wolin family’s)…emma really loved her…i hope she’d start loving me soon…i was already falling in love with her…

lucy went to ‘puppy kindergarten’

black lab started humping lucy

neutered / spade

(joseph never got me a dog)

(lucy wakes up emma everyday @ 6am)

(we’ll send out christmas cards w/ lucy)

pick up emma and lucy from newark

lucy eats garbage
(how silly!)
(how disgusting yet utterly charming!)

(or should i say ‘lucille’?)

(i need a male pet counterpart)

(lucy likes the big dogs)

she returned on new year’s eve.  i used mama’s honda to pick her up @ newark airport (continental terminal C) and drive her back to watchung.  a female airport cop chastised me for lingering round the pickup area.  emma finally arrived.

i’d not completed the mission to fulfillment
(she wanted me to bring her “lucy” and flowers)

she needs someone to cuddle

(pillow or lucy)

she’s probably hooked up with lucy

(although ‘lucy’ is OK)








*EMMA’S PETS* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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