‘circa 1990’
*’age 56’*
(arrested by ‘us marshals’ in ‘miami’)
(after american forces invaded panama + overthrew his government)
*“manuel antonio noriega moreno“*
‘spanish pronunciation’ –>
[maˈnwel noˈɾjeɣa]
’11 february 1934′ – ’29 may 2017′
‘brain tumor’
‘age 83’
(in a ‘panamian prison’)
(‘manuel noriega’ was a former ‘panamanian politician’ + ‘military officer’)
(he was ‘military dictator’ of ‘panama’ from ‘1983’ – ‘1989’…)
(…when he was removed from ‘power’ by the ‘united states’ during the ‘invasion of panama’)
(from the ‘1950s’ until shortly before the ‘american invasion’, ‘noriega’ worked closely with the american ‘central intelligence agency’)
(‘noriega’ was one of the CIA’s most valued ‘intelligence sources’, as well as of the primary conduits for…)
*illicit weapons*
*military equipment*
*cash destined for US-backed counter-insurgency forces*
*these items were sold throughout ‘(‘central’ / ‘south’) america’)*
(‘noriega’ was also a major ‘cocaine trafficker‘, something which his U.S. intelligence handlers were aware of for years, but allowed because of his ‘usefulness’ for their ‘covert military operations’ in ‘latin america’)
(‘noriega’ was indicted by the ‘united states’ on ‘drug trafficking charges’ in ‘miami’ (/ ‘florida’))
(during the ‘1989 american invasion of ‘panama”, he was…)
‘removed from power’
*’declared’ + ‘detained’ as ‘prisoner of war’
*flown to the ‘united states’*
*APRIL 1992*
(‘noriega’ was ‘tried’ on 8 counts of…)
‘drug trafficking’
‘money laundering’
(on ’16 september 1992′, he was sentenced to ’40 years’ in ‘prison’)
(…which was later reduced to ’30 years’)
(+ then was released after only ’15 years’)
(moriega’s ‘american prison sentence’ ended ‘september 2007’)
(…pending the outcome of ‘extradition requests’ by both ‘panama’ + ‘france’ for ‘convictions’ in absentia for…)
‘money laundering’
(‘france’ was granted its ‘extradition request’ in ‘april 2010’)
“get fucking lives! you petty governments you!”
(after letting ‘roman polanski’ move about for decades without being extradited fpr his ‘american crimes’)
*27 APRIL 2010* –>
(he arrived in ‘gay paree’ on ’27 april 2010′)
(and after the ‘re-trial’ (that is a rule in ‘france’ after any in absentia sentence), he was found ‘guilty’ and sentenced to 7 years in jail in ‘july 2010’)
(a ‘conditional release’ was granted on ’23 september 2011′ for ‘noriega’ to be ‘extradited’ to serve 20 years in ‘panama’)
(he returned to ‘panama’ on ’11 december 2011′)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥