-as of [25 FEBRUARY 2025]–
*SPRING 2014*
(while walking to CVS on route 1, i finally spotted the ‘mercer county library’)
(i need a library card)
(but i need proof of residency)
(back then i was staying at the ‘mounts motel’)
(“public housing”)
(for now i got a 1-hour pass)
(that’s not long enough)
i paid $2 to get a 2-hour internet pass for a year…
i had to borrow 50 cents from a young black man at the copier…i can use the pass at any mercer county library…for some reason princeton opted out of the mercer county library program (because they have their own libraries open to the general public)…and even though i live in lawrenceville, a motel is not considered a “permanent residence”…
1.5 miles to the library…and i can stop at CVS for energy drinks + food as well…and chat on the phone and pick up change along the way…as well as get some sun + exercise…
(but their water fountains don’t work properly)
(because we’re near the trenton ghetto)
26 JULY 2016:
(cheryl lynn dropped me off @ mercer county library before 2pm)
(i’m going for 6 hours here)
(using arv + jon’s library cards)
16 JULY 2016:
(got an uber from princeton on 11 july 2016)
(before my court date)
22 SEPTEMBER 2015:
(putting in two hours @ the library)
(high on the pink pills)
(with my guitar and carrying case)
(opening the case of pink pills in a toilet stall)
*19 september 2015*
(put in two hours @ mercer county library before 5pm close)
*18 september 2015*
(put in two hours @ mercer county library before 5pm close)
*16 september 2015*
putting in 2 hours @ mercer county library
(with arv)
(who works on his laptop)
(dana is here)
(he went home to do the dishes)
(copying the videos to my hard drive)
*14 september 2015*
walked to mercer library @ noon…
*30 july 2015*
@ mercer county library with arv until close…
*28 july 2015*
@ mercer county library this morning…going to catch a bus into princeton once i’m done here…
*27 july 2015*
@ mercer county library this evening with arv…trying to copy iphone videos + photos to the flashdrive…
*16 july 2015*
put in 2 hours @ the mercer county library this afternoon…then heading to princeton library until close…
*14 july 2015*
@ mercer county library this afternoon…before departing for NYC…
*16 june 2015*
@ mercer county library this afternoon…can’t seem to get going…
*5 june 2015*
@ mercer county library until friday 5PM close…john is still borrowing my headphones…even though they have headphones at the front desk…beautiful girl working at the desk…had to ask for help from the old men turning on the monitor…faggy battiato man gave me warm fuzzy feeling as i smoked cigarette outside…should’ve introduced myself…we were watching a car accident in progress…
*12 may 2015*
ending the day @ the library…fueled by monsters…100 minutes…get gonzo to pick me up?
*11 may 2015*
late monday morning @ mercer county library…why do i keep forgetting my fucking lighter?…because i desperately go for resin hits whenever i leave the room…
*10 may 2015*
got 100 minutes in the library on sunday afternoon…
(gonzo drove me there and back)
(we smoked a bowl before leaving)
*9 may 2015*
saturday afternoon @ mercer county library…
(at the far right computer where the scrollwheel on the mouse doesn’t work)
*7 may 2015*
putting in time @ mercer county library until saint nick rolls into town…
*16 april 2015*
juan drove me to the mercer county library this afternoon…put in my two hours…
*11 april 2015*
@ mercer county library until close…gonzalez will drive me back to the room…
*9 april 2015*
started off the day @ mercer county library for 2 hours… early thursday afternoon…
*19 march 2015*
cheryl dropped me off after lunch…getting in my 2 hours…now jona is going to pick me up?
*8 march 2015*
walked/ran to the library…got my 2 hours in before close…now gonzalez is gonna pick me up?
*6 march 2015*
jonathan drove me to the library this afternoon…
*1 march 2015*
@ mercer county library to get my 2 hours in…chatted too long on the phone with arv (in a quiet corner of the library) and got logged out for inactivity…yesterday i carelessly forgot to update posts before the computer logged me off…too much snow to pick up cigarette butts…they are closing @ 4pm due to inclement weather…
*28 february 2015*
@ mercer county library before 5pm saturday close…got 85 minutes in…picking up cigarette butts outside…drinking water + using the restroom…
*27 february 2015*
@ mercer county library before 5pm friday night close…didn’t get in my full two hours (10 minutes leftover)…pick up cigarette butts here…
*7 february 2015*
@ mercer county library this afternoon…feel shitty…slipping on ice on the way here…got some cigarettes…load up on iced coffee @ CVS…
16 june 2014:
a computer mouse wasn’t working properly…
i ended up sitting next to a 60-year-old man named “carl”…he commented on my fast typing…i made the mistake of telling him i was a guitarist…then he wouldn’t shut up about his past as a rock drummer…wasted a good portion of my daily 2-hour internet limit…
at least i made it to the library before close…
posted new videos…
posted new songs to bandcamp page…
updated the blog…
started planning the next album “banjogai”…
it was torture walking back and forth…
(because of alcohol withdrawal)
*25 october 2014*
at the library on a saturday morning…
posting tracks to bandcamp…
annoying loud crippled mother and her daughter + grandmother are annoying the hell out of me…they’re certified ree-rees…
gotta take a shit but i don’t have time to spare…
*26 october 2014*
at the library on a sunday afternoon…
taking longer than usual to upload my bandcamp tracks…
and i had to switch out the mouse because the scrollwheel wasn’t working properly…
i’m such a filthy man…
*28 october 2014*
back at the library…didn’t quite get my two hours in…and forgot to upload my journal + bring my headphones…a fat black lady and fat asian lady were arguing at the counter as i walked in…
*29 october 2014*
afternoon at the library…that’s how i start the day…now i’ve uploaded all the audio + video i’ve set out to do…
walked back in the rain…
*31 october 2014*
another afternoon at the library…uploading “brown sound” videocast to youtube + facebook…12 more songs to bandcamp…smoking cigarette butts outside…
walked home from the library at 5pm close…still no one to talk to on the phone…
*15 november 2014*
back @ mercer county library on a saturday morning…
*19 november 2014*
cheryl dropped me off @ mercer county library after dinner @ applebee’s…not going to get in the full two hours before close…and i’ve gotta walk back to the room in the freezing cold…
*24 november 2014*
@ mercer county library on a beautiful fall afternoon…
*25 november 2014*
@ mercer county library in the early evening…
*8 december 2014*
at mercer county library from 6pm – 8pm trying to upload the last of the tracks to bandcamp…i’ll need to finish up tomorrow…maniac drove me here…i’ll have to walk/run back to the room in the cold…
*9 december 2014*
at the library until close…lost 25 minutes…walked there and back…still need to post more tracks to bandcamp…
*10 december 2014*
at the library on a wednesday afternoon…gotta walk here and back…done uploading tracks to bandcamp…now it’s time to move on with my life…
*22 december 2014*
at the library until close…
*29 december 2014*
at the library until close…
*5 january 2015*
at the library for 9:30am opening
(they open doors right at 9:30am)
(not a minute earlier)
i’ve got to get to the library to research prospects for apartments / jobs / music promotion…22 days left to use the pass…and i’ve got to account for weather…
*19 january 2015*
at the library this afternoon
(open until 5pm on MLK day)
*29 january 2015*
dragged myself to the library this evening after staying in bed sick all day…i dread the walk…got the chills…
blogged @ mercer library until 9pm…
ran back and forth to library…
a beautiful fall day
i walked to the library and got 2 starbucks iced coffees
started updating my secret blog links
(still got a ways to go there)
go to lawrence library…
gotta hit up the library before tomorrow…
ran back from the library…
there were some cuties in the library…i have no hope of scoring anytime soon…
then i go to the library…
my joga leone account was logged in last night…so i changed the password…did i forget to log out when i left the library yesterday?
so i didn’t get enough done at the library today…
(because i kept talking on the phone to miro)
(and it ran down my battery)
i walked to the library saturday morning and got a vanilla iced starbucks coffee before going to the internet
i finally started friending people on the “joga leone” facebook account
(and made a totally new “joga” music page)
roboray was the first to accept my friend request
along with michael anthony
(who i had a good conversation with friday as he drove down the shore)
and aaron fragnito
and amalia chaparro / abigail crowley
chatted with nick crowley on the phone after a few attempts
(he was heading upstate for his birthday)
gotta be careful about leaving the library computer for too long…i get disconnected after a period of time…
i’ve still got a ways to go in terms of organizing my blog…this is distracting me from focusing on music promotion…but i feel it a necessary step in “focusing my attack”…
is the library open today?
gotta make it to library
tomorrow i’ve gotta hit up the library…
just go to library and post some tracks to FB…get a good 2 hours in…then you gotta motivate yourself to keep creating…
so many annoying derelicts at the library all day…
the 2-hour timer at the library is all screwy…slowing down the computer…
mistakenly didn’t update my jogajournal at the library…
walked there (didn’t run)
(didn’t get to pick up the check monday)
(blogged at the ‘library’ all day)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥