-new year's day-*journals*



















(end of motel extension?)

(i’ll be 31)



by myself at the mount’s motel

(cuomo flaked on me)

(his phone was out of minutes)



went back to 61 clearview with john the drunk…i bought steaks and he cooked us dinner…i got smashingly drunk and blacked out…ended up bloodying my nose when i fell into the wall…i think i may’ve also broken his laptop…i ended up back at the oakland drive apartment couch…

it was covered in blood…



flaked on izzy brereton…spent it alone @ 61 clearview…



take over the world!!!

performed @ bowery poetry club

ended up in manhattan with james chou



(ended up with emma wolin in parents’ basement)



party boat w/ daclerk’s international posse

grab hold of celine fosse’s gigantic euro-tits and don’t let go!!!  don’t ever let go!!!



manhattan w/ professor imagination



alone in east village apartment



from watchung –> new york city w/ daclerk’s international posse



penn station into NYC to meet with professor imagination / larnald + co.



took train into NYC with professor imagination.  saw ball drop.



went to spanish tavern to meet the kennifers…

there was tension as i struck back at one of kenwell’s jibes in front of my younger sister…he reminded me that i was dependent on him for access to the next party…

then alexander kenwell brought me to a warren mcmansion….

(met up with blumberg at the end of the night)

(he drunk drove through long hill)

(we ate at stirling diner)



ciaffi’s with the family



ciaffi’s with the family

saw gabby cohen + leah hartman



ciaffi’s with the family

hung with kathleen + eddie lauerman



ended up at the ottos

they were the first to have digital cameras





































👈👈👈☜*“NEW YEAR’S DAY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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