“our accomplishments”


(admitted to ‘harvard college’ via ‘early action’ admissions route)

(‘age 17’)

(turning ’18’ on ‘5 august 2002’)

(AFTER ‘high school graduation’)

(what % of ‘american high school graduates’ earned diploma before ‘age 18’?)

(i did!)

(as well as most others born after ‘october 1st’ of the ‘previous fall’)

(if you were spinning a ‘roulette wheel’ for the ‘american public school system’ for ‘date of birth’)

(the closer to ‘october 1st’ the better for the child)

(the oldest he’ll be in the ‘grade’)

(whereas one tiny ‘shift’ back a day to “september 30th” makes you the ‘youngest in the grade’)

(‘compare’ + ‘contrast’ both ends of the ‘age / ‘grade’ spectrum)

(i’m proud of the fact that i was “young for my grade”)



“JUNE 2005”

(earned BA (economics) from ‘harvard college’ via ‘advanced standing’ 3-year program)

(3.5 GPA)


“JUNE 2006”

(compact disc release of my ‘debut album’ “finest hour”)

(24 original songs on 1 CD)


(‘SUMMER 2006’)

(‘my 22nd birthday”)

(“no more milestone until the ‘dreaded’ THREE-O !!!”)


(throw an event that night)

(and invite ‘jenna skoller’)

(now that she’s ‘good’ ‘n ‘legal’…)

(now that she’s long since ‘grown right out’ of ‘me’)

(as if i’momerely a living breathing ‘passing phase’!”

(“oopsy poopsy debbsy dabe…”)

(learn to play the songs again)

“who need a man, i said?”)

(“who needs fans?” said i?)

(i said do or die…m-m-make up your mind!)

(i’d be good and dead by then if all goes as planned…)

(render me blind dumb deaf again)

(…c-c-c-come agaain?)
(—c-c-c-c-come again?!)

(mister kunningham!
(dec dec dec dec the bus for me!)

(recorded as a “one-man-band” in my childhood bedroom)
(even though i was ’21 years old’)
(and as ‘billy joel said…”still your mom makes your bed…”…

(instead of moving out of childhood home i merely relocated to our family ‘shorehouse’ @ ‘age 21’)

(that’s where i turned ’22’!)

(on that ‘very same day’!)



👈👈👈☜*back to “OUR CAREER”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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