-as of [18 OCTOBER 2024]-
from ‘ancient greek’ –>
φυσική / ἐπιστήμη
phusikḗ / epistḗmē)
“knowledge of nature”
*”physics” is the ‘natural science’ that involves the study of ‘matter’ and its (‘motion’ / ‘behavior’) through ‘space’ + ‘time’ (aka ‘spacetime’), along with related concepts such as ‘energy’ + ‘force’*
(one of the ‘most fundamental scientific disciplines’, the main goal of ‘physics’ is to ‘understand how the ‘universe’ behaves’)
(‘physics’ is one of the oldest ‘academic disciplines’, perhaps the oldest through its inclusion of ‘astronomy’)
(over the ‘last 2 millennia’, ‘physics’ was a part of ‘natural philosophy’ along with ‘chemistry’, ‘biology’, and certain branches of ‘mathematics’, but during the ‘scientific revolution’ in the ‘1600s’, the ‘natural sciences’ emerged as unique research programs in their own right)
(‘physics’ intersects with many ‘inter-disciplinary areas of research’ (such as ‘bio-physics’ + ‘quantum chemistry’), and the ‘boundaries’ of ‘physics’ are not rigidly defined)
(aka “the study of EVERYTHING”)
(“ring a bell?”)
(at least ‘everything’ that humans are capable of ‘studying’)
(or anything that ‘warrants’ studying)
(are there subjects that we “shouldn’t’ study?)
(because of the ‘opportunity costs’ associated with ‘time devoted to studying a less ‘important’ subject and associated ‘time lost’…’time’ that could have been spent studying more ‘useful’ subects)
(at least useful for ‘humans’)
(or at least the ‘humans’ the ‘scientist(s)’ care about)
(new ideas in ‘physics’ often explain the ‘fundamental mechanisms of other sciences while opening new avenues of research in areas such as ‘mathematics’ + ‘philosophy’)
(‘physics’ also makes significant contributions through advances in new technologies that arise from ‘theoretical breakthroughs’)
(for example…)
(advances in the understanding of ‘electro-magnetism’ (or ‘nuclear physics’) led directly to the development of new ‘products’ that have dramatically transformed ‘modern-day society’…)
(…such as…)
‘domestic appliances’
‘nuclear weapons’
(advances in ‘thermodynamics’ led to the development of ‘industrialization’)
(advances in ‘mechanics’ inspired the development of ‘calculus’)
(the ‘united nations’ named ‘2005’ the ‘world year of physics’)
in physics, thermodynamics (from the Greek θέρμη therme, meaning “heat” and δύναμις, dynamis, meaning “power”) is the study of energy conversion between heat and mechanical work, and subsequently the macroscopic variables such as temperature, volume and pressure
the laws of thermodynamics describe the transport of heat and work in thermodynamic processes (a thermodynamic process may be defined as the energetic evolution of a thermodynamic system proceeding from an initial state to a final state)
why does the predicted mass of the ‘quantum vacuum’ have little effect on the expansion of the universe?
in cosmology the vacuum catastrophe refers to the disagreement of 107 orders of magnitude between the upper bound upon the vacuum energy density as inferred from data obtained from the voyager spacecraft of less than 1014 GeV/m3 and the zero-point energy of 10121 GeV/m3 calculated using quantum field theory.
(this discrepancy has been termed “the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics!”)
this problem was identified at an early stage by walther nernst, who raised the question of the consequences of such a huge energy of vacuum on gravitational effects.
(a recent philosophical and historical assessment is provided by ‘rugh’ + ‘zinkernagel’)