“the porcellian”






1324 massachusetts avenue
(‘cambridge’ / ‘massachusetts’)


(‘most exclusive’ final club?)
(meaning that don’t let any ‘outsiders’ in)
(not even hot girls)


(i wasn’t punched for the club)
(why would i be?)
(what ‘use’ am i to ‘them’?)


(the porcellian club is a men-only ‘final club’ at ‘harvard university’,

(sometimes called the porc or ‘the PC’)


(the ‘year of founding’ is usually given as ‘1791’, when a group began meeting under the name “the argonauts, or as 1794, the year of the ‘roast pig dinner’ at which the club, known first as “the pig club” was formally founded).

(the club’s motto dum vivimus vivamus (“while we live, let us live”) is literally ‘epicurean’)

(the ‘club emblem’ is the ‘pig’ and some ‘members’ sport ‘golden pigs’ on ‘watch-chains’ or ‘neckties’ bearing ‘pig’s-head emblems’)

(the ‘club’ was originally started by a group of 30 students from ‘massachusetts’ who wanted to avoid the ‘dining halls’ and their ‘food’ by ‘roasting pigs’)

(the ‘porcellian’ is the iconic “‘hotsy-totsy’ (??) final club’, often bracketed with yale’s ‘skull and bones’, princeton’s ‘ivy club’, dartmouth’s ‘sphinx club’, rutgers’ ‘cap and skull’ (ha! what wannabes!), cambridge’s ‘pitt club’, and oxford’s ‘gridiron club’)

(a history of ‘harvard’ calls the ‘porcellian’ “the most final of them all”)

(also, an ‘urban legends website’ mentions a belief that “if members of the ‘porcellian’ do not earn their 1st ‘million’ (US dollars i presume) before they turn 40, the club will give it to them”)

(who started that rumor?)

(and what was his/her agenda?)

(‘member’ or ‘outsider’?)

(what was the motivation (/ ‘intention’) for starting this rumor?)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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