
(how to write ‘sanskrit’ in ‘sanskrit’)


The word Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्) written in Sanskrit. Represented in the Sarai font for Devanagari.

IAST –> Saṃskṛtam


IPA –> [sə̃skr̩t̪əm]


‘sanskrit’ is…

*the ‘primary liturgical language’ of ‘hinduism’*


*a ‘philosophical language’ of [‘hinduism’ / ‘jainism’ / ‘buddhism’ /’sikhism’]*


*a ‘literary language’ of ancient/medieval ‘south asia’*



*’sanskrit’ also serve(s/d?) as a ‘lingua franca’*



(it is a standardized dialect of ‘old indo-aryan’, originating as ‘Vedic Sanskrit’ and tracing its linguistic ancestry back to ‘Proto-Indo-Iranian’ and ‘Proto-Indo-European’)

(as one of the oldest ‘Indo-European’ languages for which substantial written documentation exists, Sanskrit holds a prominent position in ‘indo-european’ studies)

(‘sanskrit’ is today one of the 22 languages listed in the ‘Eighth Schedule’ of the ‘Constitution of India’, which mandates the indian government to develop the language)

(the body of sanskrit literature encompasses a rich tradition of poetry and drama as well as ‘scientific’, ‘technical’, ‘philosophical’, and ‘religious’ texts)

(‘sanskrit’ continues to be widely used as a ceremonial language in ‘hindu’ religious rituals and ‘buddhist’ practice in the form of ‘hymns’ and ‘chants’)


(‘spoken sanskrit’ has been revived in some villages with traditional institutions, and there are attempts to enhance its ‘popularity’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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