-spiritual goals-

(‘creation’ of an umbrella universal “religion” which synthesizes the best of all ‘religion rituals’)

what are some POSITIVE aspects of ”organized religion”?)

(on ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ basis)

(what are some POSITIVE aspects

(although the trade-off is that a community is built upon a ‘faulty premise’)

(and everyone knows it too)

(elevating the best + purging the worst aspects of each civilization)

(build the synthesized “kingdom of heaven on earth”)

(‘GOD’ (or rather collective))

‘god’ is collective humanity

the spirit of the “earth”

(bigger and bigger “gods”)




can’t (or can) be both at once



(see if i can memorize by forcing self to ‘understand’ / ‘figure out’ / ‘solve’)

(for a ‘solved’ problem, figure out how the problem was ‘solved’)


whenever i think of virtual reality, i always picture aerosmith’s music video for ‘amazing’. and a teenage alicia silverstone. mmm…

when i was eleven years old, i attended a 2-week ‘awesim kids’ day camp at some new jersey wildlife reservation with my good friend brad lubeck. we actually learned a lot about the way the world works. and we played a lot of sims. we were told to bring camcorders to the camp everyday and film our experiences. we visited recycling plants and historical sites. we took nature hikes and canoed in the lake. it was a helluva lot of fun actually. of course, there were a lot of geeks and plain janes around, but i think there were a few hotties from what i can remember. shane of course bashed the camp after the fact.


(jealousy always seemed to be rearing its ugly head in my direction.

(i never got into the sims games on my own, but i probably should have…)





*β€œVIRTUAL REALITY”* ☞ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰









πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯*we won the war* πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯