

-as of [4 JANUARY 2024]




*the ‘brand name’ of a ‘fabric softener’ sold by ‘sun products’ in the ‘united states’ + ‘canada’*


(it features as its ‘mascot’ a teddy bear named ‘snuggle the fabric softener bear’ or ‘the snuggle bear’,

previously voiced by ‘micky dolenz’… 



+ originally voiced by ‘corinne orr’…
(canadian jew)


(the product is available in ‘sheets’ or ‘liquid’)
(in ‘concentrate’ + ‘non-concentrate’ forms)

(‘snuggle’ was previously owned by ‘unilever’, who sold it to ‘sun products’ in ‘2008’)

(since 1983, snuggle has been the mascot for the ‘snuggle line’ of ‘fabric softener’)

(the puppet was created by ‘kermit love’)

(the voice was originally provided by ‘corinne orr’)

(in a 2006 radio interview, ‘micky dolenz’ stated that he was the voice of ‘snuggle’ at that time)

(as of ‘late 2009’, the bear is voiced by a NY ‘animation’ + ‘commercial voice-over actor’)


*recalls* –>

(in 2001, 150,000 snuggle “teeny bean bears” included with the sales of the product were recalled because the ‘pom-pom’ of their ‘night caps’ could detach and pose a choking hazard to ‘babies’ + ‘toddlers’)


(in 2002, 4 million stuffed bears distributed with ‘snuggle fabric softener’ were recalled when they too were determined to form a ‘choking hazard’ to small children, because the ‘eyes’ + ‘nose’ could come off)








👈👈👈☜*-FABRIC SOFTENERS-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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