*stephanie blackadar*




(WH class of 2006)

(born 7 february 1988)

(just like my first real crush on cristy chory, her younger sister ended up way bustier)

i musta blacked out and sent her a fb message comparing her tits to her sister’s tits…she got mad but offered her phone #…so we chatted while i was three sheets to the wind sunday…she’s still in jersey (with her parents?)…thought she was in miami…studying to be a nurse…

3 days later she won’t take my call (and fb defriended me?)…or did she just delete her profile?

5 january 2015:

still refuses to fan the joga page
(even though i requested it live to her via facebook chat)
(i linked her up to the latest video)









👈👈👈 ☜ *“XXX”*


*“XXX”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“XXX”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. stephanie | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “non-believers” (stephanie) | *JoGa Jungle*

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