-strength training-


-as of [21 MARCH 2024]




















-‘strength training’ is a type of ‘physical exercise’ specializing in the use of ‘resistance’ to induce ‘muscular contraction’ which builds the (‘strength’ / ‘anaerobic endurance’ / ‘size’) of ‘skeletal muscles’-


(when properly performed, ‘strength training’ can provide significant ‘functional benefits’ + ‘improvement’ in ‘overall health’ + ‘well-being’ including…)

*increased (‘bone’ / ‘muscle’ / ‘tendon’ / ‘ligament’) strength + toughness*


*improved ‘joint function’*


*reduced potential for ‘injury’*


*increased ‘bone density’*


*increased ‘metabolism’*


*increased ‘fitness’*


*improved ‘cardiac function’*


“anyone else?”
(we get it! we get it! ‘working out’ is ‘good’ for you!)
(at its root, boils down to seemingly ‘wasted’ energy)
(‘wasted’ meaning that this burst of ‘energy’went towards an activity that i was doing because it makes you tired)
(so it MUST be good for you?)


“dawing da day?”
(melissa thomas)

(hey nardilla!)


(‘training’ commonly uses the technique of progressively increasing the ‘force output’ of the ‘muscle’ through ‘incremental weight’ increases + uses a variety of ‘exercises’ + types of equipment to target specific ‘muscle groups’)

(‘strength training’ is primarily an ‘anaerobic activity’, although some proponents have adapted it to provide the benefits of ‘aerobic exercise’ through ‘circuit training’)

(‘strength training’ is typically associated with the production of ‘lactate’, which is a ‘limiting factor’ of ‘exercise performance’)

(‘regular endurance exercise’ leads to adaptations in ‘skeletal muscle’ which can prevent ‘lactate levels’ from rising during ‘strength training’)

(this is mediated via ‘activation’ of ‘PGC-1alpha’ which alter the ‘LDH’ (‘lactate dehydrogenase’) isoenzyme complex composition + decreases the activity of the lactate generating enzyme LDHA, while increasing the activity of the lactate metabolizing enzyme ‘LDHB’)


(sports where ‘strength training’ is ‘central’ are…)





*highland games*

*shot put*

*discus throw* 

*javelin throw*


(many other sports use ‘strength training’ as part of their ‘training regimen’, notably… )


‘american football’


‘track + field’




‘pole dancing’


‘professional wrestling’

‘rugby union’

‘rugby league’









👈👈👈☜*“FIT-FLOW”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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