“summer 2011”

‘5 AUGUST 2011’:

(*i turned 27*)

(now the clock’s REALLY ticking!)
(but i may be destined to die unknown…
(go big game hunting)
(1 year to go!)
(it could happen at anytime)
(until summer 2012)
(did i actually die in an alcoholic blackout at the beginning of 2012?)

(i started off the season by having ‘awesome sex’ (her words, not mine!) with “melissa thomas”)

(i ended the season with a $2K cash forward from AI as an advance on the “repraise” project)

(i was supposed to spend it on a lawyer for my DWI case)
(i ended up using the funds to muscle through fall 2011)
(my first real “alcoholic” stretch)
(as in ‘daily drinking episodes’)

(michael anthony fractured my skull on the 4th of july)
(i got hammered on the pangia back deck)
(before we all caught a cab to ‘the osprey’)
(i snuck in with carl riccio)
(and tried to make out with nadia thursfield)
(i ended up in some sloppy makeout sessions)
(one girl was named ‘jessica hair’)
(i refer to her in the ‘iona’ lyrics)
(written after i got out of the psych ward after getting a skull fracture “discovered” by the doctors two days later)
(and i immediately forgave michael anthony)
(the old man insulted me in front of the entire family)
(when i was trying to be conciliatory)
(“don’t compare yourself to me.  i have a life.”)
(with the humorless smile on his face)
(i was always expected to swallow that shit)
(by cheryl lynn and emily)
(the female ‘referees’)

(who were both thoroughly in the old man’s camp over the ‘kingdom of JoGa’)












3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. “summer” | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “dancing with the stars” (themes) | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “over the rainbow” (studio cuts) | *JoGa Jungle*

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