*the american flag*

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*’red’ / ‘white’ / ‘blue’*

*often referred to as the american flag*


*13 alternating ‘red/white stripes’*

(for the original 13 colonies)
(starts with red from top)
(4 short red / 3 short white)
(3 long red / 3 long white)


*50 ‘white stars’*

(for the modern 50 states)
(against blue backdrop)
(to represent ‘ocean’?)

(alternating rows of 6 and 5)
(5 rows of 6)
(4 rows of 5)


(the flag of the ‘united states’ is the ‘national flag’ of the ‘united states’)


(it consists of 13 equal horizontal stripes of ‘red’ (‘top’ and ‘bottom’) alternating with ‘white’, with a ‘blue rectangle’ in the canton (referred to specifically as the “union”) bearing 50 small white 5-pointed ‘stars’ arranged in 9 ‘offset horizontal rows’, where rows of 6 stars (‘top’ and ‘bottom’) alternate with rows of 5 stars)

(the 50 ‘stars’ on the flag represent the 50 ‘states’ of the ‘united states of america’, and the 13 ‘stripes’ represent the 13 british ‘colonies’ that declared independence from the ‘kingdom of great britain’, and became the first states in the USA)

(nicknames for the flag include “the stars and stripes”, “old glory”, and “the star-spangled banner”)

(originally adopted ’14 june 1777′)
(‘flag day’)

(current version adopted on ‘4 july 1960’)

(“francis hopkinson’ of NJ designed the 1777 flag)
(chairman of the continental navy’s “middle department”)
(1732 – 1791)
(born in ‘philadelphia’)
(designed the flag at ‘age 45’)

(‘betsy ross’ is widely credited with producing the first ‘american flag’)

(1752 – 1836)

(also born in ‘philadelphia’)

(apocryphal story recounts her suggestion to ‘general george washington’ that he should change the ‘6-pointed’ stars on his original flag sketch to ‘5-pointed’ stars to make for easier reproduction)

(assertions that she had designed the flag began to circulate in ‘1870’ when her grandson ‘william j canby’ came forward with evidence)

(but historians doubt the claim)


(nevertheless, she continues to be credited in ‘american folklore’)






👈👈👈☜*“THE UNITED STATES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  2. “flag day” | *JoGa Jungle*

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