-turkey-*the country*


*as of ‘10 NOVEMBER 2023’*











(i/ˈtɜːrki/; turkish: türkiye [ˈtyɾcije]),

officially the republic of turkey (Turkish:  Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ;

pronounced [ˈtyɾcije d͡ʒumˈhuɾijeti])


-‘turkey’ is a ‘parliamentary republic’ in ‘eurasia’ – largely located in ‘western asia’ – with the smaller portion of ‘eastern thrace’ in ‘south-east europe’-


(Turkey is bordered by 8 countries: Syria and Iraq to the south; Iran, Armenia, and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; Georgia to the northeast; Bulgaria to the northwest; and Greece to the west)

(‘The Black Sea’ is to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Aegean Sea to the west)

(The ‘Bosphorus’, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles (which together form the ‘Turkish Straits’) demarcate the boundary between ‘Thrace’ and ‘Anatolia’; they also separate ‘Europe’ and ‘Asia’)

(Turkey’s location at the crossroads of ‘Europe’ and ‘Asia’ makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance)

(‘Turkey’ has been inhabited since the ‘paleolithic age’, including various ancient ‘Anatolian’ civilizations, ‘Aeolian’, ‘Dorian’, and ‘Ionian’ Greeks, ‘Thracians’, ‘Armenians’, and ‘Assyrians’)

(after Alexander the Great’s conquest, the area was ‘Hellenized’, a process which continued under the ‘Roman Empire’ and its transition into the ‘Byzantine Empire’)

(the ‘Seljuk Turks’ began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of ‘Turkification’, which was greatly accelerated by the ‘Seljuk’ victory over the ‘Byzantines’ at the ‘Battle of Manzikert’ in 1071)

(the ‘Seljuk Sultanate’ of ‘Rûm’ ruled ‘Anatolia’ until the ‘Mongol’ invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish ‘beyliks’)

(starting from the late 13th century, the ‘Ottomans’ united ‘Anatolia’ and created an empire encompassing much of ‘Southeastern Europe’, ‘Western Asia’, and ‘North Africa’, becoming a major power in ‘Eurasia’ and ‘Africa’ during the ‘early modern period’)

)the empire reached the peak of its power between the 15th and 17th centuries, especially during the 1520–66 reign of ‘Suleiman the Magnificent’)

(after the 2nd Ottoman siege of ‘Vienna’ in 1683 and the end of the ‘Great Turkish War’ in 1699, the ‘Ottoman Empire’ entered a long period of decline)

(the ‘Tanzimat’ reforms of the 19th century, which aimed to modernize the ‘Ottoman’ state, proved to be inadequate in most fields, and failed to stop the dissolution of the empire)

(the ‘Ottoman Empire’ entered ‘World War I’ (1914–18) on the side of the ‘Central Powers’ and was ultimately defeated)

(during the war, major atrocities were committed by the ‘Ottoman’ government against its ‘Armenian’, ‘Assyrian’, and ‘Pontic Greek’ citizens)

(following the war, the huge conglomeration of territories and peoples that formerly comprised the ‘Ottoman Empire’ was divided into several new states)

(the ‘Turkish War of Independence’ (1919–22), initiated by ‘Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ and his colleagues in ‘Anatolia’, resulted in the establishment of the modern ‘Republic of Turkey’ in 1923, with ‘Atatürk’ as its first president)

(‘Turkey’ is a democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic with a diverse cultural heritage)

(the country’s official language is ‘Turkish’, a Turkic language spoken natively by approximately 85% of the population)

(according to the ‘World Factbook’, 70–75% of the population are ethnic ‘Turks’, while the ‘Kurds’ are the largest minority at 18%)

(the vast majority of the population is ‘Sunni Muslim’, with ‘Alevis’ making up the largest religious minority)

(‘Turkey’ is a member of the ‘UN’, ‘NATO’, ‘OECD’, ‘OSCE’, ‘OIC’, and the ‘G-20’)

(after becoming one of the first members of the ‘Council of Europe’ in 1949, ‘Turkey’ became an associate member of the EEC in 1963, joined the ‘EU Customs Union’ in 1995 and started full membership negotiations with the ‘European Union’ in 2005)

(turkey’s growing economy and diplomatic initiatives have led to its recognition as a ‘regional power’)








👈👈👈☜*“ASIA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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