✨william warren✨


“philip garrido. is that you?”







(born ’23 october 1951′)
(less than ‘3 years older’ than my parents)






father: lyman o. warren
(british doctor)

(6 children)


*parallels* –>

‘grandma skip’

‘skip bell’


william warren front n center…
in all your floridian splendor…
we’ll weather the weather together…

gather your reptilian gear…

david rovics

who is “grove haynesnull”?
(warren’s name on my email address)


(janis joplin replacement)
(met her through plants)
(bought old fishback place in seminole)
(from texas)

(mohammad dawood iman)
(pic of bush)
(our kids went to harvard and yale)
(your kids went to iraq and jail)
(can’t fb friend him)


“ronald stroud”


“rick hill”


JULY 2016:

(chased him away on sunday afternoon)
(i was playing under the arches)
(“you’re a nasty drunk!”)
(“four loko!”)

(juggling with brian dube)
(“special sale” on ice cream)

(using his foodstamps card to buy ice cream at the supermarket)

JUNE 2016:

(got me his new phone # on fb messenger)

MAY 2016:

(trying to sell me on another singer/songwriter jeremy aaron)
(i told him not to waste my time)

“another real deal in the park…getting older too…”

“his voice sucks…and he only has 328 fans…the last thing i need is another singer/songwriter…this is a fucking competition!…”

“apples and oranges, my son…”

But he went to Oberlin, see, and that’s a Quaker joint. . . Not a run of the mill Unitarian Joint like Mother Harvard.. Plus.. HE likes and teaches the OLD stuff.. AND HE hosts a Showcase at the Vivaldi, a place you find (found once) unappealing.. Don’t sweat it, Grasshopper, he has a boring name and is short, and his voice is not yours.. Cause HE”S SENSITIVE, not like some jaded, road weary, hardened folk we just might know.. But it’s all pineapples and mangos or something.. Not competition.. Two separate niches .. as ecologists say.. AND he’s not here now, off to ISrael.. but then you’re not here either.. I hope you are well and not lonely or bored.. Come to Gotham sometime.. I STILL don’t have a phone, but I do get around.. Lincoln in the Park ain’t too haard to find.. And still hang at the Senior Center.. free lunch and all the old-timers you can listen to.. abuffet/smorgasbord of OLD, yet relevant, info. , jokes, songs, and wisdom.. Be well.. Be here now.. or whatever.. WWW/AL”

“He’s Jewish…I knew it…the kiss to my Zeppelin…The billy Joel to my McCartney…The Ramones to my stones…The Mahler to my Mozart…The leslie west to my Hendrix…I’ll b back soon…”

“JoGa! That IS the spirit I’m looking for.. Good Boy!.. See you. And keep your powder dry .. www”

MARCH 2016:

“Stood up, huh? Another black mark beside your name, Sonny. All is forgiven. I will be all day at Sr. Center. Consider lunch 3 bucks between 12 15 and 2 00. Richard, the great lawyer, has forgiven you, and has in fact, given me his contact info.. ph. and email… and looks forward to assisting you.. You’d be a fool not to take advantage of this.. or it’ll be just another verse to “missed opportunities.” my phonee no workee.. e mailee workee.. billee”

“nice…sorry…girl led me astray…i’ll b round today…”

“you’ll be around…just where???…i’ll be around six foot four, myself…am at senior center…i do believe i am going to go for it…and dye hair and beard soon…and then maybe play / practice guitar while it sets for 30 or 40 minutes…the difference will be remarkable / frightening…dark!”

“i’m at broadway and bond starbucks”

Monday.. 11 am.. Got news… Have finally kicked the cold bug after at least two weeks.. Now to get my strength back.. and get on with things.. Finally got beard and hair dyed black.. Lincoln like.. now to trim beard/hair… locate long black coat and go out and be Honest Abe… Will be at computer here at sr. center most of day… Florida.. someday… we’ll see what bites on RideShare/Craigslist… later…

  • February 10
  • Bill Warren

    2/10, 4:25pm


    Bill Warren

    Hanging.. Did a song.. fred neil, natch, at circle jam this Pm.. Okay, but don’t yet have control under control…


    Strenghtening daily… too much to do though..

  • JoGa Bot

    2/10, 4:26pm


    JoGa Bot

    i’m back in princeton


    at lewis library

  • JoGa Bot

    2/10, 4:34pm


    JoGa Bot


  • February 11
  • Bill Warren

    2/11, 3:36pm


    Bill Warren

    God loves coeds.. who are you to question that..// ?? Play the cards dealt you, and don’t make anymore scenes.. gott it, Grasshopper.. THat’s an order…soldier..

  • February 25
  • Bill Warren

    2/25, 12:18pm


    Bill Warren

    Hey, Kiddo. An interesting development here Parkside.. A gal from Finland is filming old folks at the center.. including me.. Grasshopper, young feller, .. and , lo, it has come to pass that as part of her deal, she plans to film me doin a little dityy I wrote some 40 years ago .. so.. I’m pollishing it up.. Bout family and citrus and the good life with a finger picked clebber tune… So… I get filmed singing in park.. wonder if i can do the old switcheroo and get her to catch another one whiloe the film is rolling.. so’s to speak.. Could be interesting.. Have health concern needs addressing pronto… be in touch there old pal.. www

  • JoGa Bot

    2/25, 12:28pm


    JoGa Bot

    what’s the lady’s name?

  • Bill Warren

    2/25, 1:54pm


    Bill Warren

    Name is Anne siirtola. 40ish artist.. has website I haven’t looked at yet.. Neat concept for this project is to come in and have old timers here tell tales.. especially as told them by their old relatives.. You can go back a century and a half doing that..

20 JANUARY 2016:

  • Bill Warren

    1/3, 10:03pm


    Bill Warren

    Yowza boss . was thinkin of you.. a good day today. chatted w famous actor whose name i forget. u still in big apple ..


    at Broadway mcdonalds .. have to look up actors picture and name.. distinctive nurdy countenance..character


    He didn’t know about el Nino either.. gonna get more pronounced in two months..

  • Bill Warren

    1/3, 10:57pm


    Bill Warren

    Actor named Austin pendleton..sent u email w pic.

  • Bill Warren

    1/3, 11:12pm


    Bill Warren

    I’ve got to practice guitar and get songs down n recorded.. also black long coat for Abe .. u staying away from prints town i hope. did your venture backer make u sign on?!?

  • January 5
  • Bill Warren

    1/5, 11:01pm


    Bill Warren

    Heard today that u are down one fan.. Eric ..the mummy bearded fan front wsp


    Bummy fan front wsp died in Calif. w sisters and hospice caring more than we ever did. I’ll find you a replacement fan ..may a better one ..even

  • January 7
  • JoGa Bot

    1/7, 9:21pm


    JoGa Bot



    Eric the bum

  • January 8
  • Bill Warren

    1/8, 3:05pm


    Bill Warren

    The same.. just now deader …

  • JoGa Bot

    1/8, 3:05pm


    JoGa Bot





    he seemed like a nice guy

  • JoGa Bot

    1/8, 3:11pm


    JoGa Bot

    eric said i was the best singer he ever heard


    he seemed really genuine when he said it


    so i’m glad i at least got to know him

  • Bill Warren

    1/8, 3:57pm


    Bill Warren

    He prob. meant it. I tried to help him… to no avail.. 3 times when drunk he threatened to kill me.. he was in prison for 40 years.. and I suspect he may have killed… Parts of him were nice..when sober.. Insane.. religious nut.. drugs.. I was a bud of his … until I wasn’t.. He had seen lots of singers in the park.. you can be sure.. so it’s still a feather in your cap.. Later.. gotta fly.. Thinking of you.. and a couple dozen other things… WWW

  • January 9
  • Bill Warren

    1/9, 9:59pm


    Bill Warren

    Last chances fore she goes to Oregon. i been a bad uncle.. didn’t see her this visit.. what u doin this weekend .. huh??

    2k16 shows are upon us!!!!!!!!!!!! we’re playing with Rubblebucket at Brooklyn Bowl on saturday and heading to the west coast! get your tickets below….see you there, Blanche! 01.09.16 – Brooklyn, NY @ Brooklyn Bowl http://www.brooklynbowl.com/event/982593-rubblebucket-brooklyn/ 01.22.16 – Seattle, WA @ The Vera Project http://www.ticketfly.com/event/1020789 01.23.16 – Portland, OR @ Mississippi Studios https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/993195 01.24.16 – Arcata, CA @ The Bat Cave https://www.facebook.com/events/200318550311268/ 01.25.16 – San Francisco, CA @ Rickshaw Stop https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1020097 01.26.16 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Bootleg https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1020517 01.28.16 – San Diego, CA @ Hideout http://www.ticketfly.com/event/1038167-pwr-bttm-san-diego/ 01.30.16 – Eugene, OR @ Boreal https://www.facebook.com/events/480995335443039/ 02.03.16 – Grinnell, IA @ Grinnell College 03.11.16 – Savannah, GA @ Savannah Stopover Music Festival 03.15.16 – 03.20.16 – SXSW
  • JoGa Bot

    1/9, 10:34pm


    JoGa Bot

    Idk wanted to plan Sunday trip but need backer $

  • Bill Warren

    1/9, 11:00pm


    Bill Warren

    Roger that. ch elk th e weather.. rain most of tomorrow…but warmish .. im gonna see bout getting a second good nights sleep.. i got drained this last couple weeks. sleep good for oldtimer …

  • JoGa Bot

    1/9, 11:01pm


    JoGa Bot

    Chelsea peters


    Hear of her?


    Wsp regular. Hitting me up for place to stay

  • Bill Warren

    1/9, 11:08pm


    Bill Warren

    would remember that name.. no idea .. but you are in nyc i take it…

  • Bill Warren

    1/9, 11:13pm


    Bill Warren

    don’t know.. but might try to make Fla. Dr.s apptmnt 20 th this month… planned to cancel it.. Postpone .. but .. dunno.. might be best to have check .up .. Tired of farm and family bungling .. inexpressible frustration and wasted time w some of them .. suckaroonie !!

  • JoGa Bot

    1/9, 11:31pm


    JoGa Bot

    In maidenhead

  • Bill Warren

    1/9, 11:49pm


    Bill Warren

    Roger and out. Sweet sleep …

  • January 11
  • JoGa Bot

    1/11, 7:39pm


    JoGa Bot

    but folk singers WANT to be “under the eyes and ears of the FBI”


    most of thems just crazy attention whores


    “schizos” in modern lingo…catch my drift boy?

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 8:52pm


    Bill Warren

    Well.. i dunno. in Jims case thefts are that his parents were active and important communist party members. j important gr ew up answering the door ..when fbi came calling. Jim was important part of music. toured w beach boys lots for example. cohens movie even has Jim and jean characters based on … j n Jew an albums b beautiful. g rewarded up w them. Jim is big on conspiracies. doesn’t think ochs kill ed s elf. Jim drinks but is still darned good p erformr

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 8:54pm


    Bill Warren

    Tired autocorrection driving me nuts.. oh… big good news. getting guitar tomorrow. then practice..then rich and famous.. easy…

  • JoGa Bot

    1/11, 8:54pm


    JoGa Bot

    of course


    you are really going to load me up on knowledge of every half-bit folkie on the planet!


    and now you’re my competition for fame and riches!

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 9:02pm


    Bill Warren

    its history..where we came from.. and they are important. u don’t like Phil ochs ill bet. fool. ignorant. n negative. shoot from hip. negative. unwilling to learn..step on grasshopper genius¿¿¡¡ Ever heard of Mozart ¿¿ Say some thing bad about him… go ahead. L. B ernstein ¿¿ Just another nyc Jew¡¡ i can play that game… butterse NO warships. Who do you like. B.Boys liked Jim. but they were from the state of fruits and nuts.. Who do you like anyway. Syria Plath

  • JoGa Bot

    1/11, 9:04pm


    JoGa Bot

    It’s not that I don’t “like” them


    But your obsession with dead folks rots the brains of the living!

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 9:09pm


    Bill Warren

    Wrong. grasshoper. i am a historian. plus there are great and lovely songs.. but sure.. i g rewarded up on it.. too. some st and test of time.. some do esnt .. but.t id be interested in who you LOVE… am pooped .. manana

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 9:15pm


    Bill Warren

    Grew up on it.. u can’t argue taste.. you can’t criticize knowingly what you don’t know.. painting black with a broad roller covers too quickly the light and pattern beneath… anyway i should be getting guitar. mostly finger picker . have to learn pick serum. i like classical nylon. learn steel. nothings perfect ..

  • JoGa Bot

    1/11, 9:16pm


    JoGa Bot

    I don’t paint black I’m just too full of songs I have a huge array of musical influences


    Just because I’m not receptive to what you’re throwing at me doesn’t make me close minded


    And I sure can argue taste!

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 9:42pm


    Bill Warren

    You say potato. i say tomato. i say tomorrow. chances seem likely we really into..chatted w ..were listened to by Mr. D. Bowie .. interesting. i like that he loved park. just like me¡¡¿¿ Word is he wasn’t recognized. may have known drug dealers in corner..not sure.. its all history now. great history..tho..

  • Friday
  • Bill Warren

    1/15, 11:58am


    Bill Warren

    I have’nt even listened to this yet ,, but it’s bound to be interesting.. Putting himself in the company of musical geniuses or what..?? Include yourself, and you’ll be happier.. Just add Mozart and JoGa and Me.. YOu are welcome.. I got the guitar… A simple Yamaha.. but in pretty good shape.. I’ve been tightening the tension rod slowly,, over days.. to bring the action down.. now…. practice.. geet callouses. learn words.. knock the rust off.. get a playlist.. and maybe get down in the warm subways.. and make some cash and start breaking women’s hearts with my sensitivity…. he . . he..

    Phil Ochs – Bach, Beethoven, Mozart & Me
    Greatest Hits A&M Records 1970 -uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com
  • JoGa Bot

    1/15, 12:31pm


    JoGa Bot

    you think your sensitivity will break women’s hearts?

  • Bill Warren

    1/15, 2:47pm


    Bill Warren

    Listen, watch , and learn, Grasshopper…..

  • JoGa Bot

    1/15, 2:49pm


    JoGa Bot

    don’t include me on chats with mary


    she isn’t a fb friend so i have no further use for her


    she doesn’t deserve my words

  • Bill Warren


    This is David Bowie’s favourite place in the city he called home
    It was, according to David Bowie himself, his most favoured place in the city he came to call home. Washington Square Park, surrounded by trees, centred by a foundation and overlooked by an archway that commemorates America’s first president, lies just a half-mile walk from the musician’s Soho homw.…
  • Mary Hegener Parker

    1/11, 6:46pm


    Mary Hegener Parker

    Saw that this morning. We probably saw him frequently and didn’t know it.

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 7:04pm


    Bill Warren

    Yep. You never know in WSP. Game changing news is i likely have a decent guitar tomorrow!! With some practice..in the subway lets say… i could like… play the guitar!! Busked in London back in ’74 and did just fine..


    I couldn’t post Collins pic and bowie info on wash. sq. maybe you can..

  • Jim Glover

    1/11, 7:09pm


    Jim Glover

    I wish I was on your wave…. I just posted as proof of a conspiracy the Blowout in the back of JFK’s Head on the Zapruder film. If anyone does not believe in conspiracy, I will post the frames that show the blowout that proves CONSPIRACY. I KNOW JEANIE SAYS I’M A BAD BOY. ,SO HERE IS THE SHOT. sorry about the Caps, I beg your pardon.

  • Jim Glover

    1/11, 7:10pm


    Jim Glover

    If they take me away I am not going quietly.

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 7:17pm


    Bill Warren

    just now talking w guy at mcdonalds ..says bowie would come all the time..everyday.. and just hang out w everyone..anyone..just another park regular..not recognized..normal looking guy…neat!!

  • Jim Glover

    1/11, 7:17pm


    Jim Glover

    Sorry if I screwed this up…. maybe I am OK anyway!


    What is the universe telling you now?


    OK I’m gonna go now! the universe thing is still open though to us all the time…. If I gets banned it won;t be the first time! This never happened. Or did it?

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 7:28pm


    Bill Warren

    Jim..you e seen so much and done so much and know so much..what to do?? The rest of y’all this is Jim Glove..old still kicking folkie ¿¿radical¿¿ who played Greenwich v. and WSP before Dylan..knew everyone.. half of important folk duo Jim and Jean. best friend to Phil Ochs for life. and a Tampa bay resident.. and friend.

  • Bill Warren

    1/11, 7:34pm


    Bill Warren

    Your among friends here.Jim. The worlds spinning madly it drifts in the dark.. changes ..by p. ochs. i had no idea that bovwie walked regularly w us mortals.. talkin w guy now who grew up in WSP .. dad hung at chess corner for years w kids. including. him.. interesting


    Glover and Ochs were under the eyes and ears of the fbi and such for years. peaceniks .. Americans.. parents commies ..etc. old radicals. just the kind of folk that govt did screw with royally and seriously.

  • Friday
  • JoGa Bot

    1/15, 1:07pm


    JoGa Bot

    haha william you are such a fanboy!


    “i didn’t know bowie walked regularly with us mortals”



  • Bill Warren

    1/15, 2:45pm


    Bill Warren

    Yeah.. I talked w the guy again.. and he said Bowie came to the park regularly.. daily, even.. but back in 2001 or so.. So there.. I was never a big fan.. and actually don’t know but his biggest most famous hits.. But creative in spades.. A lot is about creativity.. these days and most. My creative architect/artist friend died.. and his daughter and wife have asked my help as wordsmith to come up with a 22 spaces/characters epitaph for his tombstone.. The guy was creative wizard.. so we want to come up with the perfect creative, funny summation/description of his life.. an interesting problem to solve.. So far.. mom and daughter than me.. cry.. and say I can do it easier than they can.. and thanks..

  • Bill Warren

    1/15, 2:46pm


    Bill Warren

    they THANK me.. that is…

  • Mary Hegener Parker

    1/15, 2:48pm


    Mary Hegener Parker

    Concert on right now at 20 WSN. Are you in the neighborhood, Bill. I am not.

  • JoGa Bot

    1/15, 2:52pm


    JoGa Bot

    “a lot is about creativity”


    thanks bill!


    didn’t know that

  • JoGa Bot

    1/15, 2:53pm


    JoGa Bot



    says the lady who still hasn’t accepted my friend request because she only posts doggie pics

  • JoGa Bot

    1/15, 2:55pm


    JoGa Bot

    it’s under your friend requests

  • Bill Warren

    1/15, 4:29pm


    Bill Warren

    Mary and JoGa.. Yes, I caught much of the concert, and it was real good.. Good volume and spirit in that venue.. neat songs and execution.. Packed house.. seats all taken.. many smiles. everyone sounded pretty good they’ve been practicing…

  • Bill Warren

    1/15, 4:34pm


    Bill Warren

    Also , Mary.. There is a neat simple, and solitary tribute in WSP to David Bowie.. (as far as I can tell.. someone ought to get out and get a picture… IN BLUE AND PINK CHALK… ON THE INSIDE CURVE OF ON OF THE BLACK BENCHES NEAR THE ARCH… EAST SIDE… TWO FOOT BLUE AND PINK LETTERS DECLARE … ::””THERE’S A STARMAN WATCHING FROM THE SKY “” Kinda neat.. simple.. Asked park “greenie” if he knew of it.. or of others .. and got the big NO.. Later.. Also, Jo GA… Mary has her personal sight with lots of dogs and other things.. and alsod oes the smallish WASHINGTON SQUARE Facebook page.. 2 different thiings… Sees y’all later… WWW

  • Mary Hegener Parker

    1/15, 4:49pm


    Mary Hegener Parker

    JoGa, I just accepted your friend request. Are you also JoGa Leone?


    I do dogs needing homes and medical care, insects and Bonsai. Hope you don’t get bored.


    I’ve been stuck indoors a lot lately so Washington Square has received short shrift.

  • Mary Hegener Parker

    1/15, 5:06pm


    Mary Hegener Parker

    HeyJoGa! If you have anything Washington Square-ish, please post it to the group.


    Bill, any photos from today’s concert? Please post if you do.

  • Tuesday
  • Bill Warren

    1/19, 10:06pm


    Bill Warren

    Mary.. I do hope you are doin’ okay.. or not too sucky anyway.. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.. being too homebound and such… No pics of the Fri. concert.. but they were rocking!! I hope to get to at least part of tomorrows Jam. to.. We’ll be in touch.. More difficult now, tho’… my smart phone.. which I do wifi on.. (mcdonalds.. dunkin’ d.. transit system.. etc) has given up the ghost… so im only on computers now.. librarys and Circ. on Sq. etc..

  • Bill Warren

    1/19, 10:09pm


    Bill Warren

    JoGa also has JoGaBot.. or something.. Incidently, mary, JoGa was one of the first 100 or so on FB.. Attended Harvard when it started up there.. History is everywhere.. Gotta love the park.. I’ve been encourabing JoGa to get up some of his recordings doen at the Park.. Some are really pretty neat.. Hula hooped gals twirling to his doing R. Stones.. for example.. Right, Mr. Bot/Leone??

  • JoGa Bot



    JoGa Bot

    That was from Matthew cortellisi’s cam

  • Today
  • Bill Warren



    Bill Warren

    Ill poke around and see if I can find it.. or if you know how to locate and send me easily.. maybe do so.. OR.. even better… see about posting it on the Washington Square FB page that MH Parker administers… neat video short.. and I’d like to show it to Brian Dube as an example of how a simple.. low tech recording can have great creative, entertaining value.. Thanks..

3 DECEMBER 2015:

  • (now that yahoo is no more)


    you should probably set up a gmail account now

  • December 9
  • Bill Warren

    12/9, 10:05pm


    Bill Warren

    That’s trouble w the phone, me, and yahoo. Trouble using this old, early Galaxy samsung.. Emails iffy. I have a gmail acct. But don’t use it much. Prob should have switched over years ago… Manana?¿

  • Bill Warren

    Yeah ..but with exceptions for certain MUSTS .. Trust me on this one … Wiley Will


    Wily ??¿



  • December 10


  • JoGa Bot

    12/10, 1:40am


    JoGa Bot

    William the wounded warrior



  • December 10


  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 12:42pm


    Bill Warren

    Brother of the Evil Sister.. WWW .. Wicked Witch of the West.. Beware! Be afraid. She has a nasty left hook, barbed wit, cutting skills, and takes few prisoners…



  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 1:23pm


    Bill Warren

    curious fact, Son… Oldest sister was one of the first.. perhaps THE FIRST to survive bone cancer.. Amputated rt. arm, and then Mass Gen. tried a new, untested, experimental treatment.. radiation therapy.. And the bitch survived to prove a brilliant little girl.. at least at languages.. taught herself to read at 3 and a half yrs. old for example.. But sadly, the bitch was / is too clever by half. Sociopathic.. depressed.. angry.. sadistic.. a destroyer of relationships.. a n artist whose “creating” wa to destroy.. Very interesting.. After my Mom’s death.. the sister focused her hatred and blame on me.. so I’ve finally washed my hands of her.. and parts of the family , too. interesting.. She was first born, and still wants to boss kids around.. so she has a perfect job for her.. teaching at the college level foriegners to speak English.. which of course she’s brilliant at.. She cant’ figure out why she hates me.. Well, shes confused, paranoid, and lives in her own haunted world.. I call her the wicked witch of the west.. cause for awhile she had the house to the west of mine.. She helped destroy the family… I gave up trying to keep it together while parents were alive, and after they died.. She, the WWW is essentially dead to me.. Too many unforgivalble horrid deeds/acts/lies/cons/arguments/tears/screaming/ psychotic breaks.. Pity that… Interesting family.. I do have ONE good brother, and he’s great.. Christian.. Johannas’ Pa.. Hastings on Hudson.. Hist. prof at Brooklyn college.. great teacher.. prize winning author.. good guy.. pretty much stays out of family affairs and maintains favorable status that way.. No tar baby touching.. Wise brothere, that Christian.. Yea.



  • JoGa Bot

    12/10, 1:29pm


    JoGa Bot



    i was banned from the princeton campus for the 4th time in two years on monday night


    it’s the same cycle every time


    i play in front of campus center…attract sizeable crowd of undergrads…campus security says there was report of “suspicious person” that fits my description…they see i had prior PNG (‘persona non grata’) and say that they have to follow protocol and ban me for 90 days


    the “prior PNG” was for the exact same ‘offense’ of allegedly being ‘suspicious’



  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 1:32pm


    Bill Warren

    Music is suspicious.. Random acts of kindness is suspicious.. I am sucpicious.. I really should report myself… but I’m just not THAT good and AMerican. See something.. Say something.. See JoGa .. Secure the women and children and call the campus cops.. especially if six strings and vocal chords are moving in new.. suspicious ways.. run away..




  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 1:39pm


    Bill Warren

    Is Princeton still the most Southern, most conservative/backwards of the Ivys? They were famous in my day for being the recruiting ground for CIA.. Other Ivys “suspicious of Cia.. Maybe when in Rome.. you should find one of the roads that leads OUT of the Place.. Like I say.. a change might do you good.. Maybe you could be suspicious in Florida , later, for a change.. The English are so eccentric, and tolerant, that you could go over there and do your suspicious deeds and just fit into their don’t know which side of the road to drive.. wacko/weird/suspicious ways.. Maybe you are just creative.. Ever consider that? Huh? Personally , I’m suspicious of the whole Princeton University.. Let’s report it.. Maybe sleep on that one.. Keep your nose clean, Grasshopper.. and chose your battles carefully… and maybe stick with your “Own Kind” Harvarddudes a little more..



  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 1:43pm


    Bill Warren

    My understanding is that there is a collegiate wormhole thingy that reaches all the way up to Princeton and pulls, tugs, “action at a distances.” the whole university to south of the MasonMental/DixonDistant Line.. Have you heard of this.. ??



  • JoGa Bot

    12/10, 1:44pm


    JoGa Bot



    my ex gf went to the new college of florida


    graduated this past spring


    i’ve gotta investigate this wormhole!



  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 1:53pm


    Bill Warren

    I’m thinking of going down February like.. i’ll probably be ready by then.. You are not going to believe it/me, but I’m getting really great feedback on the “do Lincoln” thing.. Serious actors, and serious artists tell me that I have to do it .. that I DO have his face.. and these folk that know the ways of the Big Apple People are saying /encouraging all kinds of stuff.. Essientially YES YES YES DO DO Do.. with a lot of “I know what I’m talking about’s thrown in.. One buddy, for example has done 111 portraits of Abe Lincoln.. and tells me.. I’ve studied his face.. believe me.. and you ar IT, son.. But I’m tired.. Actrualluy have to dye beard/hair again… Goin out now for a smoke.. Too funny/ridiculous about Princeton.. but.. people and institutions are interesting/weird.. They could either consider you persona non grata.. or consider it worthwhile and educational that your are there and give you a stipend.. or some other college word for MONEYCASHDOUGH.. If you gather a crowd.. maybe you are just what the kids need and want.. therefor… BE GONE.. GEt a day job to quit..Take a vacation..



  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 1:57pm


    Bill Warren

    Gottta take a break.. I keep thinking.. and its’ quite good.. that I’ll have to write a statement/press releases from Abe on why he’s running for re-election in 2016.. He’s considering THROWING TEXAS OUT OF THE UNION.. , switching parties,, further abolishing slavery,.. including economic slavery… and selling patent headache powders.. Elect a great dead president.. (Nobody’s Perfect Party)

  • Bill Warren

    Wrong all around, Grasshopper. Try again. Tell it to Pete Seeger , who tho deadish, doesn’t after. Too busy to learn is to be moribund…



  • JoGa Bot

    12/9, 9:27pm


    JoGa Bot

    i’m learning!


    all the time


    just not listening all the time




  • JoGa Bot

    12/9, 9:27pm


    JoGa Bot

    pete seeger was a boring weak singer


    i’m not a fan!


    does that make me any less of a musician to tell you that i’m not a fan of pete seeger nor bob dylan?


    i’ve heard them and it doesn’t move me


    the reason singers like pete seeger are still around is that in lieu of virtuosic gifts they aligned themselves with whatever “cause” was popular


    i don’t care how “generous” these singers look…they’ve all got a selfish ego operating at the core



  • Bill Warren

    12/9, 9:38pm


    Bill Warren

    Warrens have been harboring Quakers since 1650 and educating since at least then. Health education ..caring for poor weak children, dridrunks. Same values as Seeger.. Old Yankee … Moms values similar.. Danish ones. Idealistic, realistic. Healers against war. Educated against ignorance. I suspect you don’t know Seegers history.. Parents Harvard music profs. No lack of wit not talent. Humanitarians. I want to kiss that off. Go ahead..



  • JoGa Bot

    12/9, 9:40pm


    JoGa Bot

    i know his history!


    he seems like a great guy


    but that doesn’t mean i like him as a singer


    i don’t care if gandhi himself wrote songs…if the voice doesn’t move me then i don’t listen



  • Bill Warren

    12/9, 9:52pm


    Bill Warren

    That was… If you want to kiss that off .. go to it. Oh.. Sorry, but phone IS defunct. Carrier is non responsive.. Frustrating.. Am doing withoutphone for now.


    I’ve been listening to On Seeger since age 4. Political. Liberal. Socialistic. Pacifistic. Environmental. Anti-Hysterical. Educational. Patient. STRONG. Lifelong fighting of “good fight!”


    Unpopular causes, but the moral high road. BUT… Theres no arguing taste. AND you’ve got your own special thing going. Ride it! Learn and steal from the best! Create!



  • JoGa Bot

    12/9, 11:48pm


    JoGa Bot

    I’ve gotta start saving my voicemails and incorporating them into songs


    Like the rappers do



  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 12:32am


    Bill Warren

    Definitely.. Urge to earnestly create sometimes squeezes poems out. Concentrated communication. Friend thought he could market my answering machine tapes over years.. Made him laugh. Suggested recording.. You surely same. Pressure is on when tape playing.. Desire to communicate. Earnestly. Choice of words.. Very interesting….



  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 12:48am


    Bill Warren

    First line should earnestly COMMUNICATE..



  • JoGa Bot

    12/10, 1:09am


    JoGa Bot

    Think of the shape of the number 6



  • JoGa Bot

    12/10, 1:39am


    JoGa Bot

    The shape I’m in



  • December 10


  • Bill Warren

    12/10, 12:43pm


    Bill Warren

    Looks like a 9 that got run over by a truck..


    I want “10s” all around, Campers.!!


    going to eat luch now at the senior center.. Xmas tree lit and caroling last nt at WSP. Nice..L8er…

  • Bill Warren

    I’ll see where rakit is and see bout it. What’s your attraction/angle on it? You gonna play or just chase tail? Lovely day in wsp today. Memorial for Joe B. Interesting.

  • Sunday
  • Bill Warren

    12/6, 8:56am


    Bill Warren

    Quiet Sun. A.m. in Village. May get to rak it later. Church at noon ..liberal pinko artists n loose wimmens ..

  • Sunday
  • Bill Warren

    12/6, 5:39pm


    Bill Warren

    Joe Bodni


    Bodnick.35 yrd. In wsp.





  • Bill Warren

    12/6, 5:47pm


    Bill Warren

    Budnick …finally.. See notice

  • Bill Warren

    12/6, 6:44pm


    Bill Warren

    Phone not working.. And I’m beat, too…

  • JoGa Bot

    12/6, 6:44pm


    JoGa Bot

    i didn’t go to the rakit club


    i still have work to do online


    i have to get my sites up-to-date


    and make sure they are secure


    operating from the peter lewis library on 5 ivy lane


    princeton NJ

  • Bill Warren

    12/6, 6:49pm


    Bill Warren

    Great location and task. Get your ducks in a row.. Tidy and orderly. Pass inspection. Johanna after 6 grand for studio work… Yikes.. You’ll be discovered. Have bag packed ..passport to date. Condoms handy..

  • Bill Warren

    12/6, 7:01pm


    Bill Warren

    Under capitalized, eh, son? Me too. Farm sale will get me home.. Or homes. Fla. And one up Hudson.. Small. Cheap. Zen. Danish. you is invited 2 both.


    You’ve been paying dues. Honing craft. Some success already. Vacation in order, perhaps, or change, maybe.. Inspiration, growth, and a break or two. A patron ..sponsor ..supporter..


    Bras andnh jocks support …suspenders..rich uncle.. Rich bitch or an Angel!


    Raw talent, energy, hard work maybe. …SLEEP!!

  • Monday
  • JoGa Bot

    12/7, 5:19am


    JoGa Bot

    And my daily dose of methadone…

  • Monday
  • Bill Warren

    12/7, 10:50am


    Bill Warren

    and a maid .. as per neil young song …

  • JoGa Bot

    12/7, 11:36am


    JoGa Bot

    And a spot on the altamont bill

  • Monday
  • Bill Warren

    12/7, 6:47pm


    Bill Warren

    I sent the chestnuts song to you and ..5 others. FB makes your responses sent to ALL.. All names begin a letter I. Coincidence that lots my buddies names start that way.. Including johanna…phil ivy’s best bud.. Him Glover


    JIM glover. But check out the chords…really.. Any few of them sound great.. Good discipline.. Learn something..I did. Neat “changes.”!! Neat. Lovely.

  • Bill Warren

    12/7, 7:08pm


    Bill Warren

    Did you see Cohen bros. Last movie INSIDE LLEWIN DAVIS?? The Village just before Dylan. Loosely, v. Loosely based on david van rink. More my thing than yours. Period im researching. Know some still living who were there..1962..1963…but dying off.

  • Tuesday
  • Bill Warren

    12/8, 12:26pm


    Bill Warren

    Am at senior center’s computer.. 20 North Washington Square… Greenwich House.. on e of four community centers started around 1912 to better the community of G. Village.. at a time that decline was well entrenched. Poverty .. and silly Italians with out pasta, but no lack of babies.. A great resource here.. old folks of various professions.. lots of artists musicians, actors.. dramatists.. advisors to Lincoln Wannabees.. Get my drift there, WaPo..?? Also.. Princeton NJ.. keep eyes and ears out for an old buddy from my USNPS days in Washington.. An old family in the area .. KNOX.. as in General K. of the Revolutionary war.. My buddy was Hal Knox.. and he was to become a lawyer, so’s he could handle his family’s money and keep busy and not drink too much.. I should google him and his gang.. He and I went and visited on of the families old homes.. On the James River in Virginia.. neat old house.. plantation.. neat old great aunt.. Okay, now back to work there, son.. Am thinking of you..but in a manly way.. I finally got to spend some time in New Haven/Yale last year.. I have yet to poke around Princeton.. and ought to see Philladelphia sometime.. Have to find out if cousin is going to be selling my grandmas, Mor=Mor’s place in Sullivan County, NY.. 100 miles north of NYC… I know he’s getting a farm in Virginia.. don’t know if he’ll keep place in Phillipsport.. near Ellenville/wurtzboro… Later dude.. Oho yes.. I’ll have to check Johanna’s schedule and se e if’n I can catch her and her act somewhere near here.. I haven’t really seen her in person.. for like 6 or 7 years… bye fr now.. www

  • Bill Warren

    I see ure friends w tori ..who posts lots of wsp stuff..

  • November 25
  • JoGa Leone

    11/25, 5:29pm


    JoGa Leone

    a torrent of wsp stuff

  • Bill Warren

    11/25, 6:10pm


    Bill Warren

    Yes. i didnt realize how many wsp sites and blogs there are ..have contributed to two …

  • Bill Warren

    11/25, 6:17pm


    Bill Warren

    eager to see brian dube again.. like filming idea loads.. ive been thinking lots about doing it myself. have 50 yrs. of taking photos n making little home movies.. 8mm. like your hula girls with stones song for example.. smile production a good thing.. keith richards.. dancing tits ..wsp… andJoGA too. A winning short.. expand.. explore… create… record..

  • November 27
  • Bill Warren

    11/27, 2:45pm


    Bill Warren

    You want a cheap thrill.. I just looked up the lovely lady I sat and talked with at Thanksgiving dinner at Le Souk last night.. Check out.. google her site at Shije.com.. I think she kinda liked me.. well maybe a little bit anyway.. She DID want,, and Had her photo taken with Abe.. that is , Little old Me!! Did you ever notice how lovely some women are?? Her for example.. U being good.. Thought not.. Lumps of coal headed your way.. Am at the library.. but gotta get outa here soon… OUt… Abe Willy Warren

6 NOVEMBER 2015:

  • 11/30, 12:07pm


    Bill Warren

    Take the piss funny pics n vids
  • Monday
  • Thursday
  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 7:21pm


    JoGa Bot

    winnie the…

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 7:37pm


    Bill Warren

    Cap is Texas A and M. Texas


    Used to know how to wear hats there…

  • JoGa Bot

    Torrent alert


    Former owner at self


    You look like an elf and sing like a smurf

  • Thursday
  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 6:36pm


    JoGa Bot

    whats up at WSP?

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 7:00pm


    Bill Warren

    3days rain now over..will send hour some postings a news….

  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 7:01pm


    JoGa Bot

    they are after me lucky charms

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 7:03pm


    Bill Warren

    Johanna on local tour..memorial on sat for gone park regular..30 years active..


    J.J. Damned good when sober

  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 7:09pm


    JoGa Bot



    I can’t trace everyone else


    Stop with the sober


    Sounds like the songs nearly over


    Now get sober and go!

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 7:12pm


    Bill Warren

    You know JJ? Love his stuff. Lots of old greats. Knows history.

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 7:14pm


    Bill Warren

    󾠖 ~upcoming shows~ 󾠖 12.10 Annandale, NY. Bard college 12.11 Poughkeepsie, NY. Vassar College 12.12 Syracuse, NY. SubCat Music Studios LLC 12.13 Rochester, NY. BlueBrick Recordings 12.20 New York, NY. St Dymphnas w/ Miwi La Lupa 12.31 Brooklyn, NY. https://www.facebook.com/events/1499517387019590/
    Johanna Warren
  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 7:20pm


    JoGa Bot



    you scared em all away!

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 7:34pm


    Bill Warren

    111 Lincolns Series
    Before I divulge let it be known that I am not obsessed with Abraham Lincoln. However Abe and I were slowly acquainted after my car broke down in Illinois in 1994.  At that point, I had no desire to paint … Read the rest of this entry →
  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 7:46pm


    Bill Warren

    Am tired … Drunk bums also got a bag of my stuff

  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 7:48pm


    JoGa Bot

    im safe in princeton


    becoming my own digital archivist


    putting my best digital foot forward


    deleting the rest



  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 8:01pm


    Bill Warren

    Good work, son. Quality was up and down and all around. Best foot forward. First and second impressions. Variety is grand .. But keep quality up. You’ve had great help over the years, no??


    Seems like you had wizard amigos and amigos lending tech support.. Artists



  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 8:04pm


    JoGa Bot

    no i just worked my ass off to get it right

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 8:05pm


    Bill Warren

    Its worth it.


    Mayosky has studied

  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 8:05pm


    JoGa Bot

    and she still didn’t show up!

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 8:06pm


    Bill Warren

    Lincolns face and says I really have it.. Cool.

  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 8:06pm


    JoGa Bot

    no need for gay paree


    grow old with the memory


    like jesse james


    and JWB

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 8:08pm


    Bill Warren

    If you want a job done.. Yourself do it!! Sadly sometimes true. People CAN disappoint..

  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 8:08pm


    JoGa Bot

    you’re telling me things i already knew!

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 8:10pm


    Bill Warren

    But I thot you had old harvard buds .. Tech and art geniuses doing video for hornblower and still available ..or was I wishing..

  • JoGa Bot

    12/3, 8:11pm


    JoGa Bot

    we’ll round them up


    do the harvard hop!

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 8:12pm


    Bill Warren

    Damned phone.. Hornblower??? Whered that come from.. Damned guessing smart phone..guesses wrong a lot!!??¿¿


    I know johannas sharp, but she gets help from great video folk. Don’t know that she pays.. But originality..cleverness,and art can b done on budget.


    Don’t know if keep it simple stupid ..KISS is applicable… Am tired.. But caffeinated..


    Surely you’ve gotten great AND lousy advice over the years .. Uve paid


    Some dues


    Out for bit..takin a break..

  • Bill Warren

    12/3, 8:43pm


    Bill Warren

    I didn’t know Joe.. Have been told bout him

    Hi WSP, a friendly reminder about Joe Budnick’s memorial music event, this Saturday, 2-6 pm at the Village Lantern, 167 Bleecker Street! Acoustic only, no amps. Joe’s brother in law made a generous donation to enable light appetizers to be served. Please buy drinks at the bar. He also requested photos. I’m having a friend who’s a great photographer come for the entire event and take pictures. (In addition to anyone else who is taking their own photos). A photo album will be available on facebook. For the first couple of hours, we’re gonna have Joe’s friends do 3-4 songs each then we’ll open it up whomever wants to lead songs. We’re excited that so many people are coming to honor his legacy. Joe would be very happy! See you there
    Lori Behrman

(william warren is up-to-date on skeletal remains in WSP)
(has to unlock old samsung galaxy S)
(wifi / camera phone)
(“not 2 3 4”)

Notice on fence says to check … nyc.gov/parks .. And to then search ..wifi …it’ll tell u hotspots in parks.. have good news later ..www

Nov 10th, 11:37am

I endorsed u on linkedin
Sales and Microsoft excel
Why can’t u tell me the good news now?
Dan Rivera
Tore Woodall told me about “sing for your supper”
Tuesday nights
I friend requested Dan Rivera
He didn’t respond
He wants to be a singer too
There’s only room for so many singers
It’s a battle for positioning
JoGa — Gotsta tell you some good news. I met a real deal old folkie yesterday.. 67 yo. knew some of the neatest, best, songs.. faves of mine.. and told me “the best open Mike (which he hosted) was that night, Monday.. at 32 Jones.. a little place called the Café Vivaldi.. Damned good… the little bit I saw.. Bleeker and seventh aprox.. The singers name was/is Bert Lee.. Writer, composer, etc.. Played in St. Pete.. AND the legendary FLICKI coffee house in Miami/Coconut Grove.. where FRED NEIL, JONI MITCHEL, CROSBY, NASH.. AND LOTS WENT.. tHE FLICK recently commemorated 50 years with a memorial get together.. a couple of years ago.. Tjhere was/is a tie in with our (St. Pete area) coffee house named Beaux Arts.. Real important.. A seedbed/venue for all sorts of arts.. Most famously, James Morrison (living in st pete) read his poetry out there.. supposedly borrowed uke and tried putting poems to music.. THAT kind of place.. lA drunken Jack Kerouac was tossed out pretty regularly… godtta go.. check out neat musician, G.Village long timer..,,open mike host..name of Bert Lee.. AND you are welcome, young fella..www
I played at cafe Vivaldi in November 2008
With my ex gf Lilliana rose
Had to play backup guitar for her
She was too insecure to play my songs because they were better than hers
Roger that, sir.. you have been around the block.. It’s especially interesting to me ’cause I , and some others are trying/doing getting down the history of Beaux Arts.. an interesting and important project.. St. Petersburg tie ins.. for example, kFred Neil was raised in SPete.. thoujg very little evidence remains. Probably the whole family was private, certainly Fred was.. Maybe even reclusive.. drugs, too. Always singing about wanting to get the F out of the big city (NYC) and back to Florida.. Which he did.. settling into Coconut Grove.. near Miami.. and the FLick where he helped young joni Mitchel, and young david Crosby and Nash, and many others.. My buddy Jim Glover, Phil Ochs’ best pal, best man, also played down there a lot.. As did another st. pete fellow Michael Peter smith.. who wrote the incredible.. you must hear… “the Dutchman” a song some consider the best of the century.. Also Spoon River.. Smith went on to become a tony winning playwright and critic in Chicago.. is still alive.. Johanna’s Dad.. my brother Chris.. the hist. prof. was big buddyies/and musical partner with MPSmiths brother Peter Smith.. who also wrote on the arts and music for the St. pete Times for years.. He’s a big Fred neil fan, too.. Very interesting about your exgal Lilliana and insecurity.. Too many ego problems/exhibitionism tendencies w/performers.. Ce La Vie.. and viv le difference.. Hablo espanol.. www
I’m not into ranking songs as “best”
It’s a matter of promotion
I consider many songs in my catalogue to be better than a lot of “classic rock” songs
It’s a matter of recording them to the beat of my abilities and making them available to the listening public
Which I have been doing for 11 years
Let them judge
Right now the “best” song according to them is “hello” by adele
I’d rather speak english!
I’d rather be a master of one language than a dabbler in many
And there’s a billion English speakers so it’s best to defect to english
Esperanto never caught on
Dad was kinda keen on Esperanto for a while.. But then he went to Boston Latin, had some greek.. lots of German (science students studied German in old days.. and dad was doc on hospital ships in WWII and had lots of POW German patients.. Played lotsa chess w them also.. pass the time.. polish German.. Some people now advocate Spanish as the lingua franca.. Its easier.. Phoenetic.. and .. well.. its about the same as Esperanto anyway..
An amalgam of my linguistic experiences to date
One of my goals is to make my own language and translate it to the ignorant masses
Music and love are still the international languages… Carry on, Sir.
Actually , Buckminister Fuller spent a lot of time around the Village.. Lived? on WSP townhouse.. in the 20s , I think.. He drank too much at some periods.. but the neatest thing is that for a couple/few? years.. he didn’t speak.. or so the story goes.. actually he spoke VERY little.. attempted NOT to speak.. When he finally opened up.. he had theories about the limitations of language, and the confusion caused by words.. Hence, he mad up lots of his own new words.. they didn’t have the baggage of former associations.. were fresh words for fresh concepts.. You wanna do dat too?? Rotsa Ruck..
I’ll have to brush up on my architectural skills first
Gotta design the perfect home
As protection from the ever present elements
So I can continue my work in peace
Then I need to earn money to purchase the property from some government
Preferably the US
Or I can rally the native Americans and urge them to reclaim their space
I should busk on indian reservations

Nov 10th, 3:16pm

Don’t know if you are familiar with the “tiny house” movement/phenomenon.. Designers/builders/simple people making and living in houses 100-200square feet.. It’s not really a new idea.. Compare to living space of small/medium size boats that people live, laugh,, and love on.. Were basically talking old wine in new bottles here, but w new technologies and materials, there is also some new wine to confine.. You should see my listin and pics of (gov’t.. ie, city) houses for sale in , say Newburgh, Ny..50 60 miles away.. wrecks/shells from one grand on up to 60 or 70 thousand.. similar situations/sales in other distressed cities in US> When I lived on our “farm” from 80 to 85 I looked into lots of simple homes/shelters, or “structures” as thae architects called such things…
i will check it out
because i’m sick of crashing with friends
then their life interferes with my goals
I was real fortunate to have a slick, diverse 11 acres to live on and “parkify” when I moved back to fla after 5 years up in Washington dc. Always a “nature lover” a tree hugger, or natural historian… for the first time..”alone” on the farm.. I had seclusion, privacy,.. time to contemplate.. I remember realizing that I “could hear myself think.” It was quiet.. it was wonderful.. Growing up w 5 other bros and sisters.. and friends.. life was always full of distractions.. plus I always paid attention to those around me.. good guy.. and sympathetic soul good guy.. But there IS A PLACE for reflection, meditation, quiet contemplation.. inother words.. pretty much the opposite of what you are living these days.. Don’t know what you like.. Variety can be good.. Live in the country for a while.. couple monthsl/seasons/years.. We had two ponds on our farm.. a fresh water one, and one that channeled to terra ceia bay…should have written a book… WARREN PONDS .. an exercise in deliberate living… and like semi reclusive HDT .. I could walk on over to friends for t.v., and dinners and icecream and lots of sloppy , dirty sex… maybe.. ????
11 acres…interesting…12 is my number
1 chain by 1 furlong

Nov 12th, 9:07pm

Kinda buddy may be filming people n things in g. Village and ESP. Interesting guy. DO google Brian Dube…his company AND his blog..n y c photo of the day.. If he starts tv show he’ll be recording people like you.. Look up web blog. He’s got backing n experience! Enjoys bouncing ideas off me.. Nice guy. Local ..Funking caps on
Thinking caps, that is… B well…. Abe

Nov 14th, 5:55pm

When the French flag was placed on the fountain side of the upper Arch .. a couple of hours ago.. hundreds sang the French national anthem. A lighting company is presently preparing to illuminate the arch .. Blue, White, and Red. These’s beauty and thought amid the horror and madness …
Bill Warren
so you talked to brian dube about me?
i just sent him a friend request
dube juggling
the french are too feeble to defeat the muslims
it’s a repeat of the nazi invasion
It’shard to bomb a feeling.. Insanity has no central command building to smartbomb … Where is hatred centered? Religious fundamentalism have always driven ME nuts. Theirs AND ours! Brian n I didn’t talk specifics ..but be confided a respect and liking for my observations, attitude, philosophy, blah, blah.. Did say I’m one he’d like to record, and that our animated, effective talks bore fruit. We agreed we’d talk/plan some more. Likes my input. I will be input
I meant you will or should be input. It’s interesting to me because I’ve been planning thinking to make videos on this visit ..so much vibrance around! Definitely YOU.. It’s all in planning stages now a Brian. Did you check his very interesting former blog. N y photo of day? Quite good.. Brian helps musicians I understand.. Later Dude… Www
ode to self
i’ll check it out today
Right. Looked over walt whitmans songof myself month just passed. I must read more. V.contemporary! You will like the blog.. All sorts of near stuff n people!
i will
Johannas two brothers great jugglers ..both Vassar grads Boston based now ..they say Fine have immeasurably to the juggling community! Brians got passion, I reckon.. Look forward to seeing him again soon… He’s got me thinking .. Again ..more …. Peace..
That’s Dube gave immmeas..
go smoke a dube
go grope a boob in NYU
they can’t tell whose hands are whose
Live.. From New York! Good idea, Poncho! A buzz and a boob to tell my grandchildren bout. Piece!

Nov 16th, 12:47pm

Get a gig, Hippy! Beautify America! Get a haircut.. Sorry, JG, but those old hippy age things come to mind, and being a fool I say ’em.. Tinkin of you.. WSP has been doing itself proud these last couple of days.. Warmer weather and a lousy rock concert in Paris.. donch know..
Am for some reason, running into photographic oriented people and themes.. Brian Dube and his potential filming/tv show just one example… Later.. it’s lunc time at the Greenwich House Senior Center.. Young fella, keep up the good work .. have some good ideas to discuss w /ya later.. Keep smiling and don’t blow anything up… WWW

Nov 19th, 12:25am

It’s unseasonably warm
Just lost mssg to u. mcdonald turned off power.. warm yes. okay by me. great turkey dinner tnxgvg for Village cmnunity.. given by Le Souk. Laguardia. i went last year and then direct ride to Tampa. Thankstaking..

Nov 19th, 11:00am

At computer at Greenwich House.. stones throw from our ARCH.. The first of to come Thanksgiving dinners here in an hour.. Put on some winter bluubberll..
Thoughts for the Week : Lunch gigs.. I could even do that.. 1 hour of stuff.. How much.. 50 bucks an hour is mjy guess.. Chicken feed in Gotham and esp. around here.. I am still thinking, but not obsessed yet, with the idea of videos.. or filming.. or / and recording… which is ONE reason it was especially interesting to see/hear that Brian Dube was considering venture along that line.. ie. video/visual recording.. which I’ve been at cerebrally for a year (I left NYC LAST thanksgiving.. so a year.. mol) And you, Sir, are partly responsible for creating this potential monster, Sir.. After your hula hoopin chicks in slow mo, long wit your Stones.. so simple even a Swede could do it.. THe technology is there, but the flesh (batteries) are weak.. Have a good day, Sir.. And don’t call me “Surely.” WWW

Nov 21st, 12:13pm

William forrester got angry about your austin comment!

Nov 21st, 5:28pm

Funny … I scolded him … and he wrote back ..was sorry …said alcohol was talkin …all forgiven.. Piece ..
i am in chats with tore woodall
about the tuesday night sing for your suppers
the williams have settled their digital score
Im excited .. See Johanna tomorrow.. 5 years !!??
she’s got a bunch of gigs booked
i’ll have to shadow her digitally and start contacting those venues
sing for lunch. coffee for breakfast
she’s got twice the fanbase i have
Neat. i didnt relize you had hundred songs on tapeetherrecord. Cool.
torr woodall..huh
u can follow a pre beaten trail ..
or carve my own!
or do a bit of both
ten albums cds
youve got a base ..on balls.. no youve been around …the block …slept around .o .. sung around ..played around ..no… forget it
what r u up to tonight?
Ill say hi to jo for you. she also has a nyc base ..
brooklyn hipsters/witches?
Park was incredible all day.. 5 ring circus!!! Resting now at mcdonalds.. tomorrow may be last day not cold.. lovely day…
get on your abe costume and cohabitate with a history major
Jo and her witches ..good ones with herbs n shit ..will sing you into a trance or spell .. watch ure wallet
cohabit good and warm .. be abe and freelance professor tutor ..wise guy …horny artist
support the arts and my habits
out for break …..
at my age marriage can be a great retirement plan …..hmmmmm…
Sing. make women swoon.. a good plan. path is cut and deep.. well beaten…
women are unreliable
make em swoon in a crowd but see if they invite you in for supper
remember that andrea sus girl under the arches
always into the music…never liked the fb page despite my requests…and never once invited me to her lower east side apt
never even offered me any of her abundant supply of grass!
People are strange .. Go to europe. american women so..so.. so American ..
people always say that
but no matter how much people say women are hotter in so and so country
i’m sure american women are most attractive
and they speak my language
just gotta whip them under control
manson seemed to have figured it out
must’ve been his study of scientology in prison during his 20s
He did make them swoon… and go kill. i spent month at scientology world hdqtrs in Sussex when i was europe ..busking london 74.. insane assylum run by inmates.. interesting story …
you managed to escape
mom was more danish than American ..maybe..
escape it was ..at four am. allways been interested in fringe groups ..cults ..wackos ..and my family ..interesting ..
started studying and observing them since early teen ..
fringe groups that is… studying family even longer….
taking a breaksmoke
i was a freemason

Nov 22nd, 1:03am

(Now I’m just stoned)
William Wirt ran for potus on AntiMasonic..or Liberal Party .ca. 1824. But hed been Mason too. Crazy times. paranoia of Masons ..later Pope and Catholics.. Later Reds.. Now Islam… Masons international. Washington and Brittish Masons were fighting brotherrs.. Civil war kinda.. lots of colonists were loyalists ..majority??. who cares, Joey??!!
Only pretty girls can call me Joey
Shirley you jest…
how about J.G.??!!
I’ve been nominally blessed
How bout JoGa?
Not even followed by a “rhymes with yoga” qualifier
I hate doing that
yes. and I damned.. tom dick and harry named bill.
Friends called me Wirt. Work is almost my middle name … also wit ..
Keep it simple stupid
dont call me stupid
four letters
Willy is o k . abe is fine. stupid works…also goofy..
like Rock.. or Max.. something manly
The greatest self deprecator since Rodney dangerfield
my name gets no respect .boring too
People hate bills. Complain all the time. pay bills not me…sucks
wsp incredible today. six ring circus. watched fron 7am to 7 pm. Tomorrow may be better..the turns cold. photo ops. tinkin bout filming ..prime time..
then turns cold .. havent seen or written brian dube. phone and email on his company site..i think ..
Listen to the lizard king
Who dat.. jim morrison ..
morrison had some st. pete roots ..shallow but real
dad retired military ..general or admiral or something.. 20 years..moved stpete.. Jim left for calif. and doors..
His future faded o so fast…now he’s back in the past…
I liked the LinkedIn writeup
I forgot bout it ..last month eh.. But its good.. high praise but not b.s. either.
I’ll look for her in Brooklyn
Land of the lips ticked hipster
i have pass to mus.nat.history tomorrow..but wsp may be draw too. niece in pm..forget venue..have to check and surprise her. loves her uncle bill!!
Persona non grata
listening to serius xm coffee house cjannel. accoustic and good..v. good..
saw that!! Impressive offerings..
at bard college jo had sticklips.. Then main man guitar guy died.. rapid cancer or something..23 years old.. Jo stepped into solo act.
all you guys have to do is get a song to bring in royalties.. have someone record a hit. get discovered.. coonsider hawking music around. willy nelson did..
I am the process of revamping the bandcamp page
carol king did. paul simon wrote red rubber ball when he was 15 or something.. knew carole king then.. amazing… also consider 6 mos. in england.. p. simon did. j. hendrix did. james taylor did.. i did ..??!!?? Taste there a bit different..perhaps sophisticated..perhaps english…
revamping good.. keep up to date. think Johannas is year old..forget..so many sites.. and im tired..
Tonight outside broadway McDs. 22 y.o. gal came up w smile and chatted. captivated by my eyes she said.. nice..pretty gal..naturalist.. recent grad. seeking..open.. thought me fascinating..told her of johanna and more.. would like to see her again.. dont think crazy or depressed ..but open and curious.. first sight??
Killing two birds with one stone

Nov 23rd, 9:26pm

Name of 22yo?
I forget. Ddelightful though. Great smile. Friendly. May be reaction to lincoln appearance. Conscious or sub.con. I might have asked her her no. If she wanted she could reach me through Johanna..Told her about niece .if she remembers.. Her dog was also very ill …maybe worried vulnerable ..lonely.. I couldnt make it to Jo s show.. Dead tired. Shell be on this coast a couple mos. i think. gst her to wsp
Get her to wsp.. maybe record something..huh..
Went into Strand bookstore for first visit. very near. awesome.. intimidating.. lots of interesting books ..so little time….!!!???
Did u promote the JoGa brand to said 22yearold?

Tue 12:03pm

Jesus.. WHat have I done for you lately, huh? No, I didn’t.. Somehow it just escaped me looking at her smiling face and warmed by her sweet soul.. I did not think of you.. Forgive me. I shall try to improve.. Come see the MAN EATING TURKEY!! $2.00 ONLY!! Non sequiturs are my middle name.. I think.. but my memory is fading… must eat lunch and remember my mother’s maiden name and remember JoGa more often… so much work.. memory full … Later, Gator.. www
You’ll be warm hearted yourself to know that I didn’t even get out to see my lovely niece perform in Brooklyn, either.. BBut then, no spells were laid on me, either.. and I didn’t have to sit still and behave for hours on end, either.. and I slept.. a fine thing, that… www

Wed 1:09am

Do you know any of these guys.. Supposed wsp regulars. i went to burger joint this eve.. saw.. heard ..met some.. friended lee lawless who does traditional blues..
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Wed 11:50am


Wed 6:26pm

Spoke just now w guy my age who married gal 35 years younger ..a nice looker too. they are happy.. still into gettingbuying chunk of home up river when farms sold. should tour up dare..
make like a bower bird and lure chicks in.. sing em into panty dropping.. it happens… in
  • Bill Warren

    My fine and talented niece, Johanna, is back in Gotham area, and is gonna be doing gigs…!! I’ll FINALLY catch up with her and see her perform.. Yea, Joey!!

    Johanna Warren added a new photo.
    New York, my old friend, it’s good to see you. I’m playing so much music this weekend and legitimately very excited for ALL of it: Fri 11/20 – Hudson, NY. Spotty Dog Books & Ale w/ Julie Marie Byrne (one of my fav songwriters out there right now) 8pm Sat 11/21 – Brooklyn, NY. Catland. Assisting astoundingly gifted practitioner of witchcraft Damon Stang at VOX LUNA : FULL FROST MOON *~* Sun 11/22 – Brooklyn, NY. Palisades. w/ Thelma, Jonah Furman & my boiz Two Inch Astronaut <3 3PM MATINEE (I’m on at 5:30ish) Sun 11/22 – Brooklyn, NY. Bohemian Grove again w/ Julie Byrne. 8pm. Phew!
    Johanna Warren
  • November 22
  • JoGa Bot

    11/22, 12:55am


    JoGa Bot

    I once was a “Joey”


    I was once a Joey too


    My grandmothers favorite toy

5 november 2015:

william warren in washington square park…

the picaresque novel (Spanish: “picaresca,” from “pícaro,” for “rogue” or “rascal”) is a genre of prose fiction which depicts the adventures of a roguish hero of low social class who lives by his wits in a corrupt society

8 september 2015:

william warren is really bombarding me with facebook messages…i friended all those in the rest of the conversation group…

23 july 2015:

he’s getting a ride up to NYC monday…

(dressed as abe lincoln with fiddle)
(he fiddled while atlanta burned)
(…and farted while florida floated)

referred to johanna as a “busy wench”…

“farmer william”

(‘former farmer…grew weary and hot…now walden willy…’)
(‘biggest crop was humidity…and humility…’)
(‘and pure vulgarity…’)

(‘watch out for evil eric!’)

u don’t know Eric too..short bearded boozy bum??


my number 3 fan…

threatened to kill me 3 times. 40 in prison..not for jaywalking..

tried to help him.. worked together. but crazy. liked my playing blues a lot too. maybe he’ll forgive me..bless him. religious kook…

later.. goin to Craig’s list..

 10 july 2015:

i told him that his niece johanna rejected my friend request…he said he’d talk to her again…but it doesn’t seem like she likes getting back to “uncle b”…

6 may 2015:

he’s selling his florida farm and becoming a rich man…he is returning to NYC as lincoln “with a fiddle or 12-string”…running for president in 2016…”elect a dead president for a real change!”…he wants me to be his running mate…

he wants female vocals (which i can provide)…”falsetto” (italian diminutive of “false”)…or “false large”…

2 april 2015:

“so perverted!!!”

But up in New Jersey they likely don’t even notice… Hey, If Im going to look like Lincoln.. WHo can you look like?? Hmmm??? Cat Stevens , maybe.. Nah.. “first cut is the deepest” was his teen hit.. neat.. then he got real sick for a year and changed outlook and style.. introspective.. religious.. beautiful.. but NOT perverted..!! Put that in you r YaYa, YoGa, JoGa pipe and smoke it, Grasshopper!! Be well, son. And don’t get caught..

“…but BE noticed…”

31 march 2015:

  • These guys have poetry that won’t land you in the pervert slammer.. Stuff your Grandma thought was lovely, and your Pa “Cool”. Stuff for women, too..

    Alan Lomax’s Massive Archive Goes Online


    More than 17,000 sound recordings made by the famed folklorist are now available, for free.
  • Friday
  • JoGa Bot

    JoGa Bot

    i have way too many songs of my own!


    my songs are so underappreciated i cant be listening to anything else except promoting them!


    effin A…i could spend my whole life listening to every other persons song under the sun!

  • Monday
  • Bill Warren

    Bill Warren

    Roger that, Amigo.. Keep nose to grindstone.. ANd Smile from time to time.. Rome wasn’t built by a boy… WWW

more fb chatting…

“william warren front n center!”

“we warrens usually sit in the back and off to the side…” he had an altercation with the old santa claus bum (“erik”) in WSP… the “nasty drunk” threatened to kill him 3 times…

  • william warren front n center
    as soon as i set foot in WSP last weekend i saw the old white bearded man
    he said he had some sort of altercation with you before ur departure
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 4:43pm


    Bill Warren

    We Warrens generally sit in the back, and off tto the side, thanks…. AND, lo, you are on.. I wonder if that was poor old Erik.. who threatend to kill me three times… a nasty drunk.. too bad.. more bearded men than one…
  • JoGa Leone

    3/26, 4:43pm


    JoGa Leone

    that was prob the one!
    threatened to kill you for what?
    did you steal his lucky charms?
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 4:47pm


    Bill Warren

    Yeah, he’s short.. did lots of time in prison.. not for jaywalkiing.. I tried to help him.. bad skin.. he was a violent drunk.. why kill me.. I was a smart ass sometimes.. him ungreatful… didn’t slleep… ornery.. likely violent anyway.. think he was in prison 40 years… sounds like murder to me… so.. violent.. crazy.. Not like you sons of John Harvard.. statue by Daniel Chester French.. same as Lincoln Memorial… Minuteman at Concord.. Doors of Boston Library.. and moor.
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 4:48pm


    Bill Warren

    My Abe Lincoln “beard” is about ready for coloring now.. Dollar Tree has the shit for ONE BUCK.. I tried real strong coffee… but NO>>..
  • JoGa Leone

    3/26, 4:49pm


    JoGa Leone

    i smell a song brewing!
    “don’t kill bill!”
    “he claimed he wuz framed”
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 4:50pm


    Bill Warren

    Worked at Lincoln Memorial.. USNPS after colllege.. Abe was same height 6for four.. big nose.. deep set eyes.. ears… I’m thinking of Emancipation for the White people too.. Am also thinking Honest aabe played the twelve string… just kinda like Fred Neil… You buying it???
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 4:53pm


    Bill Warren

    Yeah.. Not being Abe sure isn’t working for me.. I figure if Abe sang the blues… womens hearts would be .. well.. you knoww….
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 4:56pm


    Bill Warren

    Have to get some recording done.. Have a back log of 20 years or so… Lost a couple of decades taking care of parentws, uncles, cousins, etc.. All gone now.. Freedom.. Yes sir! Should have killed them all off earlier.. but , no, was mister nice guy… Now emancipated.. Lincoln concept orriginated back in late 70s.. Ought get speach coach.. but no one watns to hear Lincoln voice.. reputed to be high, and tinny… Not like John Wayne.. or Johny Cash… or Fred Neil.. Damn.. there’s that name again..
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 4:58pm


    Bill Warren

    Gotta run.. Duty calls.. Smoke coming out ears, and not into lungs.. 2 hours at computer… is like… I forget.. Be well dude
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 4:59pm


    Bill Warren

    And Humanity is SOO overrated too.. Half of ’em are assholes…some threaten to kill me repeatedly,, even…
    Will stream with pleasure, Sir. Out for know.. now.. no. ooooo…ZZZZZzzzz
  • JoGa Leone

    3/26, 5:00pm


    JoGa Leone

    will do!
    ill tie her to a warm park bench!
    and warm her up with a wrench!
  • Bill Warren

    3/26, 5:02pm


    Bill Warren

    You ARE a sick puppy! I like you.. Now, Have a nice day … Somewhere else .. !! ANd OUT>.
    That’s not poetry.. That’s perversion that rhymes.. There’s a diffenence, young fellow… Jeesus…
  • JoGa Leone

    3/26, 5:05pm


    JoGa Leone

    i’m a perverted poet

    • Bill Warren

      Yoga (whatever..) Good for you..!! Keep your eyes out for (Momma) Mary Hegener Parker.. the delightful older gal who walks 2 dachounds (gazuntheits, or whatever) and walks w/2 canes.. She runs the WSP website on FB, and is a fine gal indeed.. I know you did a few numbers for her this summer, and she thought you were a fine performer in spite of your hair ..(whatever , again )


    • Bill Warren

      3/25, 6:43pm


      Bill Warren

      And yes, you will be required when next we meet to have down , COLD, Fred Neil’s Bleeker and MacDougal… which can be found on the album “Bleeker and MacDougal.” Try to remember.. and its on UrineTube , or whaatever, also..

bullshitting online with aidan / bill warren / james chou…his niece is a plain jane (of course)…now he’ll leave me alone once i don’t agree with his assessment of her voice…i’m feeling sloppy today…ate a butter sesame bagel this morning with a large iced coffee…saw a busty white girl working at einstein bagel…maybe i should go work there…nah…

SUMMER 2014:

met him while i was embarking on a late-friday-night busking adventure on bleecker + macdougal…he approached me and started telling me about how fred neil wrote a song dedicated to this street corner… then he ran into me when i was playing under the arches in washington square park a week later…we didn’t immediately recognize one another… he’s a fan of the facebook music page… messages me on facebook from time to time…back in florida (on an 11-acre farm?)…keeps pushing his musician niece “johanna” on me…

(she seems like a plain jane)

(i respond as quickly as possible)


(born october 1951)


father: lyman o. warren
(british doctor)

(6 children)


(727) 278-9379

william warren front n center…
in all your floridian splendor…
we’ll weather the weather together…

gather your reptilian gear…

david rovics

who is “grove haynesnull”?
(warren’s name on my email address)


(janis joplin replacement)
(met her through plants)
(bought old fishback place in seminole)
(from texas)

(mohammad dawood iman)
(pic of bush)
(our kids went to harvard and yale)
(your kids went to iraq and jail)
(can’t fb friend him)

20 JANUARY 2016:

  • 1/3, 10:03pm   Bill Warren Yowza boss . was thinkin of you.. a good day today. chatted w famous actor whose name i forget. u still in big apple ..   at Broadway mcdonalds .. have to look up actors picture and name.. distinctive nurdy countenance..character   He didn’t know about el Nino either.. gonna get more pronounced in two months..    
  • 1/3, 10:57pm   Bill Warren Actor named Austin pendleton..sent u email w pic.    
  • 1/3, 11:12pm   Bill Warren I’ve got to practice guitar and get songs down n recorded.. also black long coat for Abe .. u staying away from prints town i hope. did your venture backer make u sign on?!?    
  • January 5
  • 1/5, 11:01pm   Bill Warren Heard today that u are down one fan.. Eric ..the mummy bearded fan front wsp   Bummy fan front wsp died in Calif. w sisters and hospice caring more than we ever did. I’ll find you a replacement fan ..may a better one ..even    
  • January 7
  • 1/7, 9:21pm   JoGa Bot Www   Eric the bum    
  • January 8
  • 1/8, 3:05pm   Bill Warren The same.. just now deader …    
  • 1/8, 3:05pm   JoGa Bot ouch!   sad?   he seemed like a nice guy    
  • 1/8, 3:11pm   JoGa Bot eric said i was the best singer he ever heard   he seemed really genuine when he said it   so i’m glad i at least got to know him    
  • 1/8, 3:57pm   Bill Warren He prob. meant it. I tried to help him… to no avail.. 3 times when drunk he threatened to kill me.. he was in prison for 40 years.. and I suspect he may have killed… Parts of him were nice..when sober.. Insane.. religious nut.. drugs.. I was a bud of his … until I wasn’t.. He had seen lots of singers in the park.. you can be sure.. so it’s still a feather in your cap.. Later.. gotta fly.. Thinking of you.. and a couple dozen other things… WWW    
  • January 9
  • 1/9, 9:59pm   Bill Warren Last chances fore she goes to Oregon. i been a bad uncle.. didn’t see her this visit.. what u doin this weekend .. huh??   2k16 shows are upon us!!!!!!!!!!!! we’re playing with Rubblebucket at Brooklyn Bowl on saturday and heading to the west coast! get your tickets below….see you there, Blanche! 01.09.16 – Brooklyn, NY @ Brooklyn Bowl http://www.brooklynbowl.com/event/982593-rubblebucket-brooklyn/ 01.22.16 – Seattle, WA @ The Vera Project http://www.ticketfly.com/event/1020789 01.23.16 – Portland, OR @ Mississippi Studios https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/993195 01.24.16 – Arcata, CA @ The Bat Cave https://www.facebook.com/events/200318550311268/ 01.25.16 – San Francisco, CA @ Rickshaw Stop https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1020097 01.26.16 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Bootleg https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1020517 01.28.16 – San Diego, CA @ Hideout http://www.ticketfly.com/event/1038167-pwr-bttm-san-diego/ 01.30.16 – Eugene, OR @ Boreal https://www.facebook.com/events/480995335443039/ 02.03.16 – Grinnell, IA @ Grinnell College 03.11.16 – Savannah, GA @ Savannah Stopover Music Festival 03.15.16 – 03.20.16 – SXSW PWR BTTM
  • 1/9, 10:34pm   JoGa Bot Idk wanted to plan Sunday trip but need backer $    
  • 1/9, 11:00pm   Bill Warren Roger that. ch elk th e weather.. rain most of tomorrow…but warmish .. im gonna see bout getting a second good nights sleep.. i got drained this last couple weeks. sleep good for oldtimer …    
  • 1/9, 11:01pm   JoGa Bot Chelsea peters   Hear of her?   Wsp regular. Hitting me up for place to stay    
  • 1/9, 11:08pm   Bill Warren would remember that name.. no idea .. but you are in nyc i take it…    
  • 1/9, 11:13pm   Bill Warren don’t know.. but might try to make Fla. Dr.s apptmnt 20 th this month… planned to cancel it.. Postpone .. but .. dunno.. might be best to have check .up .. Tired of farm and family bungling .. inexpressible frustration and wasted time w some of them .. suckaroonie !!    
  • 1/9, 11:31pm   JoGa Bot In maidenhead    
  • 1/9, 11:49pm   Bill Warren Roger and out. Sweet sleep …    
  • January 11
  • 1/11, 7:39pm   JoGa Bot but folk singers WANT to be “under the eyes and ears of the FBI”   most of thems just crazy attention whores   “schizos” in modern lingo…catch my drift boy?    
  • 1/11, 8:52pm   Bill Warren Well.. i dunno. in Jims case thefts are that his parents were active and important communist party members. j important gr ew up answering the door ..when fbi came calling. Jim was important part of music. toured w beach boys lots for example. cohens movie even has Jim and jean characters based on … j n Jew an albums b beautiful. g rewarded up w them. Jim is big on conspiracies. doesn’t think ochs kill ed s elf. Jim drinks but is still darned good p erformr    
  • 1/11, 8:54pm   Bill Warren Tired autocorrection driving me nuts.. oh… big good news. getting guitar tomorrow. then practice..then rich and famous.. easy…    
  • 1/11, 8:54pm   JoGa Bot of course   you are really going to load me up on knowledge of every half-bit folkie on the planet!   and now you’re my competition for fame and riches!    
  • 1/11, 9:02pm   Bill Warren its history..where we came from.. and they are important. u don’t like Phil ochs ill bet. fool. ignorant. n negative. shoot from hip. negative. unwilling to learn..step on grasshopper genius¿¿¡¡ Ever heard of Mozart ¿¿ Say some thing bad about him… go ahead. L. B ernstein ¿¿ Just another nyc Jew¡¡ i can play that game… butterse NO warships. Who do you like. B.Boys liked Jim. but they were from the state of fruits and nuts.. Who do you like anyway. Syria Plath    
  • 1/11, 9:04pm   JoGa Bot It’s not that I don’t “like” them   But your obsession with dead folks rots the brains of the living!    
  • 1/11, 9:09pm   Bill Warren Wrong. grasshoper. i am a historian. plus there are great and lovely songs.. but sure.. i g rewarded up on it.. too. some st and test of time.. some do esnt .. but.t id be interested in who you LOVE… am pooped .. manana    
  • 1/11, 9:15pm   Bill Warren Grew up on it.. u can’t argue taste.. you can’t criticize knowingly what you don’t know.. painting black with a broad roller covers too quickly the light and pattern beneath… anyway i should be getting guitar. mostly finger picker . have to learn pick serum. i like classical nylon. learn steel. nothings perfect ..    
  • 1/11, 9:16pm   JoGa Bot I don’t paint black I’m just too full of songs I have a huge array of musical influences   Just because I’m not receptive to what you’re throwing at me doesn’t make me close minded   And I sure can argue taste!    
  • 1/11, 9:42pm   Bill Warren You say potato. i say tomato. i say tomorrow. chances seem likely we really into..chatted w ..were listened to by Mr. D. Bowie .. interesting. i like that he loved park. just like me¡¡¿¿ Word is he wasn’t recognized. may have known drug dealers in corner..not sure.. its all history now. great history..tho..    
  • Friday
  • 1/15, 11:58am   Bill Warren I have’nt even listened to this yet ,, but it’s bound to be interesting.. Putting himself in the company of musical geniuses or what..?? Include yourself, and you’ll be happier.. Just add Mozart and JoGa and Me.. YOu are welcome.. I got the guitar… A simple Yamaha.. but in pretty good shape.. I’ve been tightening the tension rod slowly,, over days.. to bring the action down.. now…. practice.. geet callouses. learn words.. knock the rust off.. get a playlist.. and maybe get down in the warm subways.. and make some cash and start breaking women’s hearts with my sensitivity…. he . . he..   Phil Ochs – Bach, Beethoven, Mozart & Me Greatest Hits A&M Records 1970 -uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com youtube.com
  • 1/15, 12:31pm   JoGa Bot you think your sensitivity will break women’s hearts?    
  • 1/15, 2:47pm   Bill Warren Listen, watch , and learn, Grasshopper…..    
  • 1/15, 2:49pm   JoGa Bot don’t include me on chats with mary   she isn’t a fb friend so i have no further use for her   she doesn’t deserve my words
  • Bill Warren Jj   This is David Bowie’s favourite place in the city he called home It was, according to David Bowie himself, his most favoured place in the city he came to call home. Washington Square Park, surrounded by trees, centred by a foundation and overlooked by an archway that commemorates America’s first president, lies just a half-mile walk from the musician’s Soho homw.… independent.co.uk
  • 1/11, 6:46pm   Mary Hegener Parker Saw that this morning. We probably saw him frequently and didn’t know it.    
  • 1/11, 7:04pm   Bill Warren Yep. You never know in WSP. Game changing news is i likely have a decent guitar tomorrow!! With some practice..in the subway lets say… i could like… play the guitar!! Busked in London back in ’74 and did just fine..   I couldn’t post Collins pic and bowie info on wash. sq. maybe you can..    
  • 1/11, 7:09pm   Jim Glover I wish I was on your wave…. I just posted as proof of a conspiracy the Blowout in the back of JFK’s Head on the Zapruder film. If anyone does not believe in conspiracy, I will post the frames that show the blowout that proves CONSPIRACY. I KNOW JEANIE SAYS I’M A BAD BOY. ,SO HERE IS THE SHOT. sorry about the Caps, I beg your pardon.    
  • 1/11, 7:10pm   Jim Glover If they take me away I am not going quietly.    
  • 1/11, 7:17pm   Bill Warren just now talking w guy at mcdonalds ..says bowie would come all the time..everyday.. and just hang out w everyone..anyone..just another park regular..not recognized..normal looking guy…neat!!    
  • 1/11, 7:17pm   Jim Glover Sorry if I screwed this up…. maybe I am OK anyway!   What is the universe telling you now?   OK I’m gonna go now! the universe thing is still open though to us all the time…. If I gets banned it won;t be the first time! This never happened. Or did it?    
  • 1/11, 7:28pm   Bill Warren Jim..you e seen so much and done so much and know so much..what to do?? The rest of y’all this is Jim Glove..old still kicking folkie ¿¿radical¿¿ who played Greenwich v. and WSP before Dylan..knew everyone.. half of important folk duo Jim and Jean. best friend to Phil Ochs for life. and a Tampa bay resident.. and friend.    
  • 1/11, 7:34pm   Bill Warren Your among friends here.Jim. The worlds spinning madly it drifts in the dark.. changes ..by p. ochs. i had no idea that bovwie walked regularly w us mortals.. talkin w guy now who grew up in WSP .. dad hung at chess corner for years w kids. including. him.. interesting   Glover and Ochs were under the eyes and ears of the fbi and such for years. peaceniks .. Americans.. parents commies ..etc. old radicals. just the kind of folk that govt did screw with royally and seriously.    
  • Friday
  • 1/15, 1:07pm   JoGa Bot haha william you are such a fanboy!   “i didn’t know bowie walked regularly with us mortals”   yikes!    
  • 1/15, 2:45pm   Bill Warren Yeah.. I talked w the guy again.. and he said Bowie came to the park regularly.. daily, even.. but back in 2001 or so.. So there.. I was never a big fan.. and actually don’t know but his biggest most famous hits.. But creative in spades.. A lot is about creativity.. these days and most. My creative architect/artist friend died.. and his daughter and wife have asked my help as wordsmith to come up with a 22 spaces/characters epitaph for his tombstone.. The guy was creative wizard.. so we want to come up with the perfect creative, funny summation/description of his life.. an interesting problem to solve.. So far.. mom and daughter than me.. cry.. and say I can do it easier than they can.. and thanks..    
  • 1/15, 2:46pm   Bill Warren they THANK me.. that is…    
  • 1/15, 2:48pm   Mary Hegener Parker Concert on right now at 20 WSN. Are you in the neighborhood, Bill. I am not.    
  • 1/15, 2:52pm   JoGa Bot “a lot is about creativity”   thanks bill!   didn’t know that    
  • 1/15, 2:53pm   JoGa Bot hmmm?   says the lady who still hasn’t accepted my friend request because she only posts doggie pics    
  • 1/15, 2:55pm   JoGa Bot it’s under your friend requests    
  • 1/15, 4:29pm   Bill Warren Mary and JoGa.. Yes, I caught much of the concert, and it was real good.. Good volume and spirit in that venue.. neat songs and execution.. Packed house.. seats all taken.. many smiles. everyone sounded pretty good they’ve been practicing…    
  • 1/15, 4:34pm   Bill Warren Also , Mary.. There is a neat simple, and solitary tribute in WSP to David Bowie.. (as far as I can tell.. someone ought to get out and get a picture… IN BLUE AND PINK CHALK… ON THE INSIDE CURVE OF ON OF THE BLACK BENCHES NEAR THE ARCH… EAST SIDE… TWO FOOT BLUE AND PINK LETTERS DECLARE … ::””THERE’S A STARMAN WATCHING FROM THE SKY “” Kinda neat.. simple.. Asked park “greenie” if he knew of it.. or of others .. and got the big NO.. Later.. Also, Jo GA… Mary has her personal sight with lots of dogs and other things.. and alsod oes the smallish WASHINGTON SQUARE Facebook page.. 2 different thiings… Sees y’all later… WWW    
  • 1/15, 4:49pm   Mary Hegener Parker JoGa, I just accepted your friend request. Are you also JoGa Leone?   I do dogs needing homes and medical care, insects and Bonsai. Hope you don’t get bored.   I’ve been stuck indoors a lot lately so Washington Square has received short shrift.    
  • 1/15, 5:06pm   Mary Hegener Parker HeyJoGa! If you have anything Washington Square-ish, please post it to the group.   Bill, any photos from today’s concert? Please post if you do.    
  • Tuesday
  • 1/19, 10:06pm   Bill Warren Mary.. I do hope you are doin’ okay.. or not too sucky anyway.. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.. being too homebound and such… No pics of the Fri. concert.. but they were rocking!! I hope to get to at least part of tomorrows Jam. to.. We’ll be in touch.. More difficult now, tho’… my smart phone.. which I do wifi on.. (mcdonalds.. dunkin’ d.. transit system.. etc) has given up the ghost… so im only on computers now.. librarys and Circ. on Sq. etc..    
  • 1/19, 10:09pm   Bill Warren JoGa also has JoGaBot.. or something.. Incidently, mary, JoGa was one of the first 100 or so on FB.. Attended Harvard when it started up there.. History is everywhere.. Gotta love the park.. I’ve been encourabing JoGa to get up some of his recordings doen at the Park.. Some are really pretty neat.. Hula hooped gals twirling to his doing R. Stones.. for example.. Right, Mr. Bot/Leone??    
  • 12:00am   JoGa Bot That was from Matthew cortellisi’s cam    
  • Today
  • 2:38pm   Bill Warren Ill poke around and see if I can find it.. or if you know how to locate and send me easily.. maybe do so.. OR.. even better… see about posting it on the Washington Square FB page that MH Parker administers… neat video short.. and I’d like to show it to Brian Dube as an example of how a simple.. low tech recording can have great creative, entertaining value.. Thanks..

3 DECEMBER 2015:

  • (now that yahoo is no more)   you should probably set up a gmail account now    
  • December 9
  • 12/9, 10:05pm   Bill Warren That’s trouble w the phone, me, and yahoo. Trouble using this old, early Galaxy samsung.. Emails iffy. I have a gmail acct. But don’t use it much. Prob should have switched over years ago… Manana?¿
  • Bill Warren Yeah ..but with exceptions for certain MUSTS .. Trust me on this one … Wiley Will   Wily ??¿    
  • December 10
  • 12/10, 1:40am   JoGa Bot William the wounded warrior    
  • December 10
  • 12/10, 12:42pm   Bill Warren Brother of the Evil Sister.. WWW .. Wicked Witch of the West.. Beware! Be afraid. She has a nasty left hook, barbed wit, cutting skills, and takes few prisoners…    
  • 12/10, 1:23pm   Bill Warren curious fact, Son… Oldest sister was one of the first.. perhaps THE FIRST to survive bone cancer.. Amputated rt. arm, and then Mass Gen. tried a new, untested, experimental treatment.. radiation therapy.. And the bitch survived to prove a brilliant little girl.. at least at languages.. taught herself to read at 3 and a half yrs. old for example.. But sadly, the bitch was / is too clever by half. Sociopathic.. depressed.. angry.. sadistic.. a destroyer of relationships.. a n artist whose “creating” wa to destroy.. Very interesting.. After my Mom’s death.. the sister focused her hatred and blame on me.. so I’ve finally washed my hands of her.. and parts of the family , too. interesting.. She was first born, and still wants to boss kids around.. so she has a perfect job for her.. teaching at the college level foriegners to speak English.. which of course she’s brilliant at.. She cant’ figure out why she hates me.. Well, shes confused, paranoid, and lives in her own haunted world.. I call her the wicked witch of the west.. cause for awhile she had the house to the west of mine.. She helped destroy the family… I gave up trying to keep it together while parents were alive, and after they died.. She, the WWW is essentially dead to me.. Too many unforgivalble horrid deeds/acts/lies/cons/arguments/tears/screaming/ psychotic breaks.. Pity that… Interesting family.. I do have ONE good brother, and he’s great.. Christian.. Johannas’ Pa.. Hastings on Hudson.. Hist. prof at Brooklyn college.. great teacher.. prize winning author.. good guy.. pretty much stays out of family affairs and maintains favorable status that way.. No tar baby touching.. Wise brothere, that Christian.. Yea.    
  • 12/10, 1:29pm   JoGa Bot interesting!   i was banned from the princeton campus for the 4th time in two years on monday night   it’s the same cycle every time   i play in front of campus center…attract sizeable crowd of undergrads…campus security says there was report of “suspicious person” that fits my description…they see i had prior PNG (‘persona non grata’) and say that they have to follow protocol and ban me for 90 days   the “prior PNG” was for the exact same ‘offense’ of allegedly being ‘suspicious’    
  • 12/10, 1:32pm   Bill Warren Music is suspicious.. Random acts of kindness is suspicious.. I am sucpicious.. I really should report myself… but I’m just not THAT good and AMerican. See something.. Say something.. See JoGa .. Secure the women and children and call the campus cops.. especially if six strings and vocal chords are moving in new.. suspicious ways.. run away..    
  • 12/10, 1:39pm   Bill Warren Is Princeton still the most Southern, most conservative/backwards of the Ivys? They were famous in my day for being the recruiting ground for CIA.. Other Ivys “suspicious of Cia.. Maybe when in Rome.. you should find one of the roads that leads OUT of the Place.. Like I say.. a change might do you good.. Maybe you could be suspicious in Florida , later, for a change.. The English are so eccentric, and tolerant, that you could go over there and do your suspicious deeds and just fit into their don’t know which side of the road to drive.. wacko/weird/suspicious ways.. Maybe you are just creative.. Ever consider that? Huh? Personally , I’m suspicious of the whole Princeton University.. Let’s report it.. Maybe sleep on that one.. Keep your nose clean, Grasshopper.. and chose your battles carefully… and maybe stick with your “Own Kind” Harvarddudes a little more..    
  • 12/10, 1:43pm   Bill Warren My understanding is that there is a collegiate wormhole thingy that reaches all the way up to Princeton and pulls, tugs, “action at a distances.” the whole university to south of the MasonMental/DixonDistant Line.. Have you heard of this.. ??    
  • 12/10, 1:44pm   JoGa Bot yes!   my ex gf went to the new college of florida   graduated this past spring   i’ve gotta investigate this wormhole!    
  • 12/10, 1:53pm   Bill Warren I’m thinking of going down February like.. i’ll probably be ready by then.. You are not going to believe it/me, but I’m getting really great feedback on the “do Lincoln” thing.. Serious actors, and serious artists tell me that I have to do it .. that I DO have his face.. and these folk that know the ways of the Big Apple People are saying /encouraging all kinds of stuff.. Essientially YES YES YES DO DO Do.. with a lot of “I know what I’m talking about’s thrown in.. One buddy, for example has done 111 portraits of Abe Lincoln.. and tells me.. I’ve studied his face.. believe me.. and you ar IT, son.. But I’m tired.. Actrualluy have to dye beard/hair again… Goin out now for a smoke.. Too funny/ridiculous about Princeton.. but.. people and institutions are interesting/weird.. They could either consider you persona non grata.. or consider it worthwhile and educational that your are there and give you a stipend.. or some other college word for MONEYCASHDOUGH.. If you gather a crowd.. maybe you are just what the kids need and want.. therefor… BE GONE.. GEt a day job to quit..Take a vacation..    
  • 12/10, 1:57pm   Bill Warren Gottta take a break.. I keep thinking.. and its’ quite good.. that I’ll have to write a statement/press releases from Abe on why he’s running for re-election in 2016.. He’s considering THROWING TEXAS OUT OF THE UNION.. , switching parties,, further abolishing slavery,.. including economic slavery… and selling patent headache powders.. Elect a great dead president.. (Nobody’s Perfect Party)    
  • Bill Warren Wrong all around, Grasshopper. Try again. Tell it to Pete Seeger , who tho deadish, doesn’t after. Too busy to learn is to be moribund…    
  • 12/9, 9:27pm   JoGa Bot i’m learning!   all the time   just not listening all the time    
  • 12/9, 9:27pm   JoGa Bot pete seeger was a boring weak singer   i’m not a fan!   does that make me any less of a musician to tell you that i’m not a fan of pete seeger nor bob dylan?   i’ve heard them and it doesn’t move me   the reason singers like pete seeger are still around is that in lieu of virtuosic gifts they aligned themselves with whatever “cause” was popular   i don’t care how “generous” these singers look…they’ve all got a selfish ego operating at the core    
  • 12/9, 9:38pm   Bill Warren Warrens have been harboring Quakers since 1650 and educating since at least then. Health education ..caring for poor weak children, dridrunks. Same values as Seeger.. Old Yankee … Moms values similar.. Danish ones. Idealistic, realistic. Healers against war. Educated against ignorance. I suspect you don’t know Seegers history.. Parents Harvard music profs. No lack of wit not talent. Humanitarians. I want to kiss that off. Go ahead..    
  • 12/9, 9:40pm   JoGa Bot i know his history!   he seems like a great guy   but that doesn’t mean i like him as a singer   i don’t care if gandhi himself wrote songs…if the voice doesn’t move me then i don’t listen    
  • 12/9, 9:52pm   Bill Warren That was… If you want to kiss that off .. go to it. Oh.. Sorry, but phone IS defunct. Carrier is non responsive.. Frustrating.. Am doing withoutphone for now.   I’ve been listening to On Seeger since age 4. Political. Liberal. Socialistic. Pacifistic. Environmental. Anti-Hysterical. Educational. Patient. STRONG. Lifelong fighting of “good fight!”   Unpopular causes, but the moral high road. BUT… Theres no arguing taste. AND you’ve got your own special thing going. Ride it! Learn and steal from the best! Create!    
  • 12/9, 11:48pm   JoGa Bot I’ve gotta start saving my voicemails and incorporating them into songs   Like the rappers do    
  • 12/10, 12:32am   Bill Warren Definitely.. Urge to earnestly create sometimes squeezes poems out. Concentrated communication. Friend thought he could market my answering machine tapes over years.. Made him laugh. Suggested recording.. You surely same. Pressure is on when tape playing.. Desire to communicate. Earnestly. Choice of words.. Very interesting….    
  • 12/10, 12:48am   Bill Warren First line should earnestly COMMUNICATE..    
  • 12/10, 1:09am   JoGa Bot Think of the shape of the number 6    
  • 12/10, 1:39am   JoGa Bot The shape I’m in    
  • December 10
  • 12/10, 12:43pm   Bill Warren Looks like a 9 that got run over by a truck..   I want “10s” all around, Campers.!!   going to eat luch now at the senior center.. Xmas tree lit and caroling last nt at WSP. Nice..L8er…    
  • Bill Warren I’ll see where rakit is and see bout it. What’s your attraction/angle on it? You gonna play or just chase tail? Lovely day in wsp today. Memorial for Joe B. Interesting.    
  • Sunday
  • 12/6, 8:56am   Bill Warren Quiet Sun. A.m. in Village. May get to rak it later. Church at noon ..liberal pinko artists n loose wimmens ..    
  • Sunday
  • 12/6, 5:39pm   Bill Warren Joe Bodni   Bodnick.35 yrd. In wsp.   Bu   Budnov    
  • 12/6, 5:47pm   Bill Warren Budnick …finally.. See notice    
  • 12/6, 6:44pm   Bill Warren Phone not working.. And I’m beat, too…    
  • 12/6, 6:44pm   JoGa Bot i didn’t go to the rakit club   i still have work to do online   i have to get my sites up-to-date   and make sure they are secure   operating from the peter lewis library on 5 ivy lane   princeton NJ    
  • 12/6, 6:49pm   Bill Warren Great location and task. Get your ducks in a row.. Tidy and orderly. Pass inspection. Johanna after 6 grand for studio work… Yikes.. You’ll be discovered. Have bag packed ..passport to date. Condoms handy..    
  • 12/6, 7:01pm   Bill Warren Under capitalized, eh, son? Me too. Farm sale will get me home.. Or homes. Fla. And one up Hudson.. Small. Cheap. Zen. Danish. you is invited 2 both.   You’ve been paying dues. Honing craft. Some success already. Vacation in order, perhaps, or change, maybe.. Inspiration, growth, and a break or two. A patron ..sponsor ..supporter..   Bras andnh jocks support …suspenders..rich uncle.. Rich bitch or an Angel!   Raw talent, energy, hard work maybe. …SLEEP!!    
  • Monday
  • 12/7, 5:19am   JoGa Bot And my daily dose of methadone…    
  • Monday
  • 12/7, 10:50am   Bill Warren and a maid .. as per neil young song …    
  • 12/7, 11:36am   JoGa Bot And a spot on the altamont bill    
  • Monday
  • 12/7, 6:47pm   Bill Warren I sent the chestnuts song to you and ..5 others. FB makes your responses sent to ALL.. All names begin a letter I. Coincidence that lots my buddies names start that way.. Including johanna…phil ivy’s best bud.. Him Glover   JIM glover. But check out the chords…really.. Any few of them sound great.. Good discipline.. Learn something..I did. Neat “changes.”!! Neat. Lovely.    
  • 12/7, 7:08pm   Bill Warren Did you see Cohen bros. Last movie INSIDE LLEWIN DAVIS?? The Village just before Dylan. Loosely, v. Loosely based on david van rink. More my thing than yours. Period im researching. Know some still living who were there..1962..1963…but dying off.    
  • Tuesday
  • 12/8, 12:26pm   Bill Warren Am at senior center’s computer.. 20 North Washington Square… Greenwich House.. on e of four community centers started around 1912 to better the community of G. Village.. at a time that decline was well entrenched. Poverty .. and silly Italians with out pasta, but no lack of babies.. A great resource here.. old folks of various professions.. lots of artists musicians, actors.. dramatists.. advisors to Lincoln Wannabees.. Get my drift there, WaPo..?? Also.. Princeton NJ.. keep eyes and ears out for an old buddy from my USNPS days in Washington.. An old family in the area .. KNOX.. as in General K. of the Revolutionary war.. My buddy was Hal Knox.. and he was to become a lawyer, so’s he could handle his family’s money and keep busy and not drink too much.. I should google him and his gang.. He and I went and visited on of the families old homes.. On the James River in Virginia.. neat old house.. plantation.. neat old great aunt.. Okay, now back to work there, son.. Am thinking of you..but in a manly way.. I finally got to spend some time in New Haven/Yale last year.. I have yet to poke around Princeton.. and ought to see Philladelphia sometime.. Have to find out if cousin is going to be selling my grandmas, Mor=Mor’s place in Sullivan County, NY.. 100 miles north of NYC… I know he’s getting a farm in Virginia.. don’t know if he’ll keep place in Phillipsport.. near Ellenville/wurtzboro… Later dude.. Oho yes.. I’ll have to check Johanna’s schedule and se e if’n I can catch her and her act somewhere near here.. I haven’t really seen her in person.. for like 6 or 7 years… bye fr now.. www
  • Bill Warren I see ure friends w tori ..who posts lots of wsp stuff..    
  • November 25
  • 11/25, 5:29pm   JoGa Leone a torrent of wsp stuff    
  • 11/25, 6:10pm   Bill Warren Yes. i didnt realize how many wsp sites and blogs there are ..have contributed to two …    
  • 11/25, 6:17pm   Bill Warren eager to see brian dube again.. like filming idea loads.. ive been thinking lots about doing it myself. have 50 yrs. of taking photos n making little home movies.. 8mm. like your hula girls with stones song for example.. smile production a good thing.. keith richards.. dancing tits ..wsp… andJoGA too. A winning short.. expand.. explore… create… record..    
  • November 27
  • 11/27, 2:45pm   Bill Warren You want a cheap thrill.. I just looked up the lovely lady I sat and talked with at Thanksgiving dinner at Le Souk last night.. Check out.. google her site at Shije.com.. I think she kinda liked me.. well maybe a little bit anyway.. She DID want,, and Had her photo taken with Abe.. that is , Little old Me!! Did you ever notice how lovely some women are?? Her for example.. U being good.. Thought not.. Lumps of coal headed your way.. Am at the library.. but gotta get outa here soon… OUt… Abe Willy Warren

6 NOVEMBER 2015:

  • 11/30, 12:07pm   Bill Warren   ~Winnie~ Take the piss funny pics n vids
  • Monday
  • Thursday
  • 12/3, 7:21pm   JoGa Bot winnie the…    
  • 12/3, 7:37pm   Bill Warren Cap is Texas A and M. Texas   Used to know how to wear hats there…
  • JoGa Bot Torrent alert   Former owner at self   You look like an elf and sing like a smurf    
  • Thursday
  • 12/3, 6:36pm   JoGa Bot whats up at WSP?    
  • 12/3, 7:00pm   Bill Warren 3days rain now over..will send hour some postings a news….    
  • 12/3, 7:01pm   JoGa Bot they are after me lucky charms    
  • 12/3, 7:03pm   Bill Warren Johanna on local tour..memorial on sat for gone park regular..30 years active..   J.J. Damned good when sober    
  • 12/3, 7:09pm   JoGa Bot Huh   I can’t trace everyone else   Stop with the sober   Sounds like the songs nearly over   Now get sober and go!    
  • 12/3, 7:12pm   Bill Warren You know JJ? Love his stuff. Lots of old greats. Knows history.    
  • 12/3, 7:14pm   Bill Warren   󾠖 ~upcoming shows~ 󾠖 12.10 Annandale, NY. Bard college 12.11 Poughkeepsie, NY. Vassar College 12.12 Syracuse, NY. SubCat Music Studios LLC 12.13 Rochester, NY. BlueBrick Recordings 12.20 New York, NY. St Dymphnas w/ Miwi La Lupa 12.31 Brooklyn, NY. https://www.facebook.com/events/1499517387019590/ Johanna Warren
  • 12/3, 7:20pm   JoGa Bot ha   you scared em all away!    
  • 12/3, 7:34pm   Bill Warren   111 Lincolns Series Before I divulge let it be known that I am not obsessed with Abraham Lincoln. However Abe and I were slowly acquainted after my car broke down in Illinois in 1994.  At that point, I had no desire to paint … Read the rest of this entry → michaeljmayosky.com
  • 12/3, 7:46pm   Bill Warren Am tired … Drunk bums also got a bag of my stuff    
  • 12/3, 7:48pm   JoGa Bot im safe in princeton   becoming my own digital archivist   putting my best digital foot forward   deleting the rest   organization    
  • 12/3, 8:01pm   Bill Warren Good work, son. Quality was up and down and all around. Best foot forward. First and second impressions. Variety is grand .. But keep quality up. You’ve had great help over the years, no??   Seems like you had wizard amigos and amigos lending tech support.. Artists   Amigas    
  • 12/3, 8:04pm   JoGa Bot no i just worked my ass off to get it right    
  • 12/3, 8:05pm   Bill Warren Its worth it.   Mayosky has studied    
  • 12/3, 8:05pm   JoGa Bot and she still didn’t show up!    
  • 12/3, 8:06pm   Bill Warren Lincolns face and says I really have it.. Cool.    
  • 12/3, 8:06pm   JoGa Bot no need for gay paree   grow old with the memory   like jesse james   and JWB    
  • 12/3, 8:08pm   Bill Warren If you want a job done.. Yourself do it!! Sadly sometimes true. People CAN disappoint..    
  • 12/3, 8:08pm   JoGa Bot you’re telling me things i already knew!    
  • 12/3, 8:10pm   Bill Warren But I thot you had old harvard buds .. Tech and art geniuses doing video for hornblower and still available ..or was I wishing..    
  • 12/3, 8:11pm   JoGa Bot we’ll round them up   do the harvard hop!    
  • 12/3, 8:12pm   Bill Warren Damned phone.. Hornblower??? Whered that come from.. Damned guessing smart phone..guesses wrong a lot!!??¿¿   I know johannas sharp, but she gets help from great video folk. Don’t know that she pays.. But originality..cleverness,and art can b done on budget.   Don’t know if keep it simple stupid ..KISS is applicable… Am tired.. But caffeinated..   Surely you’ve gotten great AND lousy advice over the years .. Uve paid   Some dues   Out for bit..takin a break..    
  • 12/3, 8:43pm   Bill Warren I didn’t know Joe.. Have been told bout him   Hi WSP, a friendly reminder about Joe Budnick’s memorial music event, this Saturday, 2-6 pm at the Village Lantern, 167 Bleecker Street! Acoustic only, no amps. Joe’s brother in law made a generous donation to enable light appetizers to be served. Please buy drinks at the bar. He also requested photos. I’m having a friend who’s a great photographer come for the entire event and take pictures. (In addition to anyone else who is taking their own photos). A photo album will be available on facebook. For the first couple of hours, we’re gonna have Joe’s friends do 3-4 songs each then we’ll open it up whomever wants to lead songs. We’re excited that so many people are coming to honor his legacy. Joe would be very happy! See you there Lori Behrman

(william warren is up-to-date on skeletal remains in WSP)
(has to unlock old samsung galaxy S)
(wifi / camera phone)
(“not 2 3 4”) Notice on fence says to check … nyc.gov/parks .. And to then search ..wifi …it’ll tell u hotspots in parks.. have good news later ..www  

Nov 10th, 11:37am Good!   I endorsed u on linkedin   Sales and Microsoft excel   Why can’t u tell me the good news now?  

  Tonight! Dan Rivera   Tore Woodall told me about “sing for your supper”   Tuesday nights   I friend requested Dan Rivera   He didn’t respond   He wants to be a singer too   There’s only room for so many singers   It’s a battle for positioning  

JoGa — Gotsta tell you some good news. I met a real deal old folkie yesterday.. 67 yo. knew some of the neatest, best, songs.. faves of mine.. and told me “the best open Mike (which he hosted) was that night, Monday.. at 32 Jones.. a little place called the Café Vivaldi.. Damned good… the little bit I saw.. Bleeker and seventh aprox.. The singers name was/is Bert Lee.. Writer, composer, etc.. Played in St. Pete.. AND the legendary FLICKI coffee house in Miami/Coconut Grove.. where FRED NEIL, JONI MITCHEL, CROSBY, NASH.. AND LOTS WENT.. tHE FLICK recently commemorated 50 years with a memorial get together.. a couple of years ago.. Tjhere was/is a tie in with our (St. Pete area) coffee house named Beaux Arts.. Real important.. A seedbed/venue for all sorts of arts.. Most famously, James Morrison (living in st pete) read his poetry out there.. supposedly borrowed uke and tried putting poems to music.. THAT kind of place.. lA drunken Jack Kerouac was tossed out pretty regularly… godtta go.. check out neat musician, G.Village long timer..,,open mike host..name of Bert Lee.. AND you are welcome, young fella..www   I played at cafe Vivaldi in November 2008   With my ex gf Lilliana rose   Had to play backup guitar for her   She was too insecure to play my songs because they were better than hers   Thanks!  

Roger that, sir.. you have been around the block.. It’s especially interesting to me ’cause I , and some others are trying/doing getting down the history of Beaux Arts.. an interesting and important project.. St. Petersburg tie ins.. for example, kFred Neil was raised in SPete.. thoujg very little evidence remains. Probably the whole family was private, certainly Fred was.. Maybe even reclusive.. drugs, too. Always singing about wanting to get the F out of the big city (NYC) and back to Florida.. Which he did.. settling into Coconut Grove.. near Miami.. and the FLick where he helped young joni Mitchel, and young david Crosby and Nash, and many others.. My buddy Jim Glover, Phil Ochs’ best pal, best man, also played down there a lot.. As did another st. pete fellow Michael Peter smith.. who wrote the incredible.. you must hear… “the Dutchman” a song some consider the best of the century.. Also Spoon River.. Smith went on to become a tony winning playwright and critic in Chicago.. is still alive.. Johanna’s Dad.. my brother Chris.. the hist. prof. was big buddyies/and musical partner with MPSmiths brother Peter Smith.. who also wrote on the arts and music for the St. pete Times for years.. He’s a big Fred neil fan, too.. Very interesting about your exgal Lilliana and insecurity.. Too many ego problems/exhibitionism tendencies w/performers.. Ce La Vie.. and viv le difference.. Hablo espanol.. www   I’m not into ranking songs as “best”   It’s a matter of promotion   I consider many songs in my catalogue to be better than a lot of “classic rock” songs   It’s a matter of recording them to the beat of my abilities and making them available to the listening public   Which I have been doing for 11 years   Let them judge   Right now the “best” song according to them is “hello” by adele   I’d rather speak english!   I’d rather be a master of one language than a dabbler in many   And there’s a billion English speakers so it’s best to defect to english   Esperanto never caught on  

Dad was kinda keen on Esperanto for a while.. But then he went to Boston Latin, had some greek.. lots of German (science students studied German in old days.. and dad was doc on hospital ships in WWII and had lots of POW German patients.. Played lotsa chess w them also.. pass the time.. polish German.. Some people now advocate Spanish as the lingua franca.. Its easier.. Phoenetic.. and .. well.. its about the same as Esperanto anyway..   Jogaspeak   An amalgam of my linguistic experiences to date   One of my goals is to make my own language and translate it to the ignorant masses  

Music and love are still the international languages… Carry on, Sir.    

Actually , Buckminister Fuller spent a lot of time around the Village.. Lived? on WSP townhouse.. in the 20s , I think.. He drank too much at some periods.. but the neatest thing is that for a couple/few? years.. he didn’t speak.. or so the story goes.. actually he spoke VERY little.. attempted NOT to speak.. When he finally opened up.. he had theories about the limitations of language, and the confusion caused by words.. Hence, he mad up lots of his own new words.. they didn’t have the baggage of former associations.. were fresh words for fresh concepts.. You wanna do dat too?? Rotsa Ruck..   I’ll have to brush up on my architectural skills first   Gotta design the perfect home   As protection from the ever present elements   So I can continue my work in peace   Then I need to earn money to purchase the property from some government   Preferably the US   Or I can rally the native Americans and urge them to reclaim their space   I should busk on indian reservations  

Nov 10th, 3:16pm

Don’t know if you are familiar with the “tiny house” movement/phenomenon.. Designers/builders/simple people making and living in houses 100-200square feet.. It’s not really a new idea.. Compare to living space of small/medium size boats that people live, laugh,, and love on.. Were basically talking old wine in new bottles here, but w new technologies and materials, there is also some new wine to confine.. You should see my listin and pics of (gov’t.. ie, city) houses for sale in , say Newburgh, Ny..50 60 miles away.. wrecks/shells from one grand on up to 60 or 70 thousand.. similar situations/sales in other distressed cities in US> When I lived on our “farm” from 80 to 85 I looked into lots of simple homes/shelters, or “structures” as thae architects called such things…   i will check it out   because i’m sick of crashing with friends   then their life interferes with my goals  

I was real fortunate to have a slick, diverse 11 acres to live on and “parkify” when I moved back to fla after 5 years up in Washington dc. Always a “nature lover” a tree hugger, or natural historian… for the first time..”alone” on the farm.. I had seclusion, privacy,.. time to contemplate.. I remember realizing that I “could hear myself think.” It was quiet.. it was wonderful.. Growing up w 5 other bros and sisters.. and friends.. life was always full of distractions.. plus I always paid attention to those around me.. good guy.. and sympathetic soul good guy.. But there IS A PLACE for reflection, meditation, quiet contemplation.. inother words.. pretty much the opposite of what you are living these days.. Don’t know what you like.. Variety can be good.. Live in the country for a while.. couple monthsl/seasons/years.. We had two ponds on our farm.. a fresh water one, and one that channeled to terra ceia bay…should have written a book… WARREN PONDS .. an exercise in deliberate living… and like semi reclusive HDT .. I could walk on over to friends for t.v., and dinners and icecream and lots of sloppy , dirty sex… maybe.. ????   11 acres…interesting…12 is my number   1 chain by 1 furlong   acre  

Nov 12th, 9:07pm

Kinda buddy may be filming people n things in g. Village and ESP. Interesting guy. DO google Brian Dube…his company AND his blog..n y c photo of the day.. If he starts tv show he’ll be recording people like you.. Look up web blog. He’s got backing n experience! Enjoys bouncing ideas off me.. Nice guy. Local ..Funking caps on  

Thinking caps, that is… B well…. Abe  

Nov 14th, 5:55pm

  When the French flag was placed on the fountain side of the upper Arch .. a couple of hours ago.. hundreds sang the French national anthem. A lighting company is presently preparing to illuminate the arch .. Blue, White, and Red. These’s beauty and thought amid the horror and madness … Bill Warren   so you talked to brian dube about me?   i just sent him a friend request   dube juggling   the french are too feeble to defeat the muslims   it’s a repeat of the nazi invasion  

It’shard to bomb a feeling.. Insanity has no central command building to smartbomb … Where is hatred centered? Religious fundamentalism have always driven ME nuts. Theirs AND ours! Brian n I didn’t talk specifics ..but be confided a respect and liking for my observations, attitude, philosophy, blah, blah.. Did say I’m one he’d like to record, and that our animated, effective talks bore fruit. We agreed we’d talk/plan some more. Likes my input. I will be input  

I meant you will or should be input. It’s interesting to me because I’ve been planning thinking to make videos on this visit ..so much vibrance around! Definitely YOU.. It’s all in planning stages now a Brian. Did you check his very interesting former blog. N y photo of day? Quite good.. Brian helps musicians I understand.. Later Dude… Www   ode to self   i’ll check it out today  

Right. Looked over walt whitmans songof myself month just passed. I must read more. V.contemporary! You will like the blog.. All sorts of near stuff n people!   i will  

Johannas two brothers great jugglers ..both Vassar grads Boston based now ..they say Fine have immeasurably to the juggling community! Brians got passion, I reckon.. Look forward to seeing him again soon… He’s got me thinking .. Again ..more …. Peace..   That’s Dube gave immmeas..   go smoke a dube   go grope a boob in NYU   they can’t tell whose hands are whose  

Live.. From New York! Good idea, Poncho! A buzz and a boob to tell my grandchildren bout. Piece!  

Nov 16th, 12:47pm

Get a gig, Hippy! Beautify America! Get a haircut.. Sorry, JG, but those old hippy age things come to mind, and being a fool I say ’em.. Tinkin of you.. WSP has been doing itself proud these last couple of days.. Warmer weather and a lousy rock concert in Paris.. donch know..  

Am for some reason, running into photographic oriented people and themes.. Brian Dube and his potential filming/tv show just one example… Later.. it’s lunc time at the Greenwich House Senior Center.. Young fella, keep up the good work .. have some good ideas to discuss w /ya later.. Keep smiling and don’t blow anything up… WWW  

Nov 19th, 12:25am It’s unseasonably warm  

Just lost mssg to u. mcdonald turned off power.. warm yes. okay by me. great turkey dinner tnxgvg for Village cmnunity.. given by Le Souk. Laguardia. i went last year and then direct ride to Tampa. Thankstaking..  

Nov 19th, 11:00am

At computer at Greenwich House.. stones throw from our ARCH.. The first of to come Thanksgiving dinners here in an hour.. Put on some winter bluubberll..  

Thoughts for the Week : Lunch gigs.. I could even do that.. 1 hour of stuff.. How much.. 50 bucks an hour is mjy guess.. Chicken feed in Gotham and esp. around here.. I am still thinking, but not obsessed yet, with the idea of videos.. or filming.. or / and recording… which is ONE reason it was especially interesting to see/hear that Brian Dube was considering venture along that line.. ie. video/visual recording.. which I’ve been at cerebrally for a year (I left NYC LAST thanksgiving.. so a year.. mol) And you, Sir, are partly responsible for creating this potential monster, Sir.. After your hula hoopin chicks in slow mo, long wit your Stones.. so simple even a Swede could do it.. THe technology is there, but the flesh (batteries) are weak.. Have a good day, Sir.. And don’t call me “Surely.” WWW  

Nov 21st, 12:13pm Surely?   William forrester got angry about your austin comment!  

Nov 21st, 5:28pm

Funny … I scolded him … and he wrote back ..was sorry …said alcohol was talkin …all forgiven.. Piece ..   ha!   i am in chats with tore woodall   about the tuesday night sing for your suppers   the williams have settled their digital score  

Im excited .. See Johanna tomorrow.. 5 years !!??   she’s got a bunch of gigs booked   i’ll have to shadow her digitally and start contacting those venues  

sing for lunch. coffee for breakfast   she’s got twice the fanbase i have  

Neat. i didnt relize you had hundred songs on tapeetherrecord. Cool.   tapeetherrecord?  

torr woodall..huh   u can follow a pre beaten trail ..   or carve my own!   or do a bit of both  

ten albums cds   ?  

youve got a base ..on balls.. no youve been around …the block …slept around .o .. sung around ..played around ..no… forget it   what r u up to tonight?  

Ill say hi to jo for you. she also has a nyc base ..   brooklyn hipsters/witches?  

Park was incredible all day.. 5 ring circus!!! Resting now at mcdonalds.. tomorrow may be last day not cold.. lovely day…   sweet   get on your abe costume and cohabitate with a history major  

Jo and her witches ..good ones with herbs n shit ..will sing you into a trance or spell .. watch ure wallet   ha!  

cohabit good and warm .. be abe and freelance professor tutor ..wise guy …horny artist   support the arts and my habits   out for break …..   at my age marriage can be a great retirement plan …..hmmmmm…   Sing. make women swoon.. a good plan. path is cut and deep.. well beaten…   women are unreliable   make em swoon in a crowd but see if they invite you in for supper   remember that andrea sus girl under the arches   always into the music…never liked the fb page despite my requests…and never once invited me to her lower east side apt   never even offered me any of her abundant supply of grass!  

People are strange .. Go to europe. american women so..so.. so American ..   people always say that   but no matter how much people say women are hotter in so and so country   i’m sure american women are most attractive   and they speak my language   just gotta whip them under control   manson seemed to have figured it out   must’ve been his study of scientology in prison during his 20s  

He did make them swoon… and go kill. i spent month at scientology world hdqtrs in Sussex when i was europe ..busking london 74.. insane assylum run by inmates.. interesting story …   you managed to escape  

mom was more danish than American ..maybe..   escape it was ..at four am. allways been interested in fringe groups ..cults ..wackos ..and my family ..interesting ..   started studying and observing them since early teen ..   fringe groups that is… studying family even longer….   taking a breaksmoke   i was a freemason  

Nov 22nd, 1:03am (Now I’m just stoned)  

William Wirt ran for potus on AntiMasonic..or Liberal Party .ca. 1824. But hed been Mason too. Crazy times. paranoia of Masons ..later Pope and Catholics.. Later Reds.. Now Islam… Masons international. Washington and Brittish Masons were fighting brotherrs.. Civil war kinda.. lots of colonists were loyalists ..majority??. who cares, Joey??!!   Only pretty girls can call me Joey  

Shirley you jest…   how about J.G.??!!   I’ve been nominally blessed   How bout JoGa?   Not even followed by a “rhymes with yoga” qualifier   I hate doing that  

yes. and I damned.. tom dick and harry named bill.   Friends called me Wirt. Work is almost my middle name … also wit ..   Keep it simple stupid  

dont call me stupid   four letters   Willy is o k . abe is fine. stupid works…also goofy..   like Rock.. or Max.. something manly   The greatest self deprecator since Rodney dangerfield  

my name gets no respect .boring too   People hate bills. Complain all the time. pay bills not me…sucks  

wsp incredible today. six ring circus. watched fron 7am to 7 pm. Tomorrow may be better..the turns cold. photo ops. tinkin bout filming ..prime time..   then turns cold .. havent seen or written brian dube. phone and email on his company site..i think ..   Listen to the lizard king  

Who dat.. jim morrison ..   morrison had some st. pete roots ..shallow but real   dad retired military ..general or admiral or something.. 20 years..moved stpete.. Jim left for calif. and doors..   His future faded o so fast…now he’s back in the past…   I liked the LinkedIn writeup  

I forgot bout it ..last month eh.. But its good.. high praise but not b.s. either.   I’ll look for her in Brooklyn   Land of the lips ticked hipster  

i have pass to mus.nat.history tomorrow..but wsp may be draw too. niece in pm..forget venue..have to check and surprise her. loves her uncle bill!!   Persona non grata  

listening to serius xm coffee house cjannel. accoustic and good..v. good..   Jogajungle.bandcamp.com  

saw that!! Impressive offerings..   at bard college jo had sticklips.. Then main man guitar guy died.. rapid cancer or something..23 years old.. Jo stepped into solo act.   all you guys have to do is get a song to bring in royalties.. have someone record a hit. get discovered.. coonsider hawking music around. willy nelson did..   I am the process of revamping the bandcamp page  

carol king did. paul simon wrote red rubber ball when he was 15 or something.. knew carole king then.. amazing… also consider 6 mos. in england.. p. simon did. j. hendrix did. james taylor did.. i did ..??!!?? Taste there a bit different..perhaps sophisticated..perhaps english…  

revamping good.. keep up to date. think Johannas is year old..forget..so many sites.. and im tired..  

Tonight outside broadway McDs. 22 y.o. gal came up w smile and chatted. captivated by my eyes she said.. nice..pretty gal..naturalist.. recent grad. seeking..open.. thought me fascinating..told her of johanna and more.. would like to see her again.. dont think crazy or depressed ..but open and curious.. first sight??   Killing two birds with one stone  

Nov 23rd, 9:26pm Name of 22yo?  

I forget. Ddelightful though. Great smile. Friendly. May be reaction to lincoln appearance. Conscious or sub.con. I might have asked her her no. If she wanted she could reach me through Johanna..Told her about niece .if she remembers.. Her dog was also very ill …maybe worried vulnerable ..lonely.. I couldnt make it to Jo s show.. Dead tired. Shell be on this coast a couple mos. i think. gst her to wsp  

Get her to wsp.. maybe record something..huh..  

Went into Strand bookstore for first visit. very near. awesome.. intimidating.. lots of interesting books ..so little time….!!!???   Did u promote the JoGa brand to said 22yearold?  

Tue 12:03pm

Jesus.. WHat have I done for you lately, huh? No, I didn’t.. Somehow it just escaped me looking at her smiling face and warmed by her sweet soul.. I did not think of you.. Forgive me. I shall try to improve.. Come see the MAN EATING TURKEY!! $2.00 ONLY!! Non sequiturs are my middle name.. I think.. but my memory is fading… must eat lunch and remember my mother’s maiden name and remember JoGa more often… so much work.. memory full … Later, Gator.. www  

You’ll be warm hearted yourself to know that I didn’t even get out to see my lovely niece perform in Brooklyn, either.. BBut then, no spells were laid on me, either.. and I didn’t have to sit still and behave for hours on end, either.. and I slept.. a fine thing, that… www  

Wed 1:09am

Do you know any of these guys.. Supposed wsp regulars. i went to burger joint this eve.. saw.. heard ..met some.. friended lee lawless who does traditional blues.. Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.  

Wed 11:50am Yea  

Wed 6:26pm

Spoke just now w guy my age who married gal 35 years younger ..a nice looker too. they are happy.. still into gettingbuying chunk of home up river when farms sold. should tour up dare..   make like a bower bird and lure chicks in.. sing em into panty dropping.. it happens… in

  • Bill Warren My fine and talented niece, Johanna, is back in Gotham area, and is gonna be doing gigs…!! I’ll FINALLY catch up with her and see her perform.. Yea, Joey!!   Johanna Warren added a new photo. New York, my old friend, it’s good to see you. I’m playing so much music this weekend and legitimately very excited for ALL of it: Fri 11/20 – Hudson, NY. Spotty Dog Books & Ale w/ Julie Marie Byrne (one of my fav songwriters out there right now) 8pm Sat 11/21 – Brooklyn, NY. Catland. Assisting astoundingly gifted practitioner of witchcraft Damon Stang at VOX LUNA : FULL FROST MOON *~* Sun 11/22 – Brooklyn, NY. Palisades. w/ Thelma, Jonah Furman & my boiz Two Inch Astronaut <3 3PM MATINEE (I’m on at 5:30ish) Sun 11/22 – Brooklyn, NY. Bohemian Grove again w/ Julie Byrne. 8pm. Phew! Johanna Warren
  • November 22
  • 11/22, 12:55am   JoGa Bot I once was a “Joey”   I was once a Joey too   My grandmothers favorite toy

5 november 2015:

william warren in washington square park…

the picaresque novel (Spanish: “picaresca,” from “pícaro,” for “rogue” or “rascal”) is a genre of prose fiction which depicts the adventures of a roguish hero of low social class who lives by his wits in a corrupt society

8 september 2015:

william warren is really bombarding me with facebook messages…i friended all those in the rest of the conversation group…

23 july 2015:

he’s getting a ride up to NYC monday…

(dressed as abe lincoln with fiddle)
(he fiddled while atlanta burned)
(…and farted while florida floated)

referred to johanna as a “busy wench”…

“farmer william”

(‘former farmer…grew weary and hot…now walden willy…’)
(‘biggest crop was humidity…and humility…’)
(‘and pure vulgarity…’)

(‘watch out for evil eric!’)

u don’t know Eric too..short bearded boozy bum??


my number 3 fan…

threatened to kill me 3 times. 40 in prison..not for jaywalking..

tried to help him.. worked together. but crazy. liked my playing blues a lot too. maybe he’ll forgive me..bless him. religious kook…

later.. goin to Craig’s list..

 10 july 2015:

i told him that his niece johanna rejected my friend request…he said he’d talk to her again…but it doesn’t seem like she likes getting back to “uncle b”…

6 may 2015:

he’s selling his florida farm and becoming a rich man…he is returning to NYC as lincoln “with a fiddle or 12-string”…running for president in 2016…”elect a dead president for a real change!”…he wants me to be his running mate…

he wants female vocals (which i can provide)…”falsetto” (italian diminutive of “false”)…or “false large”…

2 april 2015:

“so perverted!!!”

But up in New Jersey they likely don’t even notice… Hey, If Im going to look like Lincoln.. WHo can you look like?? Hmmm??? Cat Stevens , maybe.. Nah.. “first cut is the deepest” was his teen hit.. neat.. then he got real sick for a year and changed outlook and style.. introspective.. religious.. beautiful.. but NOT perverted..!! Put that in you r YaYa, YoGa, JoGa pipe and smoke it, Grasshopper!! Be well, son. And don’t get caught..

“…but BE noticed…”

31 march 2015:

  • These guys have poetry that won’t land you in the pervert slammer.. Stuff your Grandma thought was lovely, and your Pa “Cool”. Stuff for women, too.. Alan Lomax’s Massive Archive Goes Online www.npr.org More than 17,000 sound recordings made by the famed folklorist are now available, for free.      
  • Friday
  • 3/27, 11:52am     JoGa Bot i have way too many songs of my own!   my songs are so underappreciated i cant be listening to anything else except promoting them!   effin A…i could spend my whole life listening to every other persons song under the sun!    
  • Monday
  • 3/30, 10:36am     Bill Warren Roger that, Amigo.. Keep nose to grindstone.. ANd Smile from time to time.. Rome wasn’t built by a boy… WWW

more fb chatting…

“william warren front n center!”

“we warrens usually sit in the back and off to the side…” he had an altercation with the old santa claus bum (“erik”) in WSP… the “nasty drunk” threatened to kill him 3 times…

  • william warren front n center as soon as i set foot in WSP last weekend i saw the old white bearded man   he said he had some sort of altercation with you before ur departure    
  • 3/26, 4:43pm     Bill Warren We Warrens generally sit in the back, and off tto the side, thanks…. AND, lo, you are on.. I wonder if that was poor old Erik.. who threatend to kill me three times… a nasty drunk.. too bad.. more bearded men than one…    
  • 3/26, 4:43pm     JoGa Leone that was prob the one!   threatened to kill you for what?   did you steal his lucky charms?    
  • 3/26, 4:47pm     Bill Warren Yeah, he’s short.. did lots of time in prison.. not for jaywalkiing.. I tried to help him.. bad skin.. he was a violent drunk.. why kill me.. I was a smart ass sometimes.. him ungreatful… didn’t slleep… ornery.. likely violent anyway.. think he was in prison 40 years… sounds like murder to me… so.. violent.. crazy.. Not like you sons of John Harvard.. statue by Daniel Chester French.. same as Lincoln Memorial… Minuteman at Concord.. Doors of Boston Library.. and moor.    
  • 3/26, 4:48pm     Bill Warren My Abe Lincoln “beard” is about ready for coloring now.. Dollar Tree has the shit for ONE BUCK.. I tried real strong coffee… but NO>>..    
  • 3/26, 4:49pm     JoGa Leone i smell a song brewing!   “don’t kill bill!”   “he claimed he wuz framed”    
  • 3/26, 4:50pm     Bill Warren Worked at Lincoln Memorial.. USNPS after colllege.. Abe was same height 6for four.. big nose.. deep set eyes.. ears… I’m thinking of Emancipation for the White people too.. Am also thinking Honest aabe played the twelve string… just kinda like Fred Neil… You buying it???    
  • 3/26, 4:53pm     Bill Warren Yeah.. Not being Abe sure isn’t working for me.. I figure if Abe sang the blues… womens hearts would be .. well.. you knoww….    
  • 3/26, 4:56pm     Bill Warren Have to get some recording done.. Have a back log of 20 years or so… Lost a couple of decades taking care of parentws, uncles, cousins, etc.. All gone now.. Freedom.. Yes sir! Should have killed them all off earlier.. but , no, was mister nice guy… Now emancipated.. Lincoln concept orriginated back in late 70s.. Ought get speach coach.. but no one watns to hear Lincoln voice.. reputed to be high, and tinny… Not like John Wayne.. or Johny Cash… or Fred Neil.. Damn.. there’s that name again..    
  • 3/26, 4:58pm     Bill Warren Gotta run.. Duty calls.. Smoke coming out ears, and not into lungs.. 2 hours at computer… is like… I forget.. Be well dude    
  • 3/26, 4:59pm     Bill Warren And Humanity is SOO overrated too.. Half of ’em are assholes…some threaten to kill me repeatedly,, even…   Will stream with pleasure, Sir. Out for know.. now.. no. ooooo…ZZZZZzzzz    
  • 3/26, 5:00pm     JoGa Leone will do!   ill tie her to a warm park bench!   and warm her up with a wrench!    
  • 3/26, 5:02pm     Bill Warren You ARE a sick puppy! I like you.. Now, Have a nice day … Somewhere else .. !! ANd OUT>.   That’s not poetry.. That’s perversion that rhymes.. There’s a diffenence, young fellow… Jeesus…    
  • 3/26, 5:05pm     JoGa Leone i’m a perverted poet
    • Bill Warren Yoga (whatever..) Good for you..!! Keep your eyes out for (Momma) Mary Hegener Parker.. the delightful older gal who walks 2 dachounds (gazuntheits, or whatever) and walks w/2 canes.. She runs the WSP website on FB, and is a fine gal indeed.. I know you did a few numbers for her this summer, and she thought you were a fine performer in spite of your hair ..(whatever , again )    
    • 3/25, 6:43pm     Bill Warren And yes, you will be required when next we meet to have down , COLD, Fred Neil’s Bleeker and MacDougal… which can be found on the album “Bleeker and MacDougal.” Try to remember.. and its on UrineTube , or whaatever, also..

bullshitting online with aidan / bill warren / james chou…his niece is a plain jane (of course)…now he’ll leave me alone once i don’t agree with his assessment of her voice…i’m feeling sloppy today…ate a butter sesame bagel this morning with a large iced coffee…saw a busty white girl working at einstein bagel…maybe i should go work there…nah…

*SUMMER 2014*

met him while i was embarking on a late-friday-night busking adventure on bleecker + macdougal…he approached me and started telling me about how fred neil wrote a song dedicated to this street corner… then he ran into me when i was playing under the arches in washington square park a week later…we didn’t immediately recognize one another… he’s a fan of the facebook music page… messages me on facebook from time to time…

back in florida (on an 11-acre farm?)…

keeps pushing his musician niece “johanna” on me…

she seems like a plain jane…

(i respond as quickly as possible…)






👈👈👈☜*“WILLIAM”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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