

*ITEMS* –>









“breaking a fast”
(as in the first meal after not ‘eating’ while ‘sleeping’ through the night)

(‘breakfast’ is typically the first ‘meal’ of a day, most often eaten in the ‘early morning’ before undertaking the ‘day’s work’)

“all in a day’s work…”

(“it’s about time!”)

(the word in ‘english’ refers to ‘breaking’ the ‘fasting period’ of the prior ‘night’)

(there is a strong tendency for 1 or more “typical” (or “traditional (depending on whose side you’re on”) ‘breakfast menus’ to exist in most places, but the ‘composition’ of this varies widely from ‘place’ to ‘place’ and has varied over ‘time’, so that globally a very wide range of ‘preparations’ and ingredients are now associated with ‘breakfast’)

(is there a medical consensus on the “healthiest’ food to eat at ‘breakfast’?)

(depends on when you start your typical ‘(work)day’))

(and how your ‘state of health’ on that day)
(or your general biological variations with other creatures)

(as in a ‘food allergy’ afflicting a subset of a ‘population’)






👈👈👈☜*“RESTAURANTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥