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5B (visuals)

March 5, 2013 jogabot 1

night shot of “boy E” outside “mike E’s” tribeca apartment building (as his skull explodes into a globe…)

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ken soufl

March 5, 2013 jogabot 1 (princeton booking agent) (we’re fb friends) (is he a fan of my music page?)

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“harvard”*year 1 (of 3)*

March 5, 2013 jogabot 1

“FRESHMAN DORMS” . (i enrolled in ‘september 2002’) (i was placed in ‘thayer hall’)(with a cambridge roommate named “brendan malone”)(a walk-on fullback for the harvard […]

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bainy suri

March 5, 2013 jogabot 1 30 june 2015: (refriended her) (we’ll see) once i moved to princeton in september, i was eager to book shows… i saw a flyer […]

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(tracks: “land down under”)

March 5, 2013 jogabot 1

*V1* (2009) — ********************************************************************************************** (***BACK TO “LAND DOWN UNDER”***) ********************************************************************************************** — ******************************************** *TABLE OF CONTENTS* ******************************************** ********************************************************************************************** ******************************************** *WE WON THE WAR* ******************************************** **********************************************************************************************  

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“5B” (lyrics)

March 5, 2013 jogabot 1

VERSE 1: please let me suffer in silence i’ve spent centuries in waiting never once anticipating what would come to me if i chose to […]