



(aka ‘THC’)



-as of [21 DECEMBER 2023]


*THC usually refers to ‘delta 9’ THC*

(which is stronger than ‘delta 8’ THC)









-[DELTA 11] THC-
(stronger than ‘delta 9’)





(THC % can range from 8% – 35%)


(the main driver of the ‘marijuana high’)

(you can ingest ‘THC pills’ but its better to mix it with the other cannabinoids in the plant)


OR (more precisely) –>

“main isomer (−)-trans9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( (6aR,10aR)-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) of THC”

(*binds to ‘cannabinoid receptor type 1’*)


(“the principal ‘psychoactive constituent’ (or ‘cannabinoid’) of ‘cannabis'”)

(first isolated in ‘1964’ by israeli scientists ‘professor raphael mechoulam’ and ‘doctor yechiel gaoni’ at the ‘weizmann institute of science’, it can be an ‘amber’ or ‘gold-colored’ glassy solid when ‘cold’, which becomes ‘viscous’ and ‘sticky’ if warmed)

(a pharmaceutical formulation of (−)-trans9-tetrahydrocannabinol (known by its INN dronabinol) is available by ‘prescription’ in the ‘united states’ and ‘canada’ under the brand name ‘marinol’)

(an ‘aromatic terpenoid’, ‘THC’ has a ‘very low solubility’ in ‘water’, but good ‘solubility’ in most ‘organic solvents’, specifically ‘lipids’ and ‘alcohols’)

(‘THC’, CBD, CBN, CBC, CBG and over 113 other molecules make up the ‘phytocannabinoid family’)

(like most ‘pharmacologically-active secondary metabolites’ of ‘plants’, THC in cannabis is assumed to be involved in self-defense, perhaps against ‘herbivores’)

(‘THC’ also possesses high ‘UV-B’ (‘280’ – ‘315’ nanometers) absorption properties, which (it has been speculated) could protect the plant from ‘harmful UV radiation exposure’)

(‘tetrahydrocannabinol’, along with its ‘double bond isomers’ and their ‘stereoisomers’, is 1 of only 3 ‘cannabinoids’ ‘scheduled’ by the ‘convention on psychotropic substances’ (the other 2 are ‘dimethylheptylpyran’ and ‘parahexyl’))

(previously listed as a ‘substance’ under ‘schedule I’ of the 1971 ‘convention on psychotropic substances’, THC was reclassified to ‘schedule II’ in ‘1991’ following a recommendation from the ‘world health organization’)

(based on their subsequent studies, the ‘WHO’ has recommended the reclassification of ‘THC’ to the less-stringent ‘schedule III’)

(‘cannabis’ as a plant is ‘scheduled’ by the ‘single convention on narcotic drugs’ (‘schedule I’ and ‘schedule IV’))

(the high ‘lipid-solubility’ of ‘cannabinoids’ results in their persisting in the body for long periods of time)

(even after a ‘single administration’ of ‘THC’, detectable levels of ‘THC’ can be found in the body for ‘weeks’ or longer (depending on the amount administered and the sensitivity of the assessment method))

“and don’t i know it!”

(i was forced to take regular ‘drug tests’ while under the thumb of the ‘princeton welfare state’)

(a number of investigators have suggested that this is an important factor in marijuana’s effects, perhaps because ‘cannabinoids’ may accumulate in the ‘body’, particularly in the ‘lipid membranes’ of ‘neurons’)

(not until the end of the ‘1900s’ was the specific ‘mechanism of action’ of ‘THC’ at the ‘neuronal level’ studied)

(researchers have subsequently confirmed that ‘THC’ exerts its most prominent effects via its actions on 2 types of ‘cannabinoid receptors’, the ‘CB1 receptor’ and the ‘CB2 receptor’, both of which are ‘G-protein coupled receptors’)

(the ‘CB1 receptor’ is found primarily in the ‘brain’ as well as in some ‘peripheral tissues’, and the ‘CB2 receptor’ is found primarily in ‘peripheral tissues’, but is also expressed in ‘neuroglial cells’)

(‘THC’ appears to alter ‘mood’ and ‘cognition’ through its ‘agonist actions’ on the ‘CB1 receptors’, which inhibit a ‘secondary messenger system’ (‘adenylate cyclase’) in a ‘dose-dependent manner’)

(these actions can be blocked by the selective ‘CB1 receptor’ antagonist ‘SR141716A’ (‘rimonabant’), which has been shown in ‘clinical trials’ to be an effective treatment for ‘smoking cessation’, ‘weight loss’, and as a means of ‘controlling’ or ‘reducing’ metabolic syndrome risk factors)

(however, due to the dysphoric effect of ‘CB1 antagonists’, this drug is often discontinued due to these ‘side effects’)

(via ‘CB1 activation’, THC indirectly increases ‘dopamine release’ and produces ‘psychotropic effects’)

(‘cannabidiol’ also acts as an ‘allosteric modulator’ of the ‘mu’ + ‘delta’ opioid receptors)


(THC also potentiates the effects of the ‘glycine receptors’)


(the role of these interactions in the “marijuana high” remains elusive)








👈👈👈☜*“CANNABINOIDS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥