

(‘1 YEAR’ = ~52 WEEKS)



(‘1 YEAR’ = ’12 MONTHS)



(‘1 YEAR’ = ‘4 SEASONS’)














*from old english& –>



(from ‘proto-indo-european’ word –>  


(or ‘summer’?)


(‘1 year’ averages ‘365 days’ / ‘6 hours’ / ‘9 minutes’ / ‘9.76 seconds’)

(that is, relative to time it takes for ‘earth’ to make a ‘daily rotation’)

(but what if both ‘movements / rotations’ are somehow ‘correlated’)

(and that ‘daily rotation’ may also vary on any given day)

(BASED on the ‘speed’ of ‘earth’s orbit round sun’ on that day)

(‘day’ as a ‘fundamental unit’)

(‘year’ as a ‘fundamental unit’)


(all other ‘time measurements’ are merely ‘divisions’ of these ‘fundamental units’)

(a ‘quark’ is the ‘fundamental particle’?)

(or doess all ‘matter’ just ‘vibrations’ / ‘movements’ / ‘energy transfer’ at the core of all ‘matter’?)

(‘general relativity)

‘ENERGY’ = mc2


(is that the ‘string theory’ premise in a ‘nutshell’?)
(or am i merely ‘imagining things’ once again?)

(based on amount of time it takes for ‘earth’ to orbit the ‘sun’)
(have years varied / quickened / shortened over time?)
(with regards to “solar system formation” that is)
(what are main factors that affect its orbit?)
(mass on earth?)
(mass of the sun?)
(how much do they weigh?)
(and how do we know?)
(by measuring “gravitational forces” i would assume)



(a year is the ‘orbital period’ of the ‘earth’ moving in its ‘orbit’ around the ‘sun’*



(due to the earth’s ‘axial tilt’, the course of a ‘year’ sees the passing of the ‘seasons’, marked by changes in…)



*the hours of ‘daylight’*


(and consequently, ‘vegetation’ / ‘soil fertility’)


(in ‘temperate’ + ‘sub-polar’ regions around the ‘globe’, ‘4 seasons’ are generally recognized…)









(in ‘tropical’ and ‘subtropical’ regions: several ‘geographical sectors’ do not present defined ‘seasons’; but in the ‘seasonal tropics’, the annual wet and dry seasons are ‘recognized’ and ‘tracked’)


(a ‘calendar year’ is an approximation of the ‘# of ‘days’ of the earth’s orbital period’ (as counted in a given ‘calendar’))

(the ‘gregorian’ (or ‘modern’) calendar presents its ‘calendar year’ to be either a ‘common year’ of 365 days or a ‘leap year’ of 366 days, as do the ‘julian’ calendars)

(for the ‘gregorian’ calendar’, the average length of the ‘calendar year’ (aka ‘the mean year’) across the complete ‘leap cycle’ of ‘400 years’ is “365.2425 days”)

(the ‘ISO standard’ ‘ISO 80000-3’ (‘annex C’) supports the symbol “a” (for latin annus) to represent a ‘year’ of either ‘‘365’ (or ‘366’) days’)

(in ‘english’, the abbreviations “y” and “yr” are commonly used)

(in ‘astronomy’, the ‘julian’ year is a unit of ‘time’; it is defined as 365.25 days of exactly 86400 seconds (an “SI base unit”), totaling exactly 3,1557,600 seconds in the ‘julian’ astronomical year)


(the word “year” is also used for periods ‘loosely associated with’ (but not ‘identical to’), the ‘calendar’ (or ‘astronomical’) year, such as…)

‘seasonal year’

‘fiscal year’

‘academic year’



(similarly, “year” can mean the ‘orbital period’ of any ‘planet’: for example, a ‘martian year’ or a ‘venusian’ year are examples of the ‘time’ a ‘planet’ takes to transit 1 complete ‘orbit’)
(just decide the ‘starting point’)

(such as the ‘gregorian” january 1st)

(‘the catholic church’ invented the modern ‘year’)

(the term can also be used in reference to any ‘long period’ or ‘cycle’)
(such as the ‘great year’)

(from old english “gēar”)

(based on amount of time it takes for earth to orbit the sun)

(averages 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 9.76 seconds)

(pope gregory XIII introduced the calendar in 1582)

in order to defeat christ, i must force the populace to accept that it is a different year than 2015

(a 2015-year-old christ)

(instead it is year 30)

(and reset “january 1” to “august 5”)

(which means “christmas” is really

(but it aligns with the december solstice)

(fall –> winter)

i am a summer birthday…

(waiting on the september equinox)

(beginning of the school year)

(which means i must acknowledge his successes)

i am the antichrist

pope gregory XIII introduced the gregorian calendar in 1582

(keep going further)

(“millenium” = “1000 years”)

our calendar is based upon jesus…

BC –> “before christ”

(*”AD” actually stands for “anno domini”, latin for “in the year of our lord”*)

A. christ = death ?

B. christ death ?

C. christ death ?

D. none of the above

(these choices are based upon mistaken assumption that “AD” stands for “after death”)

(i believe we should start measuring years based on the beatles rather than jesus christ)

(BC / AD) –> “before christ” / “after death”

(BB / AB) –> “before beatles” / “after beatles”

(BJ / AJ) –> “before joga” / “after joga”


“TOP 12 YEARS” –>


“of my life” –>



(‘year of birthday’)



(“‘beginning’ of the ‘end'”)

(first year of ‘final decade of the “20th century”)

(our ‘preferred nomenclature’) –>

‘1900s’ (over ’20th century’))

(for the same reason we attribute the ‘year 2000’)

(repeat after me…)




(2 more years left in the ‘2nd millenium’)











👈👈👈 ☜ *”JOURNALS”*












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥