
(1879 – 1955)
(theoretical physicist)
(born in ‘germany”)
(father – salesman / engineer)
(in 1880, the family moved to ‘Munich’, where his father and his uncle founded Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie, a company that manufactured electrical equipment based on ‘direct current’)
(the ‘Einsteins’ were non-observant Jews, and their son attended a Catholic elementary school from the age of 5 until 10)
(although ‘Einstein’ had early speech difficulties, he was a top student in elementary school)
(as he grew, ‘Einstein’ built models and mechanical devices for fun and began to show a talent for ‘mathematics’)
(in 1889, an important person entered Einstein’s life by the name of ‘Max Talmud’)
(‘talmud’ was a medical student who took lunch with the Einsteins on ‘Thursdays’ in keeping with a long European Jewish tradition of hosting scholars at the ‘Shabbat’ table)
(as the Einsteins were non-observant, they altered this tradition to host a secular Jewish student on a day of the week other than ‘Saturday’)
(‘max talmud’ introduced the young einstein to key texts in ‘science’, ‘mathematics’ / ‘philosophy’), including kant’s critique of pure reason and euclid’s elements (which einstein called the “holy little geometry book”))
(in 1894, Einstein’s father’s company fails)
(“Direct current” (DC) lost the “War of Currents” to “alternating current” (AC))
(in search of business, the Einstein family moved to ‘Italy’, first to ‘Milan’ and then, a few months later, to ‘Pavia’)
(when the family moved to ‘Pavia’, Einstein stayed in ‘Munich’ to finish his studies at the ‘Luitpold Gymnasium’)
(his father intended for him to pursue ‘electrical engineering’, but Einstein clashed with authorities and resented the school’s regimen and teaching method)
(he later wrote that the spirit of learning and creative thought were lost in strict ‘rote learning’)
(in the spring of 1895, Einstein withdrew to join his family in ‘Pavia’, convincing the school to let him go by using a doctor’s note)
(during this time, Einstein wrote his first scientific work, “The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields”)
(Einstein applied directly to the “Eidgenössische Polytechnische Schule” (later “Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule” (ETH)) in ‘Zürich’, ‘Switzerland’)
(lacking the requisite ‘Matura’ certificate, he took an entrance examination, which he failed, although he got exceptional marks in ‘mathematics’ and ‘physics’)
(the Einsteins sent Albert to ‘Aarau’, in northern ‘Switzerland’ to finish ‘secondary school’)
(while lodging with the family of ‘Professor Jost Winteler’, he fell in love with the family’s daughter, ‘Marie’)
(his sister ‘Maja’ later married the Winteler son, ‘Paul’)
(in ‘Aarau’, ‘Einstein’ studied Maxwell’s ‘electromagnetic theory’)
(at age 17, he graduated, and, with his father’s approval, renounced his citizenship in the German Kingdom of ‘Württemberg’ to avoid military service, and enrolled in 1896 in the mathematics and physics program at the ‘Polytechnic’ in ‘Zurich’)
(‘marie’ moved to ‘olsberg’ for a teaching post)
(Einstein’s future wife, ‘Mileva Marić’, also enrolled at the ‘Polytechnic’ that same year, the only woman among the 6 students in the ‘mathematics’ and ‘physics’ section of the teaching diploma course)
(over the next few years, Einstein and Marić’s friendship developed into romance, and they read books together on extra-curricular physics in which Einstein was taking an increasing interest)
(in 1900 Einstein was awarded the ‘Zurich Polytechnic’ teaching diploma, but Marić failed the examination with a poor grade in the mathematics component, ‘theory of functions’)
(after graduating, Einstein spent almost two frustrating years searching for a teaching post, but a former classmate’s father helped him secure a job in ‘Bern’, at the ‘Federal Office for Intellectual Property’, the patent office, as an ‘assistant examiner’)
(he evaluated patent applications for ‘electromagnetic devices’)
(in 1903, Einstein’s position at the ‘Swiss Patent Office’ became permanent, although he was passed over for promotion until he “fully mastered machine technology”)
(much of his work at the patent office related to questions about ‘transmission of electric signals’ and ‘electrical-mechanical synchronization of time’, two technical problems that show up conspicuously in the ‘thought experiments’ that eventually led Einstein to his radical conclusions about the nature of ‘light’ and the fundamental connection between ‘space’ and ‘time’)
(with a few friends he met in ‘Bern’, ‘Einstein’ started a small discussion group, self-mockingly named “The Olympia Academy”, which met regularly to discuss ‘science’ + ‘philosophy’)
(their readings included the works of…)
*influenced his scientific and philosophical outlook*
(like our ‘rich gay stoners’?)
(Einstein’s early papers all come from attempts to demonstrate that ‘atoms’ exist and have a finite nonzero size)
(at the time of his first paper in 1902, it was not yet completely accepted by physicists that ‘atoms’ were real, even though chemists had good evidence ever since Antoine Lavoisier’s work a century earlier)
(the reason physicists were skeptical was because no 19th century theory could fully explain the properties of ‘matter’ from the properties of ‘atoms’)
(in 1901, Einstein had a paper on the capillary forces of a straw published in the prestigious ‘Annalen der Physik’)
(in early 1902, Einstein and ‘Mileva Marić’ had a daughter they named ‘Lieserl’ in their correspondence, who was born in ‘Novi Sad’ where Marić’s parents lived)
(her full name is not known, and her fate is uncertain after 1903)
(Einstein and Marić married in January 1903)
(in May 1904, the couple’s first son, ‘Hans Albert Einstein’, was born in ‘Bern’, ‘Switzerland’)
(the Annus Mirabilis papers (from Latin annus mīrābilis, “extraordinary year”) are the papers of ‘Albert Einstein’ published in the Annalen der Physik scientific journal in 1905)
(these 4 articles contributed substantially to the foundation of ‘modern physics’ and changed views on ‘space’, ‘time’, and ‘matter’)
(the Annus Mirabilis is often called the “Miracle Year” in English or Wunderjahr in ‘German’)
(there have been claims that Marić collaborated with Einstein on his celebrated 1905 papers, but historians of physics who have studied the issue find no evidence that she made any substantive contributions)
(on 30 April 1905, he completed his thesis, with Alfred Kleiner, “Professor of Experimental Physics”, serving as ‘pro-forma advisor’)
(Einstein was awarded a PhD by the ‘University of Zurich’)
(his dissertation was entitled “A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions”. That same year, which has been called Einstein’s annus mirabilis or “miracle year”, he published four groundbreaking papers, on the ‘photoelectric effect’, ‘Brownian motion’, ‘special relativity’, and the equivalence of ‘matter’ and ‘energy’, which were to bring him to the notice of the ‘academic world’)
(by 1908, he was recognized as a leading scientist, and he was appointed lecturer at the ‘University of Berne’)
(the following year, he quit the ‘patent office’ and the lectureship to take the position of ‘physics docent’ at the ‘University of Zurich’)
(their second son, ‘Eduard’, was born in ‘Zurich’ in July 1910)
(he became a full professor at ‘Karl-Ferdinand University’ in ‘Prague’ in 1911)
(in 1914, he returned to ‘Germany’ after being appointed director of the ‘Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics’ (1914–1932) and a professor at the ‘Humboldt University of Berlin’, although with a special clause in his contract that freed him from most teaching obligations)
(he became a member of the ‘Prussian Academy of Sciences’)
(in 1914, Einstein moved to ‘Berlin’, while his wife remained in ‘Zurich’ with their sons)
“theory of general relativity”
(in 1916, Einstein was appointed president of the ‘German Physical Society’ (1916–1918))
(‘Marić’ and ‘Einstein’ divorced on 14 February 1919, having lived apart for 5 years)
(Einstein married ‘Elsa Löwenthal’ (née Einstein) on 2 June 1919, after having had a relationship with her since 1912)
(she was his first cousin maternally and his second cousin paternally)
(his prediction that light from another star would be bent by sun’s gravity was claimed confirmed by observations made by a British expedition led by ‘Sir Arthur Eddington’ during the ‘solar eclipse’ of 29 may 1919)
(international media reports of this made Einstein world famous)
On 7 November 1919, the leading British newspaper The Times printed a banner headline that read: “Revolution in Science – New Theory of the Universe – Newtonian Ideas Overthrown” (Much later, questions were raised whether the measurements were accurate enough to support Einstein’s theory)
(in 1921, Einstein was awarded the ‘Nobel Prize in Physics’)
(because ‘relativity’ was still considered somewhat controversial, it was officially bestowed for his explanation of the ‘photoelectric effect’)
(Einstein visited ‘New York City’ for the first time on 2 April 1921)
(when asked where he got his scientific ideas, Einstein explained that he believed scientific work best proceeds from an examination of ‘physical reality’ and a search for underlying ‘axioms’, with consistent explanations that apply in all instances and avoid contradicting each other)
(he also recommended theories with visualizable results)
(in 1922, he traveled throughout ‘Asia’ and later to ‘Palestine’, as part of a 6-month excursion and speaking tour)
(his travels included ‘Singapore’, ‘Ceylon’, and ‘Japan’, where he gave a series of lectures to thousands of ‘Japanese’)
(his first lecture in ‘Tokyo’ lasted 4 hours, after which he met the emperor and empress at the ‘Imperial Palace’ where thousands came to watch)
Einstein later gave his impressions of the ‘Japanese’ in a letter to his sons:
Of all the people I have met, I like the Japanese most, as they are modest, intelligent, considerate, and have a feel for art
(on his return voyage, he also visited ‘Palestine’ for 12 days in what would become his only visit to that region)
(“He was greeted with great British pomp, as if he were a head of state rather than a theoretical physicist”, writes Isaacson)
(this included a ‘cannon salute’ upon his arrival at the residence of the British high commissioner, ‘Sir Herbert Samuel’)
(during one reception given to him, the building was “stormed by throngs who wanted to hear him”)
in Einstein’s talk to the audience, he expressed his happiness over the event:
I consider this the greatest day of my life. Before, I have always found something to regret in the Jewish soul, and that is the forgetfulness of its own people. Today, I have been made happy by the sight of the Jewish people learning to recognize themselves and to make themselves recognized as a force in the world
(he also received the ‘Copley Medal’ from the ‘Royal Society’ in 1925)
(in 1933, Einstein was compelled to emigrate to the United States due to the rise to power of the Nazis under Germany’s new chancellor, ‘Adolf Hitler’)
(while visiting American universities in April 1933, he learned that the new German government had passed a law barring Jews from holding any official positions, including teaching at universities)
(a month later, the Nazi book burnings occurred, with Einstein’s works being among those burnt, and Nazi propaganda minister ‘Joseph Goebbels’ proclaimed, “Jewish intellectualism is dead”)
(Einstein also learned that his name was on a list of assassination targets, with a “$5,000 bounty on his head”)
(one German magazine included him in a list of enemies of the German regime with the phrase, “not yet hanged”)
(in 1935, Einstein traveled to the ‘United States’ via ‘Albania’)
(he stayed in Durrës for 3 days as a guest of the Albanian royal mansion)
(equipped with an Albanian passport, he continued his journey to the ‘United States’)
(the gesture of the Albanian royalty of ‘King Zog’ is said to be part of the traditional Albanian ‘besa’ (honor), according to which many Jews (including Einstein) were saved from Nazi forces prior to and during World War II)
(among other German scientists forced to flee were 14 Nobel laureates and 26 of the 60 professors of ‘theoretical physics’ in the country)
(among the other scientists who left ‘germany’ (or the other countries it came to dominate) were…)
(many of whom made certain that the Allies would develop nuclear weapons first, before the nazis)
(with so many other Jewish scientists now forced by circumstances to live in America, often working side by side, Einstein wrote to a friend, “For me the most beautiful thing is to be in contact with a few fine Jews—a few millennia of a civilized past do mean something after all”)
(in another letter he writes, “In my whole life I have never felt so Jewish as now”)
(he took up a position at the ‘Institute for Advanced Study’ at Princeton, New Jersey, an affiliation that lasted until his death in 1955)
(there, he tried unsuccessfully to develop a ‘unified field theory’ and to refute the accepted interpretation of ‘quantum physics’)
(he and ‘Kurt Gödel’, another ‘Institute’ member, became close friends)
(they would take long walks together discussing their work)
(his last assistant was ‘Bruria Kaufman’, who later became a renowned physicist)
(in 1935, ‘Elsa Einstein’ was diagnosed with heart and kidney problems and died in December 1936)
(in the summer of 1939, a few months before the beginning of ‘World War II’ in ‘Europe’, Einstein was persuaded to lend his prestige by writing a letter, with the help of Hungarian emigre physicist ‘Leo Szilard’, to ‘President Franklin D. Roosevelt’, in order to alert him of the possibility that ‘Nazi Germany’ might be developing an ‘atomic bomb’)
(‘Einstein’ and ‘Szilard’, along with other refugees such as ‘Edward Teller’ and ‘Eugene Wigner’, according to ‘F.G. Gosling’, of the ‘U.S. Department of Energy’, “regarded it as their responsibility to alert Americans to the possibility that German scientists might win the race to build an atomic bomb, and to warn that Hitler would be more than willing to resort to such a weapon”)
(British columnist ‘Ambrose Evans-Pritchard’ notes, however, that Washington at first “brushed off with disbelief” the fears they expressed)
(he then describes how quickly Roosevelt changed his mind:)
“Albert Einstein interceded through the Belgian ‘queen mother’, eventually getting a personal envoy into the ‘Oval Office’. Roosevelt initially fobbed him off. He listened more closely at a second meeting over breakfast the next day, then made up his mind within minutes. ‘This needs action,’ he told his military aide. It was the birth of the ‘Manhattan Project’.”
(‘Gosling’ adds that “the President was a man of considerable action once he had chosen a direction,” and believed that the U.S. “could not take the risk of allowing Hitler” to possess nuclear bombs)
(other ‘weapons historians’ agree that the letter was “arguably the key stimulus for the U.S. adoption of serious investigations into nuclear weapons on the eve of the U.S. entry into World War II”)
(as a result of Einstein’s letter, and his meetings with Roosevelt, the U.S. entered the “race” to develop the bomb first, drawing on its “immense material, financial, and scientific resources”)
(it became the only country to develop an atomic bomb during ‘World War II’ as a result of its ‘Manhattan Project’)
(he became an American citizen in 1940)
(not long after settling into his career at ‘Princeton’, he expressed his appreciation of the “meritocracy” in American culture when compared to ‘Europe’)
(according to Isaacson, he recognized the “right of individuals to say and think what they pleased”, without social barriers, and as result, the individual was “encouraged” to be more creative, a trait he valued from his own early education)
Einstein writes:
What makes the new arrival devoted to this country is the democratic trait among the people. No one humbles himself before another person or class. . . American youth has the good fortune not to have its outlook troubled by outworn traditions.
(as a member of the NAACP at ‘Princeton’ who campaigned for the civil rights of ‘African Americans’, Einstein corresponded with civil rights activist ‘W. E. B. Du Bois’, and in 1946 Einstein called racism America’s “worst disease”)
(he later stated, “Race prejudice has unfortunately become an American tradition which is uncritically handed down from one generation to the next. The only remedies are enlightenment and education”)
(after the death of Israel’s first president, ‘Chaim Weizmann’, in November 1952, Prime Minister ‘David Ben-Gurion’ offered Einstein the position of ‘President of Israel’, a mostly ceremonial post)
(the offer was presented by Israel’s ambassador in Washington, ‘Abba Eban’, who explained that the offer “embodies the deepest respect which the Jewish people can repose in any of its sons”)
(however, Einstein declined, and wrote in his response that he was “deeply moved”, and “at once saddened and ashamed” that he could not accept it:)
All my life I have dealt with objective matters, hence I lack both the natural aptitude and the experience to deal properly with people and to exercise official function. I am the more more distressed over these circumstances because my relationship with the Jewish people became my strongest human tie once I achieved complete clarity about our precarious position among the nations of the world.
(Einstein said to his old friend, ‘Linus Pauling’, in 1954, the last year of his life: “I made one great mistake in my life – when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification – the danger that the Germans would make them…”)
(on April 17, 1955, Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which had previously been reinforced surgically by ‘Dr. Rudolph Nissen’ in 1948)
(he took the draft of a speech he was preparing for a television appearance commemorating the State of Israel’s 7th anniversary with him to the hospital, but he did not live long enough to complete it)
(Einstein refused surgery, saying: “I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.”)
(he died in ‘Princeton Hospital’ early the next morning at the age of 76, having continued to work until near the end)
(Einstein’s remains were cremated and his ashes were scattered around the grounds of the ‘Institute for Advanced Study’)
(during the ‘autopsy’, the ‘pathologist’ of ‘Princeton Hospital’, ‘Thomas Stoltz Harvey’ removed Einstein’s brain for preservation, without the permission of his family, in hope that the neuroscience of the future would be able to discover what made ‘einstein’ so intelligent)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥