*agallianos kontoskeles*

*greek* –> Ἀγαλλιανός Κοντοσκέλης

*DIED ’18 APRIL 727’*


*”agallianos kontoskeles” was a byzantine ‘military commander’ + ‘rebel leader’*


(‘agallianos’ served as tourmarches of the ”theme of hellas’ in ‘726’ / ‘727’…)

(…when the ‘theme’ erupted in revolt against ’emperor leo III’ the ‘usaurian’)


(along with ‘stephen’ (possibly the commander of the ‘naval district’ of the ‘cyclades’), ‘agallianos’ became the leader of the revolt + a certain ‘kosmas’ was acclaimed as ’emperor’ by the ‘rebels’)

(however, the ‘rebel fleet’ was defeated on ’18 april 727′ by the ‘loyalist navy’ through the use of ‘greek fire’)

(‘agallianos’ drowned when he fell from the board of his ship into the sea in ‘full armor’…)

(“what a creative way to go!”)

(…while ‘stephen’ + ‘kosmas’ were ‘captured’ + ‘beheaded’)


(on account of his surname ‘kontoskeles’ (“short-leg”), the patria of constantinople erroneously involves him in the construction of the ‘kontoskalion harbor’ in ‘constantinople’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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