-april 14th-









*14 APRIL 2015*

perfect night’s sleep…in bed before 1am…up before 8am…

had a few monsters to drink in the morning…continued getting resin hits from the bowl…

then cheryl came by the room @ 11:30am…gave her some dirty clothes…her arrival prompted me to finally clean up my act + take a shower…although the room is still filthy…hope the janitors don’t clean the room while i’m away today…

we had lunch @ the A+B…she parked in a 30-minute limit spot…and left her credit card at the A+B…i should buy some tussin + cigarettes with the card…i’m sure she’ll check her activity…so it’ll be better if i use it at CVS (rather than a liquor store)…

ordered an “A+B shandy” (for $8) and a water…


beer mixed with a soft drink, carbonated lemonade, ginger beer, ginger ale, apple juice, or orange juice

“tarte nouveau”
(3.9% ABV)


peach schnapps
(i thought the peach schnapps would get me loaded)

then i ordered a budweiser

we split irish spring rolls + calamari…i ordered the A+B cheesesteak salad for $18…

smoked a cigarette butt…
(forgot my lighter AGAIN!)
(and i forgot my headphones)

now i’m back at the princeton library…gotta get back to the room and continue recording…get the acoustic guitar + bass guitar parts recorded for the song sections you’ve already demoed…got cheryl two new CDs (with the updated “karaoke” and song sections from the upcoming “second nature” symphony)…

bought two bottles of tussin @ CVS…and pack of newports from the kiosk…then i went back to the room and robotripped…didn’t get much accomplished…



(‘X day’ of the ‘common year’)


(‘X+1 day’ of the ‘leap year’)


(‘X days’ until the end of the ‘year’)


.% of year completed.



(if the date is ‘march 1’ or later, include the ‘day of the year #’ for both ‘common years’ and ‘leap years’)
(which is the ‘common year day #’ + 1)













👈👈👈 ☜ *“APRIL 13TH”*


*“APRIL 15TH”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“APRIL CALENDAR”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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