-april 16th-











another long sleep…after hitting up princeton last night with juan…i was robotripping but didn’t get much accomplished…i needed to catch up on sleep…2 robotrips in a row…

woke up at 12:45pm…rushed over to the urology office…it was a longer walk than i anticipated…ended up running for about a mile…he prescribed me viagra…karina called me this afternoon…gotta call her back…

picked up lunch @ the local deli…roast beef sandwich / salt + vinegar chips / tropical citrus vitamin water…over $10…still using cheryl’s credit card…then went back to the room and napped…juan knocked on the door at 4:30pm…wanted me to buy him jeans on cheryl’s card…gave me a few american spirits…we went to the gap @ marketfair…he was returning a pair of boxers + jeans…because i ridiculed them for having intentional rips built into them…he wasn’t approved for a gap card…so the jeans cost ~$90…looking for grass (he has money to buy)…he works at “office guys”…went to CVS…medicaid doesn’t cover viagra…called up the health insurance hotline…need to call back the doctor for “prior authorization”…not sure if it’ll go through…looked up the new jersey laws…apparently the government does not want to use taxpayer money to fund “lifestyle drugs” for welfare recipients…makes sense…but this means i won’t be able to have sex with karina this weekend…which will mean i can’t network to her hipster associates…damn gabriel for stealing my viagra last summer…damn me for letting him take them…although i didn’t even find myself in any situations where i would’ve needed them…

beautiful day…another robotrip?…i need to get back to recording while i still can…cancel appointment with samuel tomorrow and hit NYC…clean up my act (and the room) first…

back to the room…

preparing for robotrip…

newports / monster / resin hits

almost 11pm

(over an hour since i downed the bottles)

(slight effects)

(not getting any more resin hits)

(stick to cigarettes)

(and nasty shits)

(and a final monster)

may as well record tonight

walk to the verizon store and figure out what’s going on with your phone…

almost 4am


(i could really use some good grass right about now)

(do i even bother meeting with charity?)

(it’ll force me to go to princeton and pick up food)

(and clean up the room)

janitor gave me a budweiser

(where did he disappear to?)

i feel perfect now

although i didn’t get much of anything done

just smoking newports

the resin hits aren’t forthcoming now…




*’106th day’ of the ‘common year’*
(‘107th day’ of the ‘leap year’)


*~29.04% of year completed*


*’259 days’ until the end of the ‘year’*









👈👈👈 ☜ *APRIL 15TH*


*APRIL 17TH* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“APRIL CALENDAR”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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