*'aristarchus' of 'samos'*

Aristarchos von Samos (Denkmal).jpeg



‘greek: Ἀρίσταρχος ὁ Σάμιος

aristarkhos ho samios;

(c. ‘310 BCE’ – c. ‘230 BCE’)


[“aristarchus of samos” was an ancient greek ‘astronomer’ / ‘mathematician’ who presented the first known model that placed the ‘sun’ at the center of the ‘known universe’ with the earth revolving around it]


*the beginning of our current concept of the ‘solar system’*


(he was influenced by ‘philolaus’ of ‘croton’, but he identified the “central fire” with the ‘sun’, and put the other planets in their correct order of distance around the ‘sun’)

(like ‘anaxagoras’ before him, he suspected that the ‘stars’ were just other bodies like the ‘sun’, albeit further away from ‘earth’)

(his astronomical ideas were often rejected in favor of the geocentric theories of ‘aristotle’ + ‘ptolemy’ (which are now known to be incorrect))


(‘nicolaus copernicus’ had attributed the ‘heliocentric theory’ to ‘aristarchus’)






👈👈👈☜*“DEAD SCIENTISTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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