*’age 71’*
(1788 – 1860)
(he died of ‘heart failure’ on ’21 september 1860′, while sitting in his armchair at home)
(‘age 72’)
*german philosopher*
(born to descendants of wealthy german patrician family)
(moved from ‘danzig’ to ‘hamburg’ in ‘1793’)
(in ‘1805’, schopenhauer’s father committed suicide)
(then schopenhauer’s mother moves to weimar to pursue a ‘literary career’)
(schopenhauer is ’17 years old’)
(schopenhauer had a notably strained relationship with his mother ‘johanna schopenhauer’)
(after his father’s death, ‘arthur schopenhauer’ endured 2 long years of drudgery as a ‘merchant’ in honor of his ‘dead father’)
(arthur dedicated himself wholly to studies in the gymnasium of ‘gotha’)
(after he left it in disgust after seeing one of the masters lampooned, he went to live with his mother)
(leaves the family business in ‘hamburg’ to join her)
(but by that time she had already opened her infamous ‘salon’, and ‘arthur’ was not compatible with the vain + ceremonious ways of the salon)
(he was also disgusted by the ease with which ‘johanna’ had forgotten his father’s memory)
(therefore, he gave ‘university life’ a shot)
(there, he wrote his first book, “on the fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason”)
(she informed him that the book was incomprehensible and it was unlikely that anyone would ever buy a copy)
(in a fit of temper, ‘arthur’ told her that his work would be read long after the rubbish she wrote would have been totally forgotten)
(‘schopenhauer’ became a student at the ‘university of göttingen’ in ‘1809’)
(‘age 21’)
(there he studied ‘metaphysics’ + ‘psychology’ under “gottlob ernst schulze”, the author of aenesidemus, who advised him to concentrate on ‘plato’ + ‘kant’)
(in ‘berlin’, from ‘1811’ to ‘1812’, he had attended lectures by the prominent post-kantian philosopher ‘J. G. fichte’ and the theologian ‘schleiermacher’)
(in ‘1814’, ‘schopenhauer’ began his seminal work “the world as will + representation” (‘die welt als wille und vorstellung’))
(he would finish it in ‘1818’ + publish it the following year)
*’age 30’*
(in ‘dresden’ in 1819, ‘schopenhauer’ fathered an ‘illegitimate child’ who was born and died the same year)
(in ‘1820’, ‘schopenhauer’ became a lecturer at the ‘university of berlin’)
(he scheduled his lectures to coincide with those of the famous philosopher “G. W. F. Hegel”, whom ‘schopenhauer’ described as a “clumsy charlatan”)
(however, only 5 students turned up to schopenhauer’s lectures, and he dropped out of ‘academia’)
(a late essay, “on university philosophy”, expressed his ‘resentment’ towards ‘university philosophy’)
(ala ‘nietzsche’)
(while in ‘berlin’, ‘schopenhauer’ was named as a ‘defendant’ in an action at law initiated by a woman named ‘caroline marquet’)
(she asked for ‘damages’, alleging that ‘schopenhauer’ had pushed her)
(according to schopenhauer’s ‘court testimony’, she deliberately annoyed him by raising her voice while standing right outside his door)
(‘marquet’ alleged that the philosopher had assaulted + battered her after she refused to leave his doorway)
(her companion testified that she saw ‘marquet’ prostrate outside his apartment)
(because ‘marquet’ won the lawsuit, he made payments to her for the next ’20 years’)
(when she died, he wrote on a copy of her death certificate, obit anus, abit onus (“the old woman dies, the burden flies”))
(in ‘1821’, he fell in love with 19-year old opera singer ‘caroline richter’ (called ‘medon’) + had a relationship with her for several years)
(he discarded marriage plans, however, writing… )
“marrying means to halve one’s rights and double one’s duties”
“marrying means, to grasp blindfolded into a sack hoping to find out an eel out of an assembly of snakes”
arthur schopenhauer
(he was ’33 years old’)
(when he was 43 years old, 17-year old ‘flora weiss’ recorded rejecting him in her diary)
(in 1831, a ‘cholera epidemic’ broke out in ‘berlin’ and ‘schopenhauer’ left the city)
(‘schopenhauer’ settled permanently in ‘frankfurt’ in ‘1833’, where he remained for the next ’27 years’, living alone except for a succession of pet poodles named ‘atman’ + ‘butz’)
(the numerous notes that he made during these years, amongst others on ‘aging’, were published posthumously under the title “senilia”)
(‘schopenhauer’ had a ‘robust constitution’, but in ‘1860’ his health began to deteriorate)
(he died of ‘heart failure’ on ’21 september 1860′, while sitting in his armchair at home)
(he was ’72 years old’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥