*the cerebrum’s ‘outer layer’ of ‘neural tissue’*
(the ‘human’ has the same ‘brain structure’ as most other ‘mammals’)
(except humans have a more developed ‘cerebral cortex’)
(the ‘human brain’ is 3x as large as the brain of a ‘marginal mammal’ with equivalent ‘body size’)
(human brain’s additional size is due to its enlarged ‘cerebral cortex’)
(the ‘cerebral cortex’ is a sheet of ‘neural tissue’ that is outermost to the ‘cerebrum’ of the ‘mammalian brain’)
(the ‘frontal lobes’ are especially large in ‘humans’)
(‘frontal lobes’ are located in the ‘cerebral cortex’)
(located at the front of each ‘cerebral hemisphere’)
(positioned [‘anterior to’ / ‘in front of’] the ‘parietal lobes’)
(positioned [‘above’ / ‘anterior to’] the ‘temporal lobes’)
(IE – directly behind the [‘forehead’ / ‘temple’])
(responsible for…)
‘abstract thought’
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥