




from French: cocaïne,

from Spanish: coca,

ultimately from Quechua: kúka


*cocaine  is a ‘central nervous system (CNS) stimulant’* 




(crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant)

(the name comes from “coca” in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine)

(it is a stimulant of the central nervous system and an appetite suppressant)

specifically, it is a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor, which mediates functionality of such as an exogenous catecholamine transporter ligand. Because of the way it affects the mesolimbic reward pathway, cocaine is addictive

its possession, cultivation, and distribution are illegal for non-medicinal and non-government sanctioned purposes in virtually all parts of the world. although its free commercialization is illegal and has been severely penalized in virtually all countries, its use worldwide remains widespread in many social, cultural, and personal settings.

(crack cocaine is the smoked freebase form of cocaine)

(southern confederate veteran addicts)

coke is for whites
crack is for blacks

sigmund freud as early proponent


tony montana

snorting lines scares me

paul mccartney snorted coke during ‘sergeant pepper’ era
(made the back of his throat go numb)
(come-down was melancholy)

brian wilson in the 1970s

eric clapton’s ‘cocaine’
(really jj cale)
(neil young is a fan of both)





(‘crystalline tropane alkaloid’ that is obtained from the leaves of the ‘coca plant’)

(the name comes from “coca” in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine)

(it is a ‘stimulant’ of the ‘central nervous system’ + an ‘appetite suppressant’)

Specifically, it is a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor, which mediates functionality of such as an exogenous catecholamine transporter ligand.

Because of the way it affects the mesolimbic reward pathway, cocaine is addictive

its possession, cultivation, and distribution are illegal for non-medicinal and non-government sanctioned purposes in virtually all parts of the world. although its free commercialization is illegal and has been severely penalized in virtually all countries, its use worldwide remains widespread in many social, cultural, and personal settings.

(crack cocaine is the smoked freebase form of cocaine)

(southern confederate veteran addicts)

coke is for whites

crack is for blacks

sigmund freud as early proponent


tony montana

snorting lines scares me

paul mccartney snorted coke during ‘sergeant pepper’ era

(made the back of his throat go numb)

(come-down was melancholy)

brian wilson in the 1970s

eric clapton’s ‘cocaine’

(really jj cale)

(neil young is a fan of both)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“OUR TOP 12 DRUGS”*


*“STIMULANTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. speed | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. 5 august 2016 | *JoGa Jungle*

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