-the [democratic party]-


-as of [5 FEBRUARY 2024]





(biden incumbent)




“joseph biden”
(obama’s vice president)

“kamala harris”
(california senator)




“hillary clinton”
(obama’s secretary of state)

“tim kaine”
(virginia senator)

(they lost)


*the democratic party is 1 of the 2 major contemporary ‘political parties’ in the ‘united states’*

(along with the ‘republican party’)


(tracing its heritage back to thomas jefferson’s + james madison’s democratic-republican party, the modern-day ‘democratic party’ was founded around 1828, making it the world’s oldest active party)

(the democrats’ once-dominant worldview was ‘classical liberalism’, while, (especially in the ‘rural south’, ‘populism’ was a ‘leading character’)

(in the ‘1890s’, under the influence of its 3-time defeated presidential candidate ‘william jennings bryan’, the party moved to the left from an ‘economic point of view’ and, since ‘franklin d. roosevelt’ and his ‘new deal’ coalition in the ‘1930s’, it has promoted a ‘social-liberal platform’, supporting ‘social justice’ + a ‘mixed economy’)

(well into the 1900s, the party had a ‘conservative pro-business wing’)

(the ‘new deal coalition’ of ‘1932’ – ‘1964’ attracted strong support from voters of recent european extraction — many of whom were ‘catholics’ based in the cities)

(it also included a ‘populist-anti-business wing’ based in the ‘rural south’)

(after FDR’s ‘new deal’, the ‘business wing’ withered and, between ‘the 1960s’ + ‘the 1990s’, most ‘southern whites’ and many ‘northern catholics’ moved into the ‘republican party’)

(today, the ‘congressional democratic caucus’ is composed mostly of ‘progressives’ + ‘centrists’, with a smaller minority of ‘conservative democrats’)

(the party’s philosophy of ‘modern liberalism’ advocates ‘social’ + ‘economic’ equality, along with the welfare state’)

(it pursues a ‘mixed economy’ by providing ‘government intervention’ + ‘government regulation’ in the ‘economy’)

(these ‘interventions’, such as…)

introduction of ‘social programs’

support for ‘labor unions’

moves toward ‘universal health care’ ‘equal opportunity’, ‘consumer protection’,

and ‘environmental protection’

(…form the core of the party’s economic policy)

(there have been 15 ‘democratic presidents’: the first was ‘andrew jackson’, who served from ‘1829’ to ‘1837’)

(the most recent ‘democratic president’ is ‘barack obama’, who ended his final term in ‘january 2017’)

(to make way for republican president ‘donald trump’)

(in the ‘114th congress’, following the ‘2014 elections’, ‘democrats’ hold a minority of seats in the ‘house of representatives’ as well as in the ‘senate’)


(the ‘party’ also holds ’18 governorships’ + control of a ‘minority’ of ‘state legislatures’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  2. “majority parties” (US congress) | *JoGa Jungle*
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