

*as of ‘9 NOVEMBER 2023’*


(from ‘lowest-ranking’ to ‘highest ranking’…)

(according to the 1815 ‘congress of vienna’)





-a diplomat is a person appointed by a ‘state’ to conduct ‘diplomacy’ with 1 or more other ‘states’ or ‘international organizations’-


(the main functions of ‘diplomats’ are: “‘representation’ and ‘protection’ of the ‘interests’ and ‘nationals’ (is that a ‘noun’?) of the ‘sending state'”; “‘initiation’ and ‘facilitation’ of ‘strategic agreements'”; “‘treaties’ and ‘conventions'”; “promotion of ‘information'”; “‘trade’ and ‘commerce'”; “technology”; and “friendly relations”)

(seasoned ‘diplomats’ of ‘international repute’ are used in ‘international organizations’ (for example, the ‘united nations’) as well as ‘multinational companies’ for their experience in ‘management’ and ‘negotiating’ skills)

(‘diplomats’ are members of ‘foreign services’ and ‘diplomatic corps’ of various ‘nations’ of the ‘world’)

Diplomats are the oldest form of any of the foreign policy institutions of the state, predating by centuries foreign ministers and ministerial offices.

They usually have diplomatic immunity








👈👈👈☜*-DIPLOMACY-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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