-february 17th-












i’ve been sleeping a lot…

instead of finishing the composition for the winter 2015 album…which i now want to rename “the common cold”…cheryl will pick me up from the library @ 2pm…we’ll probably be late for the hair appointment…gonzalez called me and offered a ride to the library…he wants cheryl to buy him drinks from CVS…gotta get back to the room tonight and keep working on “my understudy”…then it’ll be time to record the basslines for the album…then electric guitars + scratch vocals…then i can really start building the tracks…tomorrow i’ve gotta hit the food bank (unless cheryl brings enough food)…can i find anything of use back in watchung?

cheryl gave gonzalez $5 for coffee from CVS…then she told me we didn’t have time to take the computer back to watchung…got haircut + eyebrow wax @ hair extraordinaire…tipped the shampoo girl $3…didn’t tip the eyebrow wax girl…$30 total…then cheryl drove me back to the room…gave me $20 for wendy’s…got a triple cheeseburger / large fries / large coke / spicy chicken sandwich…came out to $20.28 but the hispanic male cashier spotted me the 28 cents…

got back to the room and pigged out…then i lounged around (as usual)…finally got a working structure for “my understudy”…then i leisurely started putting together basslines / chord progressions…gotta finish them tomorrow…then i can really start sonically sculpting the album…asked the night janitor for drugs…

no dice…

dream of a night session @ bally brick…



(’48th day’ of the ‘year’)


(‘317 days’ until the end of the ‘common year’)


(‘318 days’ until the end of the ‘leap year’)








👈👈👈 ☜ *FEBRUARY 16TH*


*FEBRUARY 18TH* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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