"female first names"*beginning in 'F'*



(princeton student)
(met her while busking ’round ‘spring 2014’)

mexican-american princeton senior…

met her as i was playing outside frist on a saturday night (october 2014)…

she was marginally attractive…her study abroad friend “jackie” was visiting…jackie was a plain jane jap…and then there was her silent chinese friend “laurie”…and i had my 27-year-old street juggler pal “william” (he lives with his parents in princeton)…is he gay?

i serenaded her with “something” in a really sexy way…but her phone video died midway through the song (of course)…jackie was filming…then she invited all of us back to her dorm for black tea and mexican cookies…she stuck some chocolate chip cookies in the microwave…it was a wholly unsexy scene (even though i was still reeling from the pot brownie)…with the two dudes sitting on flava’s bed and the two visitor girls sitting on a couch…flava stood up and played hostess…finally they got tired and i decided to buy a pack of newports and catch the 5:30am bus back to the motel room…will waited with me at the bus stop…i have two pictures of flava and jackie cradling my guitar outside frist…

keep in mind that three days later none of these 4 people facebook friended me even though i gave them the “joga bot” name…and i don’t think i’ll be seeing any of the videos anytime soon…

i serenaded a princeton senior mexican girl named “flava”…she was marginally cute…but her phone battery ran out so i probably will never see the video….nor will she…and her chubby jewish blonde friend from her study abroad in russia was visiting for the night…from westchester NY…got a pic of them with my guitar…

flava invited me to her dorm for tea…and she kept giving me cookies…i would’ve rather drank the wine in her room…i was sitting on flava’s bed with will and getting sloppy…the jewish girl jackie and some plain jane chinese girl laurie were sitting on the couch…flava was playing the hostess…i gave the girls hugs at 5:00am when they seemed ready for bed…i didn’t see myself hooking up with them…they were much more receptive whenever will worked up the courage to talk…and i had to play nice…i should really start becoming more dominant in conversations…none of them smoked cigs…and i got no phone #s…just the promise that they would fb friend me…which probably won’t happen…

left with will and he walked with me while i looked for cigs…he thought CVS was open 24/7…the gas station was closed…the kiosk opens at 6am…got a short pack of newports and a tropical citrus vitamin water…the bus came shortly thereafter…will waited with me…he doesn’t hit on girls and he doesn’t smoke cigs…he’s a street performer juggler…said he could help me with licensing by signing me up with his “art for charity” nonprofit that he uses to street perform….he was who the sophomore princeton girl was referencing 3 weeks ago…that i was much better than…he is respectful “joga”…reminds me of another mark blumberg…the kiosk indian dude couldn’t believe we didn’t score with the girls when i outlined the situation…will doesn’t pay attention to cops…said i’ll have to pay $10 noise ordinance whenever i plan to play…he speaks chinese and teaches in nursery schools…then he went to san francisco…he’s a sympathetic character…

someone told him to sing quieter

(probably because they wanted to hear me but that’s not how he interpreted it)











👈👈👈☜*“FEMALE FIRST NAMES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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