
(“Gratian” (/ˈɡrʃən/; Latin: Flavius Gratianus Augustus; 18 April / 23 May 359 – 25 August 383) was Roman emperor from 367 to 383)

(the eldest son of ‘Valentinian I’, during his youth ‘Gratian’ accompanied his father on several campaigns along the ‘Rhine’ and ‘Danube’ frontiers)

(upon the death of ‘Valentinian’ in 375, Gratian’s brother ‘Valentinian II’ was declared emperor by his father’s soldiers)

(in 378, Gratian’s generals won a decisive victory over the ‘Lentienses’, a branch of the ‘Alamanni’, at the ‘Battle of Argentovaria’)

(‘Gratian’ subsequently led a campaign across the ‘Rhine’, the last emperor to do so, and attacked the ‘Lentienses’, forcing the tribe to surrender)

(that same year, his uncle ‘Valens’ was killed in the ‘Battle of Adrianople’ against the ‘Goths’ – making ‘Gratian’ essentially ruler of the entire ‘Roman Empire’)

(he favoured ‘Christianity’ over traditional Roman religion, refusing the divine attributes of the ‘Emperors’ and removing the ‘Altar of Victory’ from the ‘Roman Senate’)

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