(1817 – 1862)
(at age 27 he and a friend accidentally set a fire that consumed 300 acres of ‘walden woods’)
“walden pond”
(owned by thoreau’s mentor ‘ralph waldo emerson’)
(at age 28, he moved to walden for a 2-year experiment in “simple living”)
(’emerson’ was 14 years older than ‘thoreau’)
(’emerson’ requested that the 30-year-old ‘thoreau’ move back into the ’emerson home’ and help his wife ‘lidian’ manage the household while he went on an extended trip to ‘europe’)
(in 1849, he published the essay “resistance to civil government” which developed the concept of “civil disobedience”)
(‘gandhi’ adopted this concept in ‘india’ in order to achieve independence from ‘great britain’)
(died of ‘tuberculosis’ at ‘age 46’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥