*the 'late middle ages'*




*~200 YEARS*


*aka ‘late medieval period’*


*the late middle ages was the period of ‘european history’ generally comprising the ’14th’ and ’15th’ centuries (c. 1301 – 1500)*


(the ‘late middle ages’ followed the ‘high middle ages’ and preceded the onset of the ‘early modern era’ (and, in much of ‘europe’, the ‘renaissance’))

(around ‘1300’, centuries of ‘prosperity’ and ‘growth’ in ‘europe’ came to a halt)

(a series of ‘famines’ and ‘plagues’, including the “great famine of 1315–1317” and the “black death”, reduced the population to around half of what it was before the calamities)

(along with ‘depopulation’ came “social unrest” and “endemic warfare”)

(‘france’ and ‘england’ experienced serious ‘peasant uprisings’, such as the ‘jacquerie’ and the ‘peasants’ revolt’, as well as over a century of intermittent conflict in the ‘hundred years’ war’)

(to add to the many problems of the period, the unity of the ‘catholic church’ was shattered by the ‘western schism’)

(collectively these events are sometimes called the “crisis of the ‘late middle ages'”)

(despite these crises, the ’14th century’ was also a time of great progress in the ‘arts’ and ‘sciences’)

(following a renewed interest in ancient ‘greek’ and ‘roman’ texts that took root in the ‘high middle ages’, the ‘italian renaissance’ began)

(the absorption of ‘latin’ texts had started before the ‘renaissance’ of the ’12th century’ through contact with ‘arabs’ during the ‘crusades’, but the availability of important ‘greek’ texts accelerated with the capture of ‘constantinople’ by the ‘ottoman turks’, when many ‘byzantine’ scholars had to seek refuge in the ‘west’, particularly ‘italy’)

(combined with this influx of ‘classical ideas’ was the invention of ‘printing’, which facilitated ‘dissemination’ of the ‘printed word’ and ‘democratized learning’)

(these 2 things would later lead to the ‘protestant reformation’)

(toward the end of the period, the “age of discovery” began)

(the rise of the ‘ottoman empire’, culminating in the ‘fall of constantinople’ in ‘1453’, eroded the last remnants of the ‘byzantine empire’ and cut off trading possibilities with the ‘east’)

(‘europeans’ were forced to seek new trading routes, leading to the expedition of ‘columbus’ to the ‘americas’ in ‘1492’, and ‘vasco da gama’s circumnavigation of ‘india’ and ‘africa’ in ‘1498’)

(their discoveries strengthened the ‘economy’ and ‘power’ of ‘european nations’)

(the changes brought about by these developments have led many scholars to view this period as the end of the ‘middle ages’ and beginning of ‘modern history’ and ‘early modern europe’)

(however, the division is somewhat ‘artificial’, since ‘ancient learning’ was never entirely absent from ‘european society’)

(as a result there was ‘developmental continuity’ between the ‘ancient age’ (via ‘classical antiquity’) and the ‘modern age’)


(some historians, particularly in ‘italy’, prefer not to speak of the ‘late middle ages’ at all, but rather see the high period of the ‘middle ages’ transitioning to the ‘renaissance’ and the ‘modern era’)













👈👈👈☜*“THE MIDDLE AGES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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