-march 31st-









*31 MARCH 2015*





norton on rogan podcast

jona dropping off bags of grass
some dude and girl smoking me out with vap pen on a rooftop

put in wrong bus # this morning

crystal’s house is burning

(she needed me to help her move)

(and i flaked on her)

(at least it motivated me to clean up my act / shower / clean room)

(i was doing great vocal takes)

(and then i walked to CVS to pick up my ambien)

(where was the zoloft?)

(oh well)

(finished all the ambien @ arv’s pad

(but did not black out)

(although i did strangely take off my jeans before bed)

(got a good night’s sleep)

(took a healthy shit)

(9:30am bus)

(give urine sample)

(haven’t smoked since last sunday)

(but i plan on picking up tomorrow)

(if elisa gives me my check)

(i should go into princeton today and pick up bus pass)

(break the ice with elisa)

(hope pilar / charity didn’t get to her first)

they want me to go to pennsylvania for “The It Factor” auditions today

(how the hell would i get there?)

(they assume i have a car)

(another fucking cold morning)

(one cigarette left)

(but they don’t do shit for me anyway now)

(at least the voice is still intact)

(gonna start incorporating old songs into the symphony)

(“march of the loser former jocks” + “meatheart”)

(from old recordings)

(gotta call up crystal at some point and offer condolences)

(or be like crowley and avoid her)

(like arv said)

(had a good meal at arv’s last night)

(and some scoops of peanut butter)

(his facebook was too slow)

(cheryl was in a good mood yesterday)

(wants to come here on “holy thursday”)

(meaning i won’t be spending any time at crystal’s for easter)

(guess i’ll celebrate with arv)

(hopefully i can score some grass this week)

(get my fridge + microwave back)

(final conversation with jona on sunday night)

(two robotrips over this week)

(they wore me out)

(didn’t get enough accomplished)

(got a half-hour of the symphony sketched out)

(50 more minutes to go)

(got enough food to last me until another trip to food bank / foodstamps refill)

no word from baby ruth / AI / roboray yesterday

still gotta update all my facebook pics

get cheryl to bring me posterboard thursday

(and more CDs)

(no libido)

(make a fucking appointment with the urologist who didn’t call you back)

(and go to verizon store thursday)

(gotta make it back from NYC in time)

juan gone

oh the trials and tribulations of a cosmic coed about to study abroad!
(PS can i come???)

(another delusional pseudo-ghetto suburbian post-teenybopper parroting the latest negro lingo…)

(“and what else” (you ask) “is new?”)

(aka “from jailbait to ‘real housewife’ in 4 short years!)

same day tripoli fell!

will you please consider signing a contract with jogabop records, lindsey bedford? we promise we’ll make you a star! (what particular type of star that is we won’t yet specify…)

“should I…?”

“i think it needs to be said, don’t you???”

otherwise, you’ll only be subjected to a helluva lot more of these wretched “performances” (if that’s what you wanna call’em)

plain jane mae bergan definitely doesn’t deserve to be hanging with such flat-out (though certainly far from flat!) mega-hotties…i can gauge just from the gist of this conversation her lesbo-methodology (for there’s one in every sorority!!!) (or should i say “soror-titty”???)

more suburbian obama-bashing….

(“and what else” (you ask) “is new???”)

why so harsh on rolf’s, miss muldowney??? obviously mister task had a fine time there. and besides, i just played a show there last month!!!

i can only imagine what the middle-aged “john” (though patrons of gentleman’s clubs should probably be referred to more as “joes”) was thinking when he had his head between those plastic jumbojugs…probably not much…

webtv gone back to the boob tube…and subsequently dumbing down a subsequent generation of manboys….(as if they needed any further assistance!)

newsfeed panorama (via igoogle)

right on, melissa mott! still playing that bass guitar????

“ah, look at all the lonely people…”

caught the 9:30am 600 bus to trenton…gave a urine sample…smoked my last cigarette…stopped @ mercer county community college computer lab…caught 10:20am 606 bus to princeton…went to princeton library…”vanessa” from human services called me again about taking a “voluntary” survey next week…went to pick up my bus pass…elisa wasn’t in…told them i’d tell them my availability tomorrow…picked up a marlboro cigarette butt off the ground and smoked it…now i’m back at the library…catching up with myself…feeling rather neutral (but still pissed off) at the moment…

met with arv and caught the 5:30pm 606 bus to his pad…ate chinese food with his family…then i walked back to the room…did some more vocal takes (“meathead” + “back 2 jersey”)…felt good…the night janitor gave me two stella artois bottles…felt better…

finally pigged out and went to sleep around 3am…

didn’t get much sleep…



(‘X day’ of the ‘common year’)


(‘X+1 day’ of the ‘leap year’)


(‘X days’ until the end of the ‘year’)


.% of year completed.








👈👈👈 ☜ *MARCH 30TH*


*APRIL 1ST* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“MARCH CALENDAR”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “march birthdays” | *JoGa Jungle*

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