-as of [14 JANUARY 2025]–
*should be spelled ‘meeter’*
(and definitely should NEVER be spelled ‘metre’)
(based on…)
*’speed of light’ constant*
*the ‘second’*
*the distance traveled by ‘light’ in a ‘vacuum’ in a specific fraction (‘1 / 299,792,458′) of a ‘second’*
*~ 1 / 300 millionth of a ‘second’*
(1,000,000,000,000 METERS)
(1,000,000,000 METERS)
(1,000,000 METERS)
-100,000 METERS-
(10,000 METERS)
(1000 METERS)
(100 METERS)
-[1 / 10] of a [meter]-
-a [tenth] of a [meter]-
-[1 / 100] of a [meter]-
-a [hundredth] of a [meter]-
-[1 / 1000] of a [meter]-
-a [thousandth] of a [meter]-
-[1 / 10,000] of a [meter]-
-[1 / 100,000] of a [meter]-
-[1 / 1,000,000] of a [meter]-
-a [millionth] of a [meter]-
-[1 / 1,000,000,000] of a [meter]-
-a [billionth] of a [meter]-
-[1 / 1,000,000,000,000] of a [meter]-
-a [trillionth] of a [meter]-
-the standard [male height] is [6 feet]-
= ~1.83 meters
(1 foot = 0.3048 meters)
(1 meter = ~3.28 feet)
(slightly longer than a ‘yard’)
(from the greek noun μέτρον —> “measure”)
”alternative spelling* —>
(i’m guessing that’s the ‘british way’)
(and an inferior to the ‘american spelling’)
(those brits sure are weird about ‘the letter R’)
(because they will spell it “METRE” but pronounce it “MÉTA”)
*METER* –>
*the ‘base unit’ of ‘length’ in the ‘international system of ‘units’*
(french for système international d’unités)
(the SI unit symbol is ‘m’)
(the ‘meter’ was originally defined in ‘1793’ as 1 ten-millionth of the distance from the ‘equator’ to the ‘north pole’)
(in ‘1889’, it was redefined in terms of a ‘prototype meter bar’)
(the actual ‘bar’ used was subsequently changed twice))
(in ‘1960’, the ‘meter’ was redefined in terms of a certain number of ‘wavelengths’ of a certain ’emission line’ of ‘krypton-86’)
(in ‘1983’, the current definition was adopted)
(the ‘imperial inch’ is defined as ‘0.0254 meters’ (‘2.54 centimeters’ / ‘25.4 millimeters’))
(‘1 meter’ is about 3 3⁄8 inches longer than a ‘yard’)
(i.e. about 39 3⁄8 inches)
“1 mile” = “1609.344 meters”
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥