*new horizons*


-as of [3 MARCH 2024]




(132 perry street)
(trenton NJ)


when did they change their name?

*31 october 2014*

called pilar in the morning…she said that she set up an outpatient appointment for me on tuesday:


“shady area” (according to pilar)

(so i’m gonna be robbed and/or killed)

lied and told pilar i had job interviews in manhattan

bus 613 @ 1:23pm
(towards hamilton)

arrive north warren street + bank street @ 1:47pm

walk 0.21 miles east to east perry street

then i’ll have to talk to pilar once again…

(whatever happened to “diane” calling me last friday?)

pilar waited until the following thursday to call me back…

i’ll test positive for THC…

and probably alcohol (if i drink tonight)…

what happens then?

will they have me involuntarily committed?

charity called…


“individual sessions”…

didn’t make an appointment this week…

have three days to do so…

(get her other direct line #)


*1 december 2014*

went to the prevocational group / individual session with charity…

charity is a busty young brunette…

she said that i could come in the week after thanksgiving for my sessions…

went on thanksgiving eve to give urine sample…

called into the front desk and they told me they were operating on normal hours for dosing + urine testing that day…

arrived at new horizons at 4:30pm…

got a blue slip from a young white brunette named “tina” (or “tara”?)…

then the black man who gives the urine samples told me there was no testing that day

(even though he was sitting in the urine testing section)…

a mild argument ensued…

tina said she’d tell charity that i’d made the attempt…

left a message for charity on monday afternoon…

called social services before 8am…

they open at 8:30am…

and i couldn’t put in an extension…

tell her i have limited minutes on my phone…she didn’t call…neither did elisa…

then tomorrow i get in 3 groups before hitting computer lab + going back to record…

then friday i hit 2 groups and hit NYC…

bring guitar to play…

spend all weekend in NYC and earn money on subways…

do at least one group session tomorrow…

go meet charity wednesday morning

(she’ll give me shit for not attending groups for two weeks)

(and tell me they are raising my level of care)

(although at least the dope levels will be down)

(and alcohol level clear)

(but i smoked dope saturday night)

(so it’ll be right back up again)

gotta meet charity @ 8am tomorrow

(and do groups?)

stayed in bed until dark today

(too sick to go to group sessions or 30 burger)

i could technically make up group sessions friday + saturday

now i’ve gotta see the miserable cunt charity tomorrow for more bad news

charity called…


“individual sessions”…

pilar called me this morning

thursday trenton

(call back the damn counselor)

gonna stay up all night and just finish this damn evaluation…

missing a rehab call…



👈👈👈☜*“THERAPY CENTERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. centers | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. cristiano crespo | *JoGa Jungle*

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