(“23 july 2014”)
(“sagittarius A’ in center)
(2 ‘light echoes’ from recent ‘explosion’ are ‘circled’)
(“ellipses” indicate “light echoes”)
(taken at NASA’s “chandra x-ray observatory”)
(‘full-field’ is 12.5 ‘arcmin’ across)
-“sagittarius a*” is a ‘bright’ (+ very ‘compact’) astronomical radio source at the center of the ‘milky way’, near the border of the constellations ‘sagittarius’ + ‘scorpius’-
(it is part of a larger astronomical feature known as ‘sagittarius a’)
(‘sagittarius a*’ is thought to be the location of a supermassive ‘black hole’, like those that are now generally accepted to be at the centers of most [‘spiral’ / ‘elliptical’ galaxies])
(observations of the star ‘s2’ in orbit around ‘sagittarius A*’ have been used to ‘show the presence of’ (and ‘produce data about’) the milky way’s central supermassive ‘black hole’, and have led to the conclusion that ‘sagittarius a*’ is the site of that ‘black hole’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥