-september 10th-












walked to the local edison bagel shop in a light drizzle…

jackie bought us breakfast…so i ordered the cheapest items…toasted everything bagel with cream cheese + small dunkin donuts coffee with sugar…we ate back at her angel room…angel dumped jackie’s brother…she’s onto crystal meth…

jackie dropped us off at arv’s pad…i drank the last of the majorska bottle and smoked a final cigarette…charged my phone with aaron’s charger…ate scraps of scrambled eggs…grapeade…then arv made me the “arv” (pepperoni / scrambled eggs / avocado / lettuce / onion / american cheese on white bread)…annie mo came into the kitchen and showed me the latest app…”smule”…i awkwardly played along as i wolfed down my sandwich…

then i tried catching the 2:35pm bus into princeton…at 2:31pm the NJ transit bus said that it was due to arrive at 2:35pm…i ran to the stop right as 2:34 turned to 2:35…didn’t see the bus…torrential downpours…no shelter on my side…i got absolutely soaked…i was afraid that my phone + flash drives would break down…i couldn’t text the NJ transit line in the downpour…so i assumed the bus was running a few minutes late and was due to arrive at any moment…at around 2:45pm i finally went under a tree and texted the line…i’d missed the bus…next bus at 3:11pm…i crossed 206 to get under the shelter and dry off…i crossed the street in lighter rain at around 3:15pm…of course that bus was running 10 minutes late…and the old black bus driver didn’t know what time the earlier bus was supposed to arrive…and i keep seeing that mopey blonde middle-aged waitress on the bus…i avoided eye contact with her…i was extremely cranky (and probably going back through withdrawals)…

so i hit up the foodbank (although i didn’t have my backpack)…i could’ve taken as much bread as i wanted (because i was probably the last one to pick up food for the week)…i elected for three bags of bagels…then i walked to princeton public library…saw my black homeboy…ate spaghetti-o’s like a homeless man in front of cute princeton girls…crazy john talked to me about his latest dance move…double-gobble ed came to say hello…nadia was fawning over drunken jed on facebook…

i got a good amount of work done (fueled by 2 monsters that i picked up at CVS)…then john called at 8pm…he wanted to go to a bar…he was going to hit up the ivy inn but he came over to winberie…it was nearly impossible to find a parking spot…

arv had to go to an NA meeting at the local church…8pm – 9pm…john bought us two coors lights at winberie for $10…at least i know i’m allowed there…we tried chatting up two plain jane asian girls…one girl was age 21 (from east windsor)…didn’t speak much english…the bespectacled one studied classical music @ princeton…piano…rachmaninoff is her favorite composer…i was on my verbal a-game (though i was probably really smelly)…but they weren’t hot and weren’t interested anyway…they even claimed that they didn’t have facebook accounts…so we left (we were running low on cigarettes)…john bought another yellow pack of american spirits at the kiosk…we kept running into the 2 asian girls on nassau street (and they kept avoiding us)…we ran into arv as john attempted to ask a girl on the street if she wanted to come back to his apartment and smoke a joint…john didn’t want arv to come along with us…is he becoming more attracted to me now?

the three of us piled into his car and we smoked the joint at the house…john was in full-out angry schizo mode as he swerved on the road…i finally placated him after the joint…we were forced to listen to more of his music…finally i played him our set from the night before…he said that i should get the fuzz pedals from michael anthony…arv slept on the floor…we left his apartment with a knife (to cut the bagels)…he had no dish detergent…



(‘253rd day’ of the ‘common year’)

(‘254th day’ of the ‘leap year’)


(‘112 days’ until the end of the ‘year’)


(~69.3% of year completed)










*SEPTEMBER 11TH* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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