-‘thales’ of ‘miletus’-




“THAY leez of MY lay tus”



(looks just like the ‘aristotle bust’)
(which means that it’s probably not ‘historically accurate’)
(in ‘appearance’ at least)

(much like artistic depictions of ‘jesus christ’)



greek –>

Θαλῆς (ὁ mῑλήσιος) / / / thalēs


*the faithfully departed*

(‘624 BCE’ – ‘546 BCE’)

(died @ ‘age 79’)


[“thales of miletus” was a ‘pre-socratic greek’ (+ ‘phoenician’?) ‘philosopher’, ‘mathematician’, and ‘astronomer’ from ‘miletus’ in ‘asia minor’ (present-day ‘milet’ in ‘turkey’)]


(he was one of the “7 sages of greece”)

(many (most notably ‘aristotle’) regard him as the ‘first ‘philosopher’ in the ‘greek tradition'”, and he is otherwise historically recognized as the first individual in ‘western civilization’ known to have ‘entertained’ and ‘engaged’ in ‘scientific philosophy’)

(‘thales’ is recognized for breaking from the use of ‘mythology’ to ‘explain’ the ‘world’ and the ‘universe’, and instead explaining ‘natural objects’ and ‘phenomena’ by ‘theories’ and ‘hypotheses’)

(aka ‘the first (known) scientist’)

(almost all the other ‘pre-socratic’ philosophers followed him in explaining ‘nature’ as deriving from a ‘unity’ of ‘everything’ based on the existence of a single ultimate substance, instead of using ‘mythological explanations’)

(‘aristotle’ reported thales’ hypothesis that the ‘originating principle’ of ‘nature’ (and the ‘nature’ of ‘matter’ for that matter) was a ‘single material substance’ –> ‘water’)

*that’s not a bad guess for 600BC!*

(in ‘mathematics’, ‘thales’ used ‘geometry’ to calculate the heights of ‘pyramids’ and the distance of ‘ships’ from the ‘shore’)

(he is the first known individual to use ‘deductive reasoning’ applied to ‘geometry’, by deriving 4 corollaries to ‘thales’ theorem’)


(he is the first known individual to whom a ‘mathematical discovery’ has been attributed)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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