“the great attractor”





(‘panoramic’ view of ‘near infrared’ skies)
(location of ‘great attractor’ following ‘long blue arrow’ at ‘bottom right’)

(reveals the distribution of galaxies beyond the ‘milky way’)

(the image is derived from the:)

‘2MASS extended source catalog’ (aka ‘XSC’)
( more than ‘1.5 million galaxies’)

‘point source catalog’ (aka ‘PSC’)
(nearly 0.5 billion ‘milky way’ stars) 

(the ‘galaxies’ are ‘color-coded’ by ‘redshift’ (the numbers in parentheses) obtained from the ‘UGC’, ‘CfA’, ‘Tully NBGC’, ‘LCRS’, ‘2dF’, ‘6dFGS’, and ‘SDSS’ surveys (and from various observations compiled by the ‘NASA Extragalactic Database’), or photo-metrically deduced from the ‘K band’ (‘2.2 μm’))

(‘blue / ‘purple’ are the nearest ‘sources’ (z < 0.01); ‘green’ are at ‘moderate distances’ (0.01 < z < 0.04) and ‘red’ are the most ‘distant’ sources that ‘2MASS’ resolves (0.04 < z < 0.1))

(the map is projected with an equal area ‘aitoff’ in the ‘galactic system’ (‘milky way’ at center))


(the great attractor is a ‘gravitational anomaly’ in ‘intergalactic space’ at the center of the ‘laniakea supercluster’ that reveals the existence of a localized concentration of ‘mass’ 10s of 1000s more massive than the ‘milky way’)

(this ‘mass’ is observable by its effect on the motion of galaxies and their associated clusters over a region hundreds of millions of ‘light-years’ across)

(‘the great attractor’ is moving towards the ‘shapley supercluster’)

(“it never quite ‘ends’, does it?'”)
(“turtles the whole way down…”)
(“all the ‘livelong day’…”)

(these ‘galaxies’ are all ‘redshifted’, in accordance with the ‘hubble flow’, indicating that they are ‘receding’ relative to ‘us’ and to ‘each other’, but the variations in their ‘redshift’ are sufficient to reveal the existence of the ‘anomaly’)


(the variations in their ‘redshifts’ are known as ‘peculiar velocities’, and cover a range from about ‘+700 km/s’ to − ‘700 km/s’, depending on the ‘angular deviation’ from the ‘direction’ to the ‘great attractor’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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