*the 'high middle ages'*




(or high medieval period)


*the high middle ages was the period of ‘european history’ around the ’11th’, ’12th’, and ’13th’ centuries (c. ‘1001’ – ‘1300’)*


(the ‘high middle ages’ were preceded by the ‘early middle ages’ and followed by the ‘late middle ages’, which by convention end around ‘1500’)

(the key historical trend of the ‘high middle ages’ was the rapidly increasing population of ‘europe’, which brought about great ‘social’ and ‘political’ change from the preceding era, the ‘renaissance’ of the ’12th century’, including the first developments of ‘rural exodus’ and ‘urbanization’)

(by ‘1250’, the robust population increase greatly benefited the ‘european economy’, reaching levels that would not be seen again in some areas until the ’19th century’)

(this trend was checked in the ‘late middle ages’ by a series of ‘calamities’, notably the ‘black death’ but also including numerous ‘wars’ and ‘economic stagnation’)

(from about the year ‘780’ onwards, ‘europe’ saw the last of the “barbarian invasions” and became more ‘socially’ and ‘politically’ organized)

(the “carolingian renaissance” led to the ‘scientific’ and philosophical revival of ‘europe’)

(the first ‘universities’ were established in ‘bologna’, ‘paris’, ‘oxford’, and ‘modena’)

(the ‘vikings’ had settled in the ‘british isles’, ‘france’, and elsewhere, whilst ‘norse christian’ kingdoms were developing in their ‘scandinavian’ homelands)

(the ‘magyars’ had ceased their expansion in the ’10th century’, and by the year ‘1000’, a christian kingdom of ‘hungary’ was recognized in ‘central europe’, forming alliances with ‘regional powers’)

(with the brief exception of the ‘mongol’ invasions in the ’13th century’, major nomadic incursions ceased)

(the powerful ‘byzantine empire’ of the ‘macedonian’ and ‘komnenos’ dynasties gradually gave way to the resurrected ‘serbia’ and ‘bulgaria’ and to a successor ‘crusader’ state from ‘1204’ to ‘1261’, while countering the continuous threat of the ‘seljuk turks’ in ‘asia minor’)

(in the 11th century, populations north of the ‘alps’ began to settle new lands, some of which had reverted to ‘wilderness’ after the end of the ‘roman empire’)

(in what is known as the “great clearances”, vast forests and marshes of ‘europe’ were ‘cleared’ and ‘cultivated’)

(at the same time settlements moved beyond the traditional boundaries of the ‘frankish empire’ to new frontiers in ‘europe’, beyond the ‘elbe river’, tripling the size of ‘germany’ in the process)

(the ‘catholic church’, reaching the peak of its political power at this time, called armies from across ‘europe’ to a series of ‘crusades’ against the ‘seljuk turks’, occupying the ‘holy land’, and founding the ‘crusader states’ in the ‘levant’)

(other wars led to the ‘northern crusades’, while christian kingdoms took the ‘iberian peninsula’ from ‘muslim’ control, and the ‘normans’ colonized southern ‘italy’, all part of the major ‘population increases’ and ‘resettlement patterns’ of the era)

(the ‘high middle ages’ produced many different forms of ‘intellectual’, ‘spiritual’, and ‘artistic’ works)

(this age saw the rise of ‘ethnocentrism’, which evolved later into modern civic ‘nationalisms’ in most of ‘europe’, the ascent of the great italian ‘city-states’, and the rise and fall of the muslim civilization of ‘al-andalus’)

(the rediscovery of the works of ‘aristotle’ led ‘thomas aquinas’ and other thinkers of the period to develop ‘scholasticism’, a combination of ‘catholicism’ and ‘ancient philosophy’)

(for much of the time period, ‘constantinople’ remained europe’s ‘most populous city’ and ‘byzantine art’ reached a peak in the ’12th century’)

(in ‘architecture’, many of the most notable ‘gothic’ cathedrals were built or completed during this era)


(the “crisis of the late middle ages”, beginning at the start of the ‘1300s’, marked the end of this era)













👈👈👈☜*“THE MIDDLE AGES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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