

(also Zebulon, Zabulon or Zaboules; Hebrew: זְבֻלוּן‎ or זְבוּלֻן‎ or זְבוּלוּן‎, Tiberian Hebrew Zəḇūlūn, Standard Hebrew Zevulun Zvulun)


*”Zebulun” was, according to the ‘Books of Genesis’ and ‘Numbers’, the 6th and last son of ‘Jacob’ and ‘Leah’, and the founder of the Israelite ‘Tribe of Zebulun’*


(some biblical scholars believe this to be an eponymous metaphor providing an aetiology of the connectedness of the tribe to others in the ‘israelite confederation’)

(with ‘Leah’ as a matriarch, biblical scholars believe the tribe to have been regarded by the text’s authors as a part of the original ‘israelite confederation’)

(the name is derived from the Northwest Semitic root zbl, common in 2nd millennium BC ‘Ugaritic’ texts as an ‘epithet’ (‘title’) of the god ‘Baal’, as well as in ‘Phoenician’ and (frequently) in ‘Biblical Hebrew’ in personal names)

(the text of the ‘Torah’ gives two different etymologies for the name Zebulun, which textual scholars attribute to different sources – one to the ‘Yahwist’ and the other to the ‘Elohist’; the first being that it derives from zebed, the word for gift, in reference to Leah’s view that her gaining of 6 sons was a gift from God; the second being that it derives from yizbeleni, meaning honour, in reference to Leah’s hope that ‘Jacob’ would give her honour now that she had given birth to 6 sons)

(in ‘Deuteronomy’, however an allusion is made to a third potential etymology – that it may be connected with zibhe, literally meaning sacrifice, in reference to commercial activities of the ‘tribe of zebulun’ – a commercial agreement made at ‘Mount Tabor’ between the ‘tribe of zebulun’ and a group of non-Israelites was referred to as zibhe-tzedek, literally meaning sacrifice to justice or “sacrifice to tzedek”)

(the ‘Torah’ states that ‘Zebulun’ had 3 sons – ‘Sered’, ‘Elon’, and ‘Jahleel’ – each the eponymous founder of a clan)

(beyond this, there is little other reference to ‘Zebulun’)

(the ‘Tomb of Zebulun’ is located in ‘Sidon’, ‘Lebanon’)

(in the past, towards the end of ‘Iyyar’, ‘Jews’ from the most distant parts of ‘Palestine’ would make a pilgrimage to this tomb)

(some believe the depopulated village of ‘Sabalan’ in the ‘District of Safad’ was named after ‘Zebulun’)








👈👈👈☜*“JACOB”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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