






(commemorates ‘feast day’ of ‘saint jerome’)

(in ‘382’, he corrected the contemporary latin translation of the ‘new testament’)

(the “vetus latina’)


(accordingly he is now the ‘patron saint’ of ‘translators’)


(‘translation’ is the ‘communication’ of the ‘meaning’ of a ‘source-language text’ by means of an equivalent ‘target-language text’)


(while ‘interpreting’ (the facilitating of ‘oral language’ or ‘sign-language’ communication between users of different ‘languages’ — antedates ‘writing’, ‘translation’ began only after the appearance of ‘written literature’)

(there exist ‘partial translations’ of the sumerian epic of gilgamesh (ca. 2000 BCE) into ‘southwest asian languages’ of the ‘2nd millennium BCE’)

(‘translators’ always risk ‘inappropriate spill-over’ of source-language ‘idiom’ and ‘usage’ into the ‘target-language translation’)

(on the other hand, ‘spill-overs’ have imported useful source-language ‘calques’ and ‘loanwords’ that have enriched the ‘target languages’)

(indeed, ‘translators’ have helped substantially to shape the languages into which they have ‘translated’)

(owing to the demands of ‘business documentation’ consequent to the ‘industrial revolution’ that began in the ‘mid-18th century’, some ‘translation specialties’ have become ‘formalized’, with ‘dedicated schools’ and ‘professional associations’)

(because of the ‘laboriousness’ of ‘translation’, since the 1940s engineers have sought to ‘automate’ translation or to ‘mechanically aid’ the human translator)

(the rise of ‘the internet’ has fostered a ‘worldwide market’ for ‘translation services’ and has facilitated ‘language localization’)


(‘translation studies’ systematically study the ‘theory’ + ‘practice’ of ‘translation’)






👈👈👈☜*“LANGUAGES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥